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Two Weeks Later

I was in the library with Mione and Ron, she was stressing out over the next task as we tried helping him what the egg meant. Cedric actually helped him with cracking the egg but Harry was just as confused as the rest of us on finding a spell, even Mione.

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?" Harry snapped Ron and I out of our thoughts. We looked at the two who were busy reading, he looked frustrated already.

"Look, Harry. W-We can do this, the four of us can figure it out," Hermione encouraged. I looked to Ron and we both shook our heads, knowing no way the two of us would be of any help. 

I don't even remember learning spells that would help us breathe underwater, it would come in handy but we're only in the fourth year.

I was about to speak before Moody came up to us, I sent him a glare which he ignored. "Hate to break up the scholar's session but professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office," he said. 

The four of us got up but he stopped Harry and Ron, letting us know that only Hermione and I were needed. We got up and I gave Harry a hug, "Keep reading, you'll figure this out."

"Be useful for once, Ronald!" Hermione shouted as we were walking away.

I have high hopes Harry will find something, I mean Dumbledore won't let him die. He's the Chosen One, the chosen one can't die due to water intoxication, the black lake is dirty as well.

Hermione and I arrived at McGonagall's office, "Professor, you wanted to see us?" We walked in to see Cho Chang and Fleur Delacour's sister laying on the floor.

"I'm so sorry to have to do this, girls," she sighed. I grasped Hermione's hand before McGonagall pointed her wand at our heads and everything went black.


I opened my eyes slightly, I couldn't see anything or anyone. I couldn't breathe, my lungs were tightening as we spoke and I was beginning to get lightheaded. I began screaming and grabbing my throat, I was so scared and I couldn't see anyone.

I think I was underwater. My vision started to go blurry, my heart felt like it was ready to stop and the last thing I saw as I turned my head to my left to see another person at the far end but I couldn't figure out who she was. The figure next to me began lifting up, probably being taken up.

I felt someone touching my ankle and push me up, I thought to myself: this is what going to heaven must feel like. That's when everything went black, yet again.

Draco's P.O.V.

"You care about her, don't you?" Pansy asked, startling me away from my thoughts. I face her to see her eyes directly burning into mine, "Who?" She gave me a look, that look she gives me, the ' I'm not stupid Draco' look. 

"Yes, I assume you're going to go gossiping it to your friends?" I scoffed, staring back out into the water of any news. "I respect Coraline more than those daft bimbo's, I'd never do that to her," she said.

I examined her face as she leaned against the railing, looking out into the lake. 

20 minutes go by and she's still not back. My heart begins to tighten as Krum comes out with Granger, both of them alive and the last out of the four.

"Draco, they're not back yet!" Pansy cried out, whispering to me. Potter is the last to come out with Coraline and my heart was beating fast but I didn't dare show it even though Pansy was rubbing my arm as a way to comfort me.

Out of nowhere, Potter comes up into the water, holding Coraline in his hands but something seemed off. "Oh my god," Pansy breathed out as she threw her head back in relief.

"She's not breathing!" Potter screamed. My head jolted in their direction, I made a run for it with Pansy on my trail down the steps to get a closer view. 

There on the floor, laid Coraline, all wet and pruney from being in the water for so long and the worst part was she wasn't breathing, at all. I held Pansy back as she tried to get to her, "Not here, you idiot," I whispered, hoping she'd calm down.

"She woke up in the water, screaming but the Grindylow's held me down," Potter choked. Dumbledore was placing a towel around Potter, acting as if one of the students weren't laying lifeless right in front of him.

Granger tried doing some muggle voodoo shit on her which didn't work. I was beginning to think if I should just push past these useless gits and help her myself and I could feel Pansy feeling the same way, as I watched a tear stroll down her face.  

Out of nowhere, someone pushed past me, I turned sideways to get a better look and it was the fucking Hufflepuff. I thought he'd learn his lesson after the last time he tried putting his hands all over her.

He bent down next to her, opening her mouth and blowing air into it. My jaw clenched as everyone was looking at them in amazement but however much he tried to blow air into her mouth it didn't work.

I was about to shove past the second year Ravenclaw in front of me when Pansy held me back, "Don't, wait this might work." 

To my surprise, she woke up. Coughing up water and breathing heavily. The worries in my stomach dropped and I grabbed Pansy's hand, "Come on, we should get back." She nodded and we headed back to our group and told them we wanted front view seats to see Potter's bitch die.

Coraline's P.OV.

I could still feel the water in my lungs as I woke up, coughing up as much water as I possibly could. I felt a lot of arms wrap around me, Hermione, Ron and Harry. I saw Leo sitting in front of me and I mouthed a thank you as I was being crushed by my friends.

"Jesus, Lay. Don't you ever scare us like that ever again," Hermione cried into my hair, shoving my arm. I chuckled slightly as I pulled her into a hug.

Harry kept apologising over and over again to which I dismissed him, it wasn't his fault I was placed there. I was just happy they awarded him first place even though he didn't want to do this at least he's winning, it's the least those fuckers could give to him.

As we headed back to the grounds, I had multiple people come up to me, asking if I was alright. It was getting pretty annoying but I was grateful people even cared about me in the slightest.

Fudge stopped Harry to talk to him, which was odd and gestured for Mione, Ron and I to head on without him. In mid-conversation, I felt someone place something in my hands, I walked a greater distance behind my friends to read the note.

Follow me, Vander- Scott


I looked forward to seeing Draco jolting his head. I excused myself from my friends and ran after him in the woods, oh shit...

Once I got there, I felt cold hands turn me around and pull me into a hug. "Fucks sake, I thought you died," he breathed. He let go and placed quick kisses on my lips and then pulled me into a hug again.

"Dra- I-I I can't BREATHE!" I choked and he let me go, patting me down like a child. "I'm fine thank you for caring," I smiled, innocently at him as he stared at me.

He took a deep breath in, leaning against the tree, "I really thought Potthead killed you I mea-" I interrupted him with a stern look, "It wasn't Harry's fault, Draco." He rolled his eyes and pulled me into another hug.

"I'm just glad you're fucking alive," he breathed, pulling my towel over me as it was slipping. I smiled at him as I cupped his face, "Thank Leo, he's the one who brought me back."

He stiffened at the mention of Leo and I changed the subject, not in the mood to argue with him over Leo again. I talked to Leo and told him I had no idea why Draco punched him but whatever the reason was it definitely wasn't because of me and he believed me.

"Come on, we should head back." He smiled before kissing my hand and letting me go back first.

AN: Question: What's your favourite show? I need something new to watch haha.

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