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My Stelena heart oh my- 

TW: Panic Attack

One week later

It's been a week since Draco and I have made things sort of official. I didn't tell anyone except Pansy, since Harry is so caught up on him being a death eater.  

I walked into the Great Hall to go speak to Pansy. She was sitting at the Slytherin table with Emily, Blaise and Theo. "Pansy, can I talk to you?"

She nodded her head before getting up from her seat and walking out with me, "What's up?" She asked, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Have you seen Draco? I've been looking for him all day," I sighed, leaning against the wall.

She shook her head, "Not since this morning. Have you tried the library or common room?" I nodded my head, I've looked everywhere for him but can't seem to find him.

"Well, you're more than welcome to join us," she waves over to their table. 

"Thanks but I should go look for him, I need to talk to him." She nodded her head understanding before giving me a hug and walking back off to the Great Hall.

I walked around the school halls trying to figure out where he could be. There was one place but I mean I doubt he'd be there again, right?

Walking up the stairs, I finally made it to the seventh floor. It was always cold and gloomy up here, mainly because no one ever came up here that much. I don't blame them.

At the end of the corridor, I could see two figures standing in front of the wall. When I got closer I could see Draco's two goons, standing there stuffing their faces with cupcakes.

"Out of my way!" I snapped, standing in front of the two.

"No can do, boss wants no one in here," Goyle muffled.

I burst into waves of laughter, these two really were thickheads, "Did you just call Draco, boss?"

They both exchanged confused glances before they immediately glared at me, I almost felt sorry for the two boys. I took in a deep breath before grabbing both of them by the ears and shoving them aside.

"He's been moody all morning, I really wouldn't go in there. It's frightening," Crabbe urged, staring into my eyes.

I rolled my eyes before opening the door, "Well then, that makes two of us."

Once the door closed shut, I tried remembering where I last found him here. The past week, Draco and I mainly hung out in the library. He said he needed to study for something which was a surprise to me considering he barely attends class.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus!" I heard faint whispers coming from a corner so I walked closer to see Draco standing in front of the same cabinet as before.

"Harmonia Nectere- FUCK!" I flinched slightly as he kicked the cabinet, mumbling curses under his breath.

"Draco?" I whispered, walking closer to him which made him jump back pointing his wand at me.

He relaxed once he saw me but waved me off, "Get out. Please."

"No. Where've you been all day?" I asked, standing next to him now.

I could see his grip on his wand becoming tighter as he tried not to lose his temper on me, "I've been busy, Coraline. Please just leave."

I yanked his wand out of his hand which caused him to look at me, "No, you're doing it again."

He huffed before he yanked his wand back, gripping onto it tighter as if afraid I would take it off of him again, "Doing what? I'm bloody busy and don't want to be disturbed. I'm sure those asshats mentioned it to you."

"You're shutting me out. We promised to not do that again, not keep anything from each other Dra-"

"Coraline for Salazar's sake just get the fuck out," he yelled, breathing heavily.

One thing I learned from my father this summer was how to stand my ground, Draco wouldn't hurt me. "Not until you tell me what the fuck has you so consumed in this room. Why you barely eat? Why you stopped talking to everyone? Why you're shutting ME out-"

"Because I have no choice!" He screamed, his eyes watering.

I stared at him, something was really driving him insane. I cupped his face, his skin was icy but he didn't stop the tears coming down. "Why? Talk to me," I whispered, wiping the tears away.

"I-I can't, you'll h-hate me," he choked in between breaths.

He fell onto the floor, leaning against books as he started sobbing, heavily. I've never seen him like this and this is what scared me the most. He tried grabbing onto something but there was nothing in sight.

I fell down next to him, wrapping my arms around him as he held onto me. "Draco-"

"I just want to live, C-Coraline. I don't want to do this but he's making me. I-I have no choice, h-he'll kill my m-mother. H-He'll kill y-you," he choked, breathing heavily as he clutched onto me tighter.

"Who, Draco? Who?" I asked, despite having a deep feeling who he's talking about; I just hope I wasn't right.

He began shaking his head vigorously, "No, No, No." My heart broke at the sight before me, he was breaking down in front of me and I could barely help.

Once he calmed down a little, I called out to him, "Draco," I took in a deep breath before asking him what I already knew, "If I roll up your sleeve, right now, will I see it?"

He removed himself from my grip, sitting in front of me as he stared at me with wide eyes. "Please answer," I whispered, my own tears slowly strolling down my face.

His lips parted slightly before he did it. He lifted up his left sleeve and there on his bare, pale skin remained the dark mark.

I flinched for a slight second before I calmed myself down, I gulped before looking up at him, "Why?" Is all I ask, I need to know why before I decide anything.

His hands were shaking as he brought his sleeve down, "When my father got sent to Azkaban, you-know-who wanted my sister and I to take his place."

I gasped, "You mean, Ara is?" He shook his head almost instantly.

"No, no. She doesn't even know. By the time I got the mark mother sent her away to stay with Aiden. I took it so she didn't have to go through with the disgusting task he placed upon me," he breathed, not looking at my eyes.

"What does he want you to do?" I asked, wiping a few tears with the sleeve of my jumper.

He pointed to the cabinet, "I need to fix it to let the death eaters in. I-I haven't fixed it yet but if I don't both my sister and mother will die, you along with them." 

"And why do they need to come?" Apart of me didn't want to know, you-know-who is known to be ruthless and nothing will stop in his way.

"If I told you, you'd hate me," he breathed, fiddling with his fingers.

I grabbed his hand, he looked in my eyes before taking a deep breath, "I have to k-kill Dumbledore."

My eyes widened at what he just told me, kill Dumbledore? 

"The darkest wizard of all time wants a 17-year-old boy to kill the most powerful wizard of all time? On his own?" I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It wasn't appropriate for me to laugh during these circumstances but Voldermort is thicker than Crabbe and Goyle. I composed myself before standing up, "Get up!"

He looked at me oddly as I extended my hand out to him. "Do I need to repeat myself, Mr. Malfoy? Get the fuck up!"

He grabbed my hand and I apparated us away.

AN: So she finally found out. The next chapter is going to be steamy :) The next chapter should be up in an hour, I'm writing it straight after I publish this. 

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts and ideas, love you all!!!

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