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There were students running around everywhere, my head was spinning. I was running after Harry until I heard my name being called out, sounded like Slughorn. 

"You go on," I told Harry who nodded his head.

I turned around to see Slughorn running up to me. "I need to help Minerva but I was wondering if you could go to the potions classroom? I have stocks of explosives ready," Slughorn cheered.

"Of course, professor," I smiled before running back downstairs, heading for the dungeons.

It was awfully quiet, I knew the wretched Slytherin's were down here as they should be. I paid no attention to that as I threw open the potions room and closed it shut as I began finding the explosives.

I opened the cupboard to see they were neatly stacked up. As I was shuffling through the boxes, I didn't hear the door being opened.

"You know, it's always the potions classroom." I stopped what I was doing as I heard that voice, that very voice that I missed hearing.

I slowly stood up and took a breath, I turned around to see none other than Draco standing by the door. I stared at him in disbelief.

"I never said it back," I teared up before he started chuckling, "You don't have to."

That's all it took for me to run into his arms and crash my lips onto his, breathing in his scent as i smothered him with kisses.

He put me down and cupped my cheeks but I kicked him, hard. Then proceeded to slap him across the face. 

"What the fuck, Lay?" He yelled, holding his stomach and cheek.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, how fucking dare you obliviate my memories without as so much a warning. I should be doing worse," I huffed, shoving him back slightly.

He chuckled as he pulled me into his chest, kissing my forehead, "I'll have plenty of time to make up for it. But for now, I have to go do something."

"Okay, be safe," I pouted as I kissed him one more time. "I always am," he smirked and ran off.

I grabbed the box's of explosives as I exited the classroom, once getting to the exit I heard a loud bang but didn't pay much attention to it as I headed up.

Once placing the box somewhere for the students to be able to access I went off to find Harry. I walked around the school until I saw familiar faces.

"Ronald! Hermione!" I ran up to them and gave them a hug but backed away slightly when I noticed how wet they were.

"Long story, come on Harry's this way," Mione said and I followed after them to the room of requirement.

We arrive at the room of requirement and I hear voices being heard, I shove the two back a little as I shush them trying to listen.

"Whose wand is that?" I heard Harry say.

"My mother's. It's powerful but it's not the same." Draco-

I quiet the two behind me as I walk forward, Draco, Goyle and Blaise have their wands pointed at me once I walk into sight. Draco lowers his slightly.

"Draco, your wand is with me. Lower your wands and I'll give it to you," I say slowly as I walk in front of Harry, knowing Draco won't hurt me.

He stares at me as he figures out I've been using it for protection. "Don't be a prat Draco, do it," Goyle muttered.

"Shove it up your ass," I heard Hermione say as she came into view. My eyes widened at her choice of language but I fist-bumped her for her confidence.

"Avada Kedavra!" Goyle shouts at Hermione but misses as I block it.

"That's my girlfriend you numpties," Ron screams as he chases after the three.

I stare at Hermione with a smile plastered on my face, she slightly winks at me. 

We hear yells and red light, Harry jumps down with the tiara in his hand. "Goyle's set the bloody place on fire," Ron yells as he drags Hermione away.

I stare at the place before I felt Harry's arm drag me away. "That idiot," I screamed.

Harry managed to block the fire coming in our ways and I fell onto something. "Catch!" I yell and pass a broom to each of them.

We fly away but I hear yells - fuck Draco.

I fly around till I notice Draco and Blaise standing on rubble. "Harry, we have to help them. Please," I cried out.

I flew in their direction hoping that the boys will follow me. I reached for Draco but my hand slipped. "Grab on!" I screamed but I couldn't hold him.

I was making a U-turn when I notice Harry and Ron grabbed the two boys and were flying to the exit. With a slight smile on my face, I flew after them and flew onto the floor.

I ran to Draco who was laying on the floor holding his stomach. "You blithering idiot," I cry as I slap his arm, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he soothes me as he kisses my head.

I cup his cheek before helping him stand up. "It's begun, Draco," I whisper to him.

"I know and you need to promise me no matter what you will do whatever it is to survive. I can't lose you," he mutters as he holds my face.

"I promise. You too, please." He nods his head and crashes his lips onto mine.

This kiss felt different, it felt like I'd never feel them like this ever again. It wasn't passionate, it was meaningful.

"Coraline, when you're done lip-locking the ferret we have to go," Ron shouts.

I heard Draco growl but I stopped him before he did anything. "Be safe, I love you," I whispered before letting him go and running to my friends.

"I love you more," he shouts after me.

AN: Can anyone guess which show I got their meeting from again? The potions class, hehe :)

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