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TW: Panic Attack

The following Saturday, Pansy dragged me to Hogsmeade, saying how her 'social life' is going down the drain. Being the unfortunate person I am, I've been forced down with her.

"So what exactly are we going to be doing?" I groaned, stomping through the snow which was starting to piss me off.

"Just get some drinks, let people know I'm still alive," she winked. 

We entered The Three Broomsticks and found a table towards the door. "I'll go grab us some drinks." Pansy walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The bell rang and I looked up to see Harry, Ron and Mione enter. They were coming towards us until Pansy slammed the drinks in front of us, "Terrible service I swear to great Salazar. Some guy pressed himself against me"

I chuckled lowly as I grabbed the drink, "What does that have to do with the service?" She rolled her eyes before eyeing the crowd which was beginning to form.

"Do you think potter would shag me?" Pansy dropped which made me choke on my butterbeer. I looked at her with a slight hint of disgust on my face, "What the fuck, Pans?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "The glasses - Coraline. They do something to me." I fake-gagged as I sipped on my butterbeer.

"Come, I want to go ask him if he's down to shag," Pansy says as she stands up and walks off in their direction. I slam my drink onto the table and quickly follow after her, oh my god.

"Potter! Hey, Hi!" Pansy chuckles, putting her hands on the table and leaning on them. They all look at me weirdly as I try to drag her back to our table, "Pansy- come on. He's not-"

She sits on the edge of the table, blocking Hermione's view, "Are you a virgin?" I slapped my hand over my face, begging for this to stop.

Hermione and Ron eyed the girl with a hint of disgust, the same expression that appeared on my face.

Harry choked on his drink, staring at Pansy and I. I shook my head as I buried it in Pansy's shoulder. "Are you? The boy-who-lived...I wonder what size-"

"PANSY!" I shrieked, yanking her off of the table, "Enough, oh my god. This is not the place and certainly not the guy." She rolls her eyes, placing her hands on her hips, "Whatever mother."

She stormed away leaving me in an awkward moment with the three who were staring up at me, Harry slightly blushing. "I- eh- I apologise for her behaviour," I groan before following after Pansy.

I sit down on the table, my eyes piercing through her soul, "Are you fucking insane? Why would you go up to him and ask if he's a fucking virgin?" 

She rolls her eyes, claiming I need to calm down. "I wanted to know if he was or not. I don't like my shags at beginner level, y'know?"

I groaned before slamming my head up and down on the table. "What's Draco doing here?" She pops and I look up to see the blonde-haired boy, holding a briefcase in his hand as he makes his way to the bathroom.

"Why do you care? Didn't he threaten you last year?" I question, keeping my eyes on the blonde.

"Eh, we're Slytherins. He could threaten my life and we'd somehow be close again," she huffed, checking her teeth through the glass of the butterbeer.

"I-I'll be right back," I wave off Pansy before I quickly follow after Draco, intrigued by his sudden appearance here. 

"Miss Vanderwal!" I turned around to see a stumbling Slughorn calling me out. I smile softly at the professor as I help him to stand right, "Professor, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

He chuckled slightly, throwing sips of his drink onto the floor, "I would like to invite you to my supper party. After all, having a Vanderwal attend would be a great honour."

"Of course professor, it would be my honour. Truly. When is this supper you say?" I question the professor, completely forgetting how I got into this conversation with him.

"Friday evening," he giggled, stumbling a bit. "Lovely, I'll see you then professor," I smiled softly.

"Oh, there's Potter. See you, Vanderwal," he stumbled, picking up his drink and walking wobbly over to Harry's table.

I stare at the group for a second before I realise why I came here. I turned around only to bump into someone. "Oh god, Katie. My bad," I chuckled. She rubbed her head before walking past me, not saying anything.

I shrugged my shoulders and entered the bathroom only to be met with Draco splashing water onto his face. "Draco?" I squeaked. He turned around in a panic but his eyes slightly softened once he realised it was me.

"Get out!" He yelled, turning back around to look at himself in the mirror and unbuttoning his blazer as he does so.

"Are you okay?" I walked closer to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. I've never seen Draco in a state like this before, it was alarming.

"S-Stop, d-don't," he stutters. His breathing was increasing, his hand was over his chest and I don't think he could breathe. I ignore him and push him against the wall, "Breathe, Malfoy."

I turn the water on and splash some water onto his face, cooling him down. "What's wrong?" I questioned, pushing his shoulders to try and calm him down a little.

"I want to get out of here, now. Please-" His breathing quickened even more as he moved his head from side to side. 

I took in a deep breath before I smoothed out his hair and fixed his suit. I grasped his hand and dragged him out of the bathroom with me to the table with Pansy.

"Did you two just come out of the bathroom?" She questions, wiggling her brows at the both of us.

"I'm going to head back to the castle, are you coming?" I ignored her previous statement, still grabbing hold of Draco's hand who was shaking slightly.

She nodded her head before grabbing her purse. I glanced over at Harry's table only to see them already gone.

We walk in the snow and I don't let go of Draco's hand, only fearing he might break again. He stops mid-way and bends down, "Go ahead. I need to tie my shoes."

I look at Pansy who is aiming to run in the snow. I nod my head and follow after Pansy, trying to help her in some way.

"Dude, you're going to fall!" I chuckle, helping her.

She pushed me onto the floor and dropped down onto the snow next to me. "Now we both fell," she giggled.

We were rolling and laughing in the snow when we heard a scream. We both paused and jolted our heads to where the scream came from only to see a group of people huddled a little bit further than us.

We quickly got up and ran in their direction. "What the fuck happened?" I shrieked, I saw Katie on the ground.

"I warned her, I warned her not to touch it," Leanne cried out. I looked at the three that were next to me who had shocked expressions written on their faces.

Katie started moving up and down in the air before she hovered for a while and then fell onto the floor. Hagrid came out of nowhere and picked her up. "Don't touch that!" He demanded Harry who was picking up the necklace.

"Draco?" I raised my voice and turned around only to see he's gone. "Where's Draco?" I asked Pansy who shrugged.

"You six, come with me. Professor McGonagall would want to speak to you all," Hagrid said, motioning for us to come.

AN: Oh my- you guys thank you so much for 6K reads, what the hell? I love you guys plenty, thank you so much :)))

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