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The next couple of weeks have been...interesting. I've gotten the hang of meeting up with Malfoy in our "make out" spots and shockingly my friends have not figured anything out, not even Hermione. 

I felt terrible for lying to them but the sooner I get over whatever this is with Malfoy the sooner I will never have to think back to this and can pretend it never happened.

The snow had finally settled in and the weather was a lot colder than it was before, I couldn't even leave the common room without a jacket. 

There are only a couple more days left before this ball Dumbledore was talking about and my friends and I are sitting in the Great Hall for breakfast. 

I was in mid-conversation with Hermione and Harry when a young boy came up to us carrying a huge parcel, "Parcel for you Mr. Weasley," the young boy beamed. "Thank you, Nigel!" Ron replied his face full of food, patting his back.

The kid wouldn't move and so I kicked Ronald's feet and pointed towards the kid. Turns out he was a huge fan of Harry and Ron promised him an autograph, Hermione was not happy with Ronald showboating our friend to others.

"Oh, look, mum sent me something." Ron burst with excitement as he opened the packaging. We helped in unwrap and he took a long, old, musty robe out of the box - I couldn't help but try and hide my giggle.

"What the- Mum sent me a dress," Ron cracked. "Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Harry asked, curiously looking into the box.

He pulled out a white, lacey fabric and waved it in Ronald's face, "Aha!" Hermione and I couldn't suppress our laughter any longer as we burst into tears. "Ron..." 

He walked over to Ginny who was sitting a few seats from us, "Ginny, these must be for you." I looked at Harry and Hermione who were shaking their head at Ron's disbelief.

"They're not for Ginny, they're for you," Hermione let out, causing everyone on the Gryffindor table to burst into laughter. "Dress robes? For what?" Ron choked. I had a pretty good idea, what.

I watched poor Ronald flatten out the dress robe, examining it fully. That is when I saw a certain blonde from the corner of my eyes, "Nice dress robes Weasel." I gave him a look to which he instantly stopped but carried on snickering with his friends.

"Fuck off, Malfoy," Ron fired back. He sat down in a huff, shoving the clothes back into its box. I looked at the time and choked on my juice, "Guys we better get going, McGonagall said she wanted to talk to all of us." 


"Professor, why are we here?" Seamus asked from across the room to which McGonagall pointed her finger, signaling him to wait. 

A few moments later the doors open and a bunch of Slytherins walk in. "Wrong class, snakes," I scoffed at them, receiving glares from every single one of them.

"As a matter of fact, Miss Scott, they are in the correct place. Boys on one side, girls on the other. Take your seats," McGonagall stated as she gestured to all of them.

The rest of us looked at each other in confusion, I could see Malfoy raising a brow at me to which I shrugged my shoulders. McGonagall explained how Snape had a situation with Dumbledore hence why the Slytherins will be joining us in an important lecture.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity," McGonagall began. So this must be the ball Malfoy and I were helping with.

"As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance." Once she finished, the girls all chattered in excitement. The boys, on the other hand, groaned loudly as they looked ready to dash out the room, the Slytherins included.

"Silence! Inside every girl, there is a secret sworn slumber longing to burst off and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance." Hermione and I giggled.

"Mr. Weasley, will you join me please?" McGonagall asked Ron. Walking up to him and extending her hand. He slowly walked up to her, looking at the boy, begging for help. "Now, place your right hand on my waist," McGonagall instructed.

I could see the Slytherin's snickering whilst Fred and George began whistling, I couldn't help but burst into hushed laughter. As Filch began playing the music player, Ron and McGonagall swayed across the dance floor.

I turned to my left and began laughing with Parvarti and Fay Dunbar but was instantly cut off when the music was turned off and McGonagall grasped my attention.

"Miss Scott! Seeing as you clearly know what to do, not paying attention, why don't you come up here and show us," she snapped. I've never seen her look so frustrated, this must be a big deal for her.

I gulped before I walked to the front. "As if she could do any better than Weasel." I heard Malfoy's comment and felt even more insecure. "Mr Malfoy, let's see if you're any better," McGonagall yelled, causing me to jump.

I could see Malfoy's face fall at this, although it brought me quite a joy to see him nervous and scared, I was feeling the exact same way. "But professor, I don-" He began before McGonagall shushed him.

Malfoy was now standing in front of me, staring at me with a blank face. I could see Ron dying of embarrassment as McGonagall places his hand on her waist again, "Mr Filch," she instructs.

"Take my waist you cow," I whispered to Malfoy who jumped at the sudden sternness of my voice. He placed his hand on my waist as I grabbed his hand, looking up at him, I took in a deep breath before I whispered, "Follow my lead."

As the music carried on playing, I swayed Malfoy and I around the room in a rhythmic movement. I could see McGonagall nodding at us from the corner of my eye which allowed me to let out a breath of relief. 

Shortly after, McGonagall instructed everyone to get up and dance along with us. The boys groaned whilst the girls were all leaping with joy. Harry and Hermione danced together and everyone else just paired up awkwardly. There were one or two Slytherins forced to be paired up with us Gryffindors which was even more awkward.

"How are you so good at this?" Malfoy asked me once I swayed us away from the others. "Every girl practices in her room," I lied. The truth is, in my family, you are practically forced to learn this dance from a young age and well it's edged into my brain by now.

"Right..." I looked around to see a few eyes flickering over at us here and there so I decided to do what I do best, make a scene.

"OW! You asshole!" I yelled, grabbing my foot and jumping up and down. The music stopped and all eyes were on us, I saw Malfoy looking at me all confused and I mouthed "Go along with it".

McGonagall rushed over to us, "What is this?" I leaned onto her and pointed at Malfoy, "He stepped on my foot." 

"You deserved it, bloo- Scott!" He yelled back. I scoffed at this and McGonagall rolled her eyes excusing everyone for the day. 

After telling her I'll be fine enough to walk, I winked at Malfoy and walked to my friends.

AN: There's going to be one more chapter where I reveal who her date will be and then the Yule Ball will happen. Don't forget to vote :))

Also, a quick note: Comment on anything you guys want to see or any errors. I would love to hear your opinions too :)))

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