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*July 15th, 2001 - Malfoy Residence*

Narrators P.O.V.

It was another morning at the Malfoy residence in London. After the war, Coraline and Draco used the money from his Malfoy inheritance to buy an apartment in London. 

A year later after the war ended, Coraline went back to school with Hermione and Pansy to finish off their last year. One visit from her boyfriend Draco Malfoy ended up with a graduation surprise for the two. 

9 months later and Hyperion Scott Malfoy was born. It was the greatest gift anyone could ever give Coraline and Draco, they cherished their little boy. 

Two years after the birth of their first-born, Coraline received news that she fell pregnant yet again. But this time with twins, yes she fainted which scared Draco terribly. 

July 15th was one of the most stressful days for Coraline in her whole life. It was the day of his trial. Everyone was going to be there starting from her family all the way to people she didn't even know. 

Once Coraline was dressed, she went into the kitchen and her heart melted. Her husband sat with their son, feeding him baby food he swears tastes good. 

"Good morning you two," Coraline smiles as she places a kiss on both of their heads. 

"Good morning love, are you okay?" Draco asks as he watches her pull out a yogurt from the fridge. 

Coraline nodded her head as she tried to eat, "Yes. I'm doing amazing." She picked up her son and took him to the living room, putting his coat on. 

"You know, I can stay with him if you want," Draco urges as he follows his wife to the living room. 

Coraline sternly shook her head, "Draco, you're testifying. Besides, your mother is more than happy to watch him. She should be here soon."

At the mention of Narcissa Malfoy, she enters through the fireplace. Her eyes immediately landed on her grandson, shoving past the two she grabbed Hyperion and smothered him with kisses. 

It's an understatement to mention that these two are very attached to each other. Other than his parents the only person Hyperion allows to watch him is his grandmother. 

"Oh hello, sorry," Narcissa chuckled as she sat down with Hyperion, fixing his messy brown locks. 

Coraline giggled as she excused Narcissa, "It's quite alright."

"Lay, Leo's downstairs. We should go," Draco interjects as he hands her, her coat. 

Coraline nods her head but gives her son a kiss on the forehead before heading out. Once in the car, Coraline didn't speak for the whole journey to the ministry. 

Once the three arrived at the ministry, everyone was there waiting for the three latecomers. Pansy, Charlie, Aiden, Ron, Harry, Luna, Ginny, Fay, Emily, Klarissa, Phoebe and Brian. 

"Let's get this over with," Coraline sighed and opened the doors, entering the court. 

Ara Narcissa Malfoy, leader of the Wizangamot, smiled at Coraline as she entered the room. Coraline took a seat in the audience chairs next to her husband. 

Minister, Hermione Jean Granger, entered the courtroom and took a seat next to leader Ara as she winked at her husband. 

"Everyone settle down now, please. The trial is about to begin," a wizangamot member announced, everyone piped down. 

"The trial of Joseph Vanderwal is beginning. Bring in the prisoner," Ara announced as she clapped her hands. 

Joseph Vanderwal came up into the center of the room, cackling to himself as he looked around the room. Coraline couldn't look the man in his eyes so she kept her eyes focused on Ara. 

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