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"You'll write to let me know how you are?" Mother asked as she cupped my face. I nodded my head, of course, I'd write. She's helped me get through this summer and I couldn't have thanked her more for it.

"I have to go, mum," I smiled, giving her one final goodbye before departing.

Mother healed all my wounds and bruises before we left. I didn't need anyone asking questions, unfortunately, that wouldn't be possible considering four have seen them - minus Charlie.

I hopped onto the train and stumbled a bit as it began moving. I clutched my purse as I walked down the train to find Pansy.

I was receving a few looks here and there but ignored them as I kept my head down. I heard familiar voices, looking to my right I see my friends in a carriage together.

I didn't realise I was staring before their heads jolted up and before they could say anything I ran down the hall, not bothered to talk to them.

I couldn't find anyone anywhere, not Pansy, Leo, Charlie or even Ara. I opened the door which led to the Slytherin section of the train and immediately saw Pansy who was sitting with Blaise Zabini, my cousin and of course, Malfoy.

"Pansy?" The three of their heads jolted up, Pansy smiled at me as Malfoy on the other hand was staring, staring deeply.

"Coraline! Sit down, please," she smiled, gesturing to where Charlie was sitting. I gave her a pleading look before I rolled my eyes and sat down, scooting away from him a little bit.

"So, you're a Vanderwal?" Zabini asked, rubbing his chin as he examined me.

"Yes, I am. Is that a problem?" I challenged. His hands wrre thrown in defence as he chuckles, "No no. I was just asking because well, we all heard shit before summer."

I rolled my eyes before I continued staring around the carriage. I was getting weird looks from people, I could care less.

"Are you guys siblings or what?" He asked. I groaned loudly before throwing my head back. Luckily Charlie interjected, "No. She's my cousin but since I have no siblings she sort of is like my sister."

"Good summer, Lay?" Pansy asked, hoping to ease the tension. If only you knew...

"Eh yeah. You?" She nodded her head, explaining all about her summer.

I felt bad for ignoring her but I wasn't necessarily in the mood to hear about her perfect summer. I couldn't help but glance at Malfoy, he seemed to look on edge but I shouldn't care. No, Coraline. No.

By the time we arrive, I finally let out a breath of relief. I don't think I could've taken any more of Pansy's talk about her one week romance with some Italian-French dude.

We walked towards the door when Pansy stopped, turning around. "Go on without me," Malfoy said as if reading her mind. 

We walked out and the cool breeze hit my face. I instantly froze as I forgot my bag inside, "Shit. I'll see you inside, I left my purse." Pansy nods and I made a run for it back inside the train.

I open the carriage door and gasp at the sight before me. "What the fuck?" Draco stood above Harry's body, I presumed he used the Petrificus Totalus spell.

"Why the fuck did you do that to him?" I yelled. He scoffed before rolling his eyes, "He's a nosy fucker. What's it to you, didn't he dump your lousy friendship?"

I shoved past him before grabbing my purse and taking my wand out. Before I could cast a counter curse, I felt him grab my throat and pin me against the wall.

"Don't you dare, Vanderwal!" He spat, staring into my soul.

"Or what, Malfoy?" I challenged, his brows rose in surprise to my comment and his grip on my throat increased.

"I don't appreciate girls who don't listen," he whispered in my ear, making me gulp slightly.

I chuckled loudly before I pushed him back with my legs, "Good think I don't listen then, Malfoy."

"Finite Incantatum!" I cast the spell at Harry to free his body. He sat up, staring at me in confusion, rubbing his eyes.

I sighed loudly before walking over his legs and heading for door. Before I exited the train, I turned around to Malfoy, "Don't ever put your filthy hands on me again. Or else I won't hesitate to retaliate."

With that being said I exited the train, slamming the door behind me and leaving the two boys in the train alone.

I walked into the Great Hall, a little late as everyone was already seated. I headed for the Gryffindor table and ignored the looks I got from everyone, I really could give a shit.

I sat myself in between Neville and Dean due to there being no other seats available to sit in. I heard faint whispers but tried to ignore them.

"Shouldn't you be seated at the Slytherin table?" Seamus asked, his tone filled with disgust and hatred. 

I looked up at him, tilted my head before chuckling slightly, "I know you're not talking to me because you'd know better to show me some fucking respect."

His mouth hung open at my response and I smirked at myself. I glanced over to Hermione and Ron, who's faces were hurt and distraught at what I've become.

I rolled my eyes before focusing my attention back to Dumbledore, ignoring the glares being sent my way.

The feast shortly began and I barely ate anything, I haven't ate a proper meal in forever and just got used to eating less.

"Will. You. Stop. Eating? Your best friend is missing!" Out of old habits I chuckled at Hermione's motion to get Ron to focus.

It seemed as if she noticed me chuckling considering the way she looked at me. "Oi! Turn around you lunatic," Ron groaned.

My head turned around as I saw Harry walk in, his face was bloody and I had a pretty decent idea why. 

I eavesdropped on their conversation, knowing they wouldn't tell me anything anyways. It was just faint catching up, great. 

I got up to leave but I heard Seamus mumble, "Thank heavens!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face Seamus, the anger clearly visible on my face, "What was that?"

He looked up at me, a slight glimpse of fear spread across his face before he scoffed, "Nothing. You were leaving, carry on."

I rolled my tongue on the inside of my cheek. I was angry, I've had shit thrown at me for so long but not today, not anymore. Everyone on our table was staring at me, including my friends.

"You know what Finnigan. For once in your life, will you please shut the fuck up?" I chuckled before I grabbed my un-touched juice and dropped it on his head. 

Everyone gasped at my actions but I just smirked, "Know your fucking place. NEVER disrespect a Vanderwal, that's your last warning."

I chucked the cup in front of him before storming out of the hall. I felt every single person's eyes on me, including the professors but I didn't fucking care. 

I was so tired of being abused this whole fucking year. Whether it was verbal, emotional or physical. Finally, I have power over something. Finally, no one can fucking hurt me.

I wish I had this same confidence by the end of the year...

AN: This chapter was so fun for me to write haha. I love Seamus but his character pisses me off sometimes :))

Also guys, sometimes I write my chapters at night so if I write someone else's name or make a mistake please let me know so I can fix it. I forget sometimes :(

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