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*Monday, September 9th, 1994. 12:00 PM*

The weekend went by smoothly, I spent the whole weekend with Harry. Telling him about the whole Malfoy situation that happened on Friday night and discussing this whole Triwizard tournament thing. He swore he didn't put his name in it and I believe him. 

I barely saw Mione and Ron. Ron and Harry aren't speaking at all, apparently, Ron is ignoring him completely. Hermione has no sides however she said she'll stay by with Ron whilst I'm with Harry and try to talk some sense into the both of them.

Harry and I are walking to Transfiguration when Dumbledore approaches us, we both look immensely worried. "Ahh Miss Scott, Mr Potter!" He says as he looks at us together. "Professor Dumbledore, we were just heading to class, sir," Harry explained.

"Oh yes, of course, I would actually like to speak with you if that's alright. In my office." Harry nods as he lets me know he'll see me at lunch. I say goodbye to both of them before I continue walking until he stopped me, "Miss Scott, don't forget your detention tonight."

"How could I forget, professor," I sighed, rolling my eyes. The blonde that caught us in the middle of our brawl, let Dumbledore know what happened. He wasn't furious, knowing he has the whole Harry situation on his mind, but he said we have to go back and clean it tonight before the Astronomy lesson tomorrow.

I walk into class to see McGonagall standing by her desk, flipping through pages. I look over for an empty seat, Hermione obviously accompanying Ronald. 

I see Leo sitting at the desk in front of Mione and Ronald, a seat next to him empty. I walk over to him, "May I sit here?" I asked and he lifted his head up and a smile appeared on his face. "Of course, you can," he replied.

I placed my stuff down as I sat down and placed my bag on the floor. "You must be really excited that a Gryffindor is in the games," he said, starting a conversation. Although I wished it was a different conversation due to Ronald behind me, I nodded my head. 

"Yes, I'm not happy with the thought of my friend risking his life but I can't wait to see the games. Gryffindor for the win," I cheer quietly as the rest of the class enter.

He chuckled at my excitement before McGonagall cleared her throat, "You'll be doing a short exam today just so I can see how much you've learnt." I grinned like an idiot as I looked to my side to see Leo's head down on the table.

"You good?" I asked as I noticed his mood falling, "I guess. I'm just not that good with Transfiguration, no clue how I'll pass this," he says as he runs a hand through his brown locks.

I gave him a sympathetic smile before the test was in front of me and I began writing. I finished that exam 10 minutes after Hermione and McGonagall said I can leave for the day.

I go back to my table, gathering my bag and things when I saw Leo struggling. "You know, if you need help I am always available to help. Remember that," I whispered in his ear. He looked at me with a huge smile before winking at me, "Might just take you up on that offer."

I gave him a pat on the shoulder before I walked out of the classroom. I saw Hermione leaning against the wall, playing with her nails. I walked up to her and her head jolted up in surprise, running towards me and pulling me into a hug.

"Uhh Mione, you good?" I asked, hugging her back. "Yes, sorry. I- I just missed hanging out with you. Harry too," she sighed as she began pouting.

My lips turned into a frown as I too did miss hanging with both of them, "Hey! Let's go to the Great Hall, no Harry and no Ron," I said and she nodded in agreement.

If the boys have an issue with each other then they can leave us out of it. I love Ron and I love Harry but I'm not going to let their issues affect my friendships with each of them plus Hermione.

Hermione and I walked into the Great Hall, arms linked together. We sat the Gryffindor table as we caught up with what happened over the weekend. 

Behind her, I could see Malfoy talking to that same blonde girl who stopped our row in the astronomy tower. "Mione, that's the blonde girl from the astronomy tower. Who uh is she?" I asked, pointing behind her.

She turned around and looked back at me, her brows furrowing, "You seriously don't know who that is, Lay?" She asked to which I replied with a shake of my head. "That's the eldest Malfoy. Ara Malfoy, also known as Draco's older sister," she finished. My lips parted in shock and I looked back at the two arguing.

"He has a sister? How did I not know about this and you did?" I asked, chuckling slightly at how she knows everything. 

"A lot of people don't know about her, really. She's not the same as every Malfoy out there, she has a heart. Despite being a Malfoy and in Slytherin, she's not prejudiced or racist like her disgusting brother. She actually deducted house points from a Slytherin who called me a you-know-what in the third year," Hermione explained.

I stared in shock, a Malfoy who isn't blood prejudiced or stuck up? She sure acted like a Malfoy last night when she assumed I started all this shit when her idiotic brother was the one who started everything.

"How come her family haven't disowned her?" I asked Mione who was eating soup. "They don't know. She hides her true beliefs away around them, I assume her brother is the only Malfoy who does know."

I nodded understanding. That makes sense.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly as Hermione and I talked about a bunch of nonsense, not once mentioning Harry or Ron.

I saw Ron walking towards and he sat down next to Hermione, not greeting either of us. "Ronald, I'm kind of busy here," she says, hitting his arm slightly. 

He looks up and sees us, "I'm not allowed to hang out with my friends?" He huffed, moving a few locks of his hair from his face. "No no, Ron. We just wanted to-" I begun but got interrupted once I felt a figure sit next to me.

I turned my head around to see Harry next to me, "I'm here now let's go," he snaps as he drags my elbow to pull me off the bench. 

"Oh yeah, do go. Merlin knows what else your plotting and dragging our dear Coraline along with you. Keeping the rest of us out of it," Ron shouted as he stood up off the bench.

I saw Harry clench his fists a little as he turned around to Ron, "I'm not plotting anything you tosser," he yelled. Mione and I looked at each other scared as the hall's attention was now on the two boys.

"Piss off Harry, you can't handle the fact that other people may want the glory for once. It's always got to be about Harry Potter, the boy who fucking lived. The boy who has to look like the hero all the fucking time," Ron snapped, yelling louder than Harry. 

Everyone started crowding around us as they wanted front-views. Everyone was mainly on Ron's side, there were a few Slytherins even. Crabbe and Goyle high-fiving each other whilst shoving cupcakes into their mouths.

"Go to hell RON!" Harry shouted and he tried lunching for him before I held him back. Ron too lunged for Harry but Seamus and Dean held him back. "Come on Harry, let's go," I whisper as I pull his arm my way.

AN: And I oop- Tension between the two I see.

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