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That morning I woke up early, ready for the Gryffindor quidditch tryouts. I used to be on the team, second through third but stopped due to personal reasons. However, one of fathers 'rules' about me going back to Hogwarts is to make myself stand out as a Vanderwal.

I was taking my shirt off when I heard a gasp come from the corner of the room. I looked to see Fay staring at me. "Can I help you?" I snapped at her.

"What the hell happened to your stomach?" Fay pointed out, referring to the scar on my stomach. 

I rolled my eyes before putting my hoodie on, "None of your business, Fay. Tell anyone and you'll be sorry." 

"What the fuck happened to you? I get it, you lost all your friends because you kept a part of you hidden but you were never like this, Coraline." My gaze fell onto the floor as her words struck me a little, she's right. I was never this cruel or hurtful but I didn't have a choice.

I turned around to face her, a sarcastic smile plastered on my face, "I grew up. And came to terms with who I really am." 

I shoved past her as I exited our dorm and headed downstairs. The second I entered the common room everyone stopped speaking, their eyes all pointed at me.

I rolled my eyes before shoving people out of my way and leaving that wretched place. 

I made my way down to the pitch and placed my bag by the bench. I saw Ron standing there, looking scared as ever, and all I wanted to do was just comfort him.

"Coraline? What are you doing here?" I turned around to see Harry standing next to Ginny in the centre of the pitch. They were both looking at me with confusion expressed across their face.

"Training for the ballet. What the fuck does it look like I'm doing here?" I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

Ginny scoffed as she walked in front of Harry, "That's not the correct uniform. You can't try out like that." 

I walked towards Ginny with an annoyed expression on my face, "I'll wear whatever the hell I want but thanks."

"As co-captain, I have-"

"It's okay. Just go wait with the others," Harry softly said, pointing to the maniacal mess of teenagers that are scrummaging behind Ron.

I smiled at him before shooting a glare towards Ginny and walking towards them. I stood by Ron, avoiding his gaze as I tried to focus on trying out for the team.

I haven't played Quidditch in a long time so I'm praying that I'll do fine, please...

"So, Okay. This morning I'm going to be putting you all through some drills-" Harry began, faintly trying to gather everyone's attention.

Hopeless like always, I thought to myself as I watched the poor boy trying to rally everyone up.

"HEY! Shut the fuck up!" I screamed and everyone went quiet, turning their attention to Harry.

I thought I saw him mouth a thank you before continuing what he was saying. I was going to try out for beater this year considering Fred and George were no longer here.

I mounted my broom and soared into the sky, awaiting Harry's whistle. Before he began he flew over to me and handed me the bat. Good luck, I thought I heard him say and I mumbled thanks before I prepared.

I needed this spot and if anyone was going to get it, it was me. I knew there were newer people trying out for the team this year but that didn't bother me too much.

Harry ran his whistle and I chased after the "opposing" team to block their view. Ginny throws the ball and I hit it all the way to the other side, gaining a few claps from people.

Two hours later, we all came down to the ground to see who's on the team.

"Thank you all for trying out. There were amazing people who I wished could make the team but hopefully, next year will be your year," Harry explained, softening the blow for some people.

"If I call your name then congratulations," he smiled.

"Keeper is Ronald Weasley." I clapped slightly with a proud smile on my face.

"Chasers are Jimmy Peakes, Ginny Weasley and Katie Bell."

"And Beaters are Fay Dunbar and Coraline Sc-Vanderwal."

I clapped and shot Fay a nod before I walked over to the bench to get my stuff. I saw the way Harry mistakenly was about to call me Scott, it still broke my heart the way they found out. 

They were the real, true friends I ever had other than Pansy and I was so grateful I got to experience their friendship. I want to fix my relationship more than ever with them but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

"Congratulations, beater!" I looked up to see Ara walking over to me, giving me a hug.

"Oh my- I've missed you so much, Ara," I chuckled, hugging her tightly.

I haven't seen Ara since before school ended on the train and when I arrived at Hogwarts it was announced she would be Head Girl. I was so proud of her but I never had a chance to let her know.

"I believe a congratulation is in order as well, head girl," I teased. She groaned slightly before sitting down onto the bench.

"It was a miracle I even got it. But, how are you? I didn't hear from you all summer," she pouted, tilting her head to examine me.

Despite trusting Ara and growing a bond with her I couldn't bring myself to tell her what happened. To tell anyone what happened. "I was busy with mother. We eh grew closer this summer but what about you?"

She frowned a little before snapping up to look at me, "Summer's been shit. With dad gone to Azkaban, Draco and I have to look after mum. Despite being glued to my brother all summer, I feel like there is something he's not telling me. He's been so lost this past summer."

I nodded my head, understanding what she means. When I saw Draco on the train, he looked so out of it and lost in his own world. "I've noticed. Maybe he's using another girl and is actually ashamed," I chuckled, hoping to ease the tension

Ara chuckled slightly, finding amusement in my humour. " What he did to you was disgusting. I truly am sorry for his behaviour," she sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You have no reason to apologise for him, Ara. Boys will be boys, we can't always have the dream boys we think of in our heads," I replied.

She nodded her head, agreeing to what I was saying. I always dreamed of Draco and I having a perfect relationship, a relationship where everyone was accepting and there was no need for us to hide. I soon realised hiding out wasn't for my benefit but only for his.

"I should head back to the dorms, I need a shower." Ara nodded her head vigorously as she plucked her nose. 

"Shut up, you! Come on," I snapped playfully, dragging her back to the school with me.

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