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"You utter idiot, Coraline. You're lucky I wasn't there," Hermione scowled as we were walking towards potions.

I looked pretty awful. My hips healed but a big bruise remained on the left side. My arms were still wrapped in bandages and I couldn't even wear my robe over it, I had a big purple bruise on the side of my left head as well.

"Frightening," I fake-shivered causing Harry to chuckle. Hermione however, did not find it amusing.

We entered the potions classroom and there were gasps from every single student. Everyone's eyes were on me, including Pansy who has been ignoring me for the past month or so.

"Come on, I don't need people pitying me now that I'm fucking hurt," I mumbled to Harry and Hermione as I signalled them over to our table.

To my shock when I was glancing at Pansy, familiar grey orbs caught my attention. He actually attended a lesson but his gaze was on me, shock spreading right across his face.

Two hours fly by and it's finally the end of the lesson. I got up to leave but was stopped by Pansy who was scowling at me. "What?" I spat, trying to move out the way.

"What happened?" She asked, clutching her books closely against her.

I scoffed as I leaned against the table, "Now you care?"

"Coraline, what happened?" She repeated herself, giving me a stern look.

"Pansy, what happened to you? You suddenly stop talking to me for over a month, I have no clue why and now you're acting as if you care?" I snapped at her, coughing in between.

She looked me up and down before huffing, "You didn't tell me about your father."

I looked at her with wide eyes, confused about how she even knew in the first place. "I overheard you telling Potter and Granger about what your father did to you. They dropped you and I was there for you, Lay. You didn't even tell me," she sighed, the hurt visible in her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell anyone, Pansy. It sort of slipped out. After the match my father visited me in the locker rooms and wasn't so nice, they were just there." I was being honest, I don't think I would've told them if what happened, didn't.

She exhaled before looking at me, "I have charms now but I'll see you at lunch. I expect to hear what happened to you." She smiled at me as blew me a kiss and I giggled as I watched her walk away.

I understood where Pansy was coming from, I shouldn't have kept that from her but I really didn't want to have to talk it through again.

I was walking down the corridor, carrying my books which were starting to make my arms tired. 

A couple of second-year Hufflepuff's were running by and pushing each other, one of them bumped into me, into my bruised hip.

I screeched in pain as I fell onto the floor, clutching my hip. "Oh my god, are-" One of the boys worryingly stated before he was interrupted.

"OUT before I get the head girl to take fifty points away!" That familiar voice, his voice.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked, bending down next to me as he grabbed my arms. I shook my head as I clutched onto my hip, the pain stopped but not when someone touches it.

"I'm going to cast a spell on your hip then I want to know who the fuck did this to you," he bellowed, lifting my shirt up slightly.

He flinched at the purple bruise that remained on my stomach but cast his wand over my hip. The bruise was still there but the pain vanished, "Thankyou."

"Who did this to you?" He asked, sitting next to me against the wall.

I took a deep breath before I explained to him everything that happened at the burrow. He didn't seem surprised but he didn't seem angry either, only at himself.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He whispered, fiddling with my hand which I don't think even he realises he's doing.

I scoffed as I pulled my hand away slightly, "You told me to stay away. I can't stay away, Draco. No matter how much I fucking try, I just can't."

There were tears forming in my eyes, I don't think I can ever stay away from this boy. He's like a drug that you just can't quit, he's too fucking addicting.

"You have-"

"I don't fucking want to. I don't care what your shitty excuse is. You broke my heart, Draco, yes. But I'm willing to give you part of my trust back," I muttered.

He turned his body to face me, his eyes softened but his face held a cold. "I don't want to hurt you again," he breathed, staring down at the floor.

I lifted his chin up slightly, looking into his eyes as I cupped his face, "Then don't. Draco, we-"

I was cut off by his soft lips merging with mine, both his hands cupped my face. I wanted this, I needed this. I missed this...

He pulled away, his forehead leaning against mine, "I can't stay away either, Vanderwal."

I pulled back slightly, grabbing hold of his hands, "Promise me something."

He rose his brows before I took in a deep breath, "Promise me that no more secrets between us. I don't want to get hurt again."

He chuckled slowly before lifting my face up, "I promise."

I stuck out my pinky finger in front of him with a stern look. He burst into laughter as he stared at my pinky, "You're not serious, Vanderwal."

"Dead, serious!"

He didn't stop his laughter but he wrapped his finger around mine, bringing them both together as he placed a kiss on it.

"You can't break it, Malfoy. That was the sacred promise," I said, staring at him with no hint of laughter.

I was being serious, this was the only way I could ensure he was being serious with me.

"Whatever you say, Gryffindork!" He chuckled, pulling me into his chest as he placed a kiss on my head.

AN: Aww, okay they're finally together. 

Now, I know some of you guys have commented that you want Coraline to sleep with Blaise but that just won't fit into the sixth year. I PROMISE jealous Draco will come out after the sixth year ends, I have it all planned out.

Not every relationship is perfect :)

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