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Once we apparated to Hogsmeade, we were nearly caught. Thankfully Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother, helped us. He was a moody brute with a saddening backstory, I didn't know what to make out of him.

We were chilling inside his home, Hermione and I examining the place whilst Harry talked to Aberforth. Ron was just being Ron, helping himself to the complimentary cookies.

"Guys!" Harry exclaimed causing the three of us to go over to him.

Ron, Hermione and I walked over to Harry, he stood in front of the painting. The young girl that was portrayed in the painting is coming back but this time she wasn't alone.

I gripped onto Mione's jacket before the portrait door opened and in walked the last person I would ever think I would see.

"Neville!" I squealed and ran into his arms, hugging the bloody life out of him. 

"You look-"

"Like hell, I reckon," he chuckled as I pulled away from the hug, standing next to him.

We said our goodbye's to Aberforth before we walked to Hogwarts with Neville. He told us everything he could about what's been happening at school, how Snape's ruling. The carrows and their nasty punishment have it coming.

Neville smirked before he held us behind a bit, he opened the painting and walked out.

"Hey listen up you lot, brought you a surprise!" Neville exclaimed.

He walked away to reveal Harry and everyone began clapping and cheering. The second I walked out I saw my cousin and Pansy, making a run for it I jump into their arms.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I cried out, embracing them in a hug.

"We thought we were never going to see you again," Pansy frowned as she straightened me up.

"How could I not see you two? You're both stuck with me," I winked before walking back to join my friends.

After all the greetings, everyone's attention went to Harry. "What's the plan, Harry?" Neville asked everyone, intrigued.

"There's something we need to find. Something hidden here in the castle and it may help. us defeat you know who," Harry explained.

"Right what is it?" 

"We don't know." Neville eyed yes weirdly, "Right, where is it?"

"We don't know that either," Ron interjected. They all looked at us as if they've gotten their hopes up and we're useless.

"I realised it's not much to go on," Harry reassured them.

"That's nothing to go on," Seamus snapped. "Shut it, Finnigan!" Oh, how I've missed him.

"I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw. It's small easily, concealed -  anyone any ideas?" Harry asked.

They all looked at us oddly, not a clue even the Ravenclaw's. Until the angel, herself spoke up, "Well there is Rowena Ravenclaws lost diadem."

"Bloody hell here we go again," I heard Ron mutter and I shot him a glare as Hermione slapped his arm.

"Lost diadem of Ravenclaw? Hasn't anyone heard of it? Quite famous," Luna elaborates. 

"Yes but Luna it's lost for centuries now. There isn't a place alive who has seen," Cho interjected.

"Can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?" Ron and Pansy asked in unison.

"It's sort of a crown. Lika a tiara," Cho explained. I looked to Harry who was in deep thought about this diadem until the sound of the door opening interrupted him.

In walked none other than Ginny Weasley, "Harry!" She breathed. Ron was waving at her but he frowned when she didn't pay any attention. "Hi, there!"

"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie first year. I'm only her brother," Ron snapped, staring at Mione and I.

"She's got lots of those. There's only one Harry," Seamus said. I couldn't help but giggle as he had a point, there was only one Harry.

"Shut up Seamus!"

"What is it, Ginny?" Neville asked, looking a little distraught. "Snape knows. He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade," she begins.

Everyone looks around to a sixth-year student who came in to let us know Snape has held an emergency meeting. 


"Will you idiots shut the fuck up? I'm trying to listen," I snapped at the order as I tried to eavesdrop on the conversation inside the Great Hall.

I got a few looks from everyone until there was a hand on my shoulder. I growled and turned around but my mouth dropped when Aiden had his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my GOD!" I squealed and pulled him down into a hug. "Y-You're here. Oh my word, you're here. Y-You AHH!"

I hugged Ara next who was standing next to him, hand in hand. "Nice to see you too, Gryffindor. Been a long-"

He began but was interrupted by Kingsley, "It's time." 

He opened the door and we walked in, gasps surrounding the hall as we stood behind Harry. I felt really powerful, standing next to my friends as we stood up to Snape.

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you and killed him."

I felt awful for Harry, I wanted to step in but this was his moment. He had to confront him.

Snape didn't say anything, instead, he drew his wand but McGonagall was quick to move Harry out of the way. 

They shot spell after spell, McGonagall was a badass. I couldn't help but cheer her from the back, I was the only one but this was too good. 

I could tell she's been waiting forever to do this and it made me even prouder. Snape eventually apparated himself away after he knew he would lose and everyone began to cheer.

Everyone was happy until there was a scream, I turned my head to see a little girl in the corner covering her ears.

Voldermot's voice began projecting in the halls and everyone covered their ears, his voice wsa bloody disgusting.

"Give me...Harry...Potter...!"

Once he stopped giving his speech, everyone backed away from Harry. 

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him," Daphne yelled as she pointed out at Harry. 

I scoffed as I ran over to Harry, standing in front of him, "You'll have to go through me, bitch." She growled at me but everyone else began crowding around Harry, protecting him.

"Students out of bed!"

"Students in the corrdior!"

We all backed away as Filch ran in with his wife, screaming. "They're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot," McGonagall snapped frustratingly.

"Sorry ma'm," Filch pouted.

McGonagall had Filch send the Slytherin's to the dungeons and I smirked as Daphne walked past me, filthy bitch.

Harry walked over to McGonagall to speak to her and I stood behind with Ara, Aiden, Pansy and Charlie - admiring the fact that Daphne pissed off. 

"Potter, it's good to see ya," McGonagall smirked.

Harry was about to begin but I cut him off, "Good to see you too, Minnie!"

Everyone looked at me including McGonagall who looked ready to crucio me. I chuckled before clapping my hands, "Right everyone, come on. It's time to go kick some hardcore death eater ass."

I ran out of the hall out of embarrassment, I can't believe I just said that to McGonagall. I might die so you know, you only live once. Literally.

AN: Thank you guys so much for 10K what the actual hell, you're all awesome <3

I hope you are all having a happy holiday :)))

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