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*September 5th, 1994. Gryffindor Common Room*

It was at this moment when I knew that I would lose everything I have ever cared about. My heart was beating, sweat dripping down my forehead and my palms forming waterfalls as I squint my eyes, staring.

"You're going to lose, everything, Scott," I heard my companion say in a slow yet evil tone. I glared at him as I focused my attention back down.

A move later, I jump off my chair and cheer, "In your face WEASLEY! I WIN!" Ron shoots a glare at my direction as I stick my middle finger up at him. "You got lucky," he huffed as he crossed his arms like a baby.

"And you weren't. I believe you owe me three chocolate frogs, Ronald dear," I smiled innocently as I winked at Harry who was chuckling away with Hermione over our behaviour.

"Piss off," he snapped. I blew a kiss towards him as he handed me the chocolates, "Pleasure doing business with ya, Ronald." He rolled his eyes as he went to sit on the couch.

"Aw, Coraline. You made him pouty," Hermione chuckled as we walked towards Ronald who was busy sulking at his latest loss. "Here, I know how hungry you were despite eating an hour ago," I smile and hand him a chocolate frog.

I watched his face glow up as he examined the chocolate for too long before grabbing it and shoving it in his mouth, "Business with you has its perks," he mumbled.

"So, do any of you know anyone who is entering their name in the tournament?" I asked my friends as we chilled around the fireplace, "Fred told me Cedric Diggory is entering," Ron said.

Ahh, Diggory. Memories that name brings me, "Good for him." The three pair of eyes stare at me which caught me off guard, "What?"

Ever since my first year, I've had a huge crush on Cedric Diggory despite the fact that he was 3 years older than me. During my third year, my friends encouraged me to ask Diggory out. I did and well...he turned me down in front of not only my friends but the majority of both our years. Humilation was at its peak.

"I could care less about Diggory," I scoffed, leaning onto Mione's lap as I laid down. "You know, he's a lot more mature now," Harry said, staring at me with his eyes.

"Oh yeah because in the span of a year, travelling to Quidditch together makes him mature. Cedric Diggory is an incompetent dick," I huffed as I switched positions. I felt their eyes on me as a loud sigh was heard from Mione and Harry.

The rest of the evening consisted of us four talking and laughing about the year ahead. Harry's been having dreams since the start of summer but other than that, this year is looking good.

*September 6th, 1994. Hogwarts*

After a long day, I finally reach my final lesson of the day - Defence Against the Dark Arts. Our first lesson of the year went to shit, our teacher is on crack. Literal crack. Practically made Ronald and Mione shit themselves.

I walk down the hall with Mione when I hear a wretched git from behind, "Can't wait for today's lesson. Probably will practice the unforgivable's on you mudblood." I stop in my tracks along with Mione as we turn around to see Malfoy with his two goons - Crabbe and Goyle.

"What was that?" I questioned him as I dropped my bag on the floor, walking towards Malfoy and standing right in front of him despite how short I am. "I'd watch your tone, blood traitor," he spat, glaring down at me.

"I'd watch the way you talk to my friend, Malfoy," I challenged him. A smirk growing on my face. I'm tired of him constantly putting me and my friends down, and for what? Just because Harry didn't want to be friends with a prejudiced, racist dick in the first year?

"You don't want to test me, Scott, I mean it." I burst out laughing as he handed his bag to Goyle, "What are you gonna do? Hit me? I dare you-" I laugh as I cross my arms, leaning on one leg.

He rubs his chin before a smirk grew on his face and turned to Mione, "I'd control your hyperactive dog, mudbloo-" Before he could even finish what he started, I lunged forward and punched him on the left side of his jaw.

I felt a pair of strong arms holding me back. "Your greasy father is a dog, you fucking bastard," I yelled as I was being dragged away. I was put down to see Harry and Ron holding me by my shoulders, forcing me to sit down.

"Bloody hell, Lay," I heard Ron gasp as I sat down, clutching my hand. "Is your hand okay?" Hermione asked, she sat down next to me noticing me clutching my hand.

I nodded, "That dick has a sharp jaw." I leaned back against the wall whilst Mione looked over my hand. "What is it with you and Mione punching Malfoy? I mean, brilliant, truly," Harry said, causing all of us to laugh at his commentary.

"I wasn't going to stand there listening to him throw racial slurs at Mione. He deserved that punch, I hope it leaves a bruise," I said. "It's fine, honestly. I mean, we're pretty much used to it by now, Lay," Mione sighed, causing me to look up at her.

I love my friends, more than anything. I would never stand by and watch Malfoy or anyone else for that matter offend or hurt them. "Wait wait. How many times does he bother you guys?" I questioned the three. They looked at me with blank expressions, "Guys..."

"It's Malfoy, Lay. He verbally abuses us on a daily, I don't know what you expect," Harry shrugged. That is true, he doesn't bother me as much when I'm alone but whenever I'm with my friends, all hell breaks loose.

I've never physically had the chance to hurt the guy until today, which felt good. But, I remember Hermione punching him last year.

"Right right, come on. We don't want to be late to another one of Moody's lessons," I groan, grabbing Ron's hand as he pulls me up onto the floor.

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's not much but I Hope you guys liked it :)

Anyways, enjoy. Don't forget to vote :)

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