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"Hurry up, they'll know we're missing," I giggled as I grabbed my clothes off of the floor.

"Relax, it's no secret you know. Even Molly knows what's up," Leo chuckled, placing a kiss on my cheek.

I rolled my eyes as I went to fix my hair in the mirror. It was the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding and I was more than excited to have some light shine onto the darkness. It's been a while since everyone was just happy.

The order had to get Harry and bring him down to the burrow for protection, he no longer had the trace on him so we have to be the one's to protect him now. 

As for me, I've grown a lot closer to Leo over the summer. I spent the summer with the Weasleys in their burrow along with Harry and Hermione. Leo visits as often as he can, it's not like we are dating more like friends with benefits with a dash of feelings.

"I'll be downstairs," I yelled and ran down the stairs. Once I got there, I was shushed by George who pointed to the two kissing couple in the living room.

I snorted which caused them to turn around. "Morning..." George dulled, raising his cup of coffee at them which caused Ginny to blush and Harry to awkwardly scurry off.

"Go help the boys with the tent and take that toothbrush out of your ear, George," I groaned, shoving him outside, I feel terribly for Molly sometimes.

I walked up to Ginny who was sitting on the couch fixing her make up, clearly Harry smudged it. "You look fabulous, Gin," I smiled at her as I flopped onto the couch next to her.

"You look stunning, my dress fits you perfectly," she gushed, eyeing me up and down.

I chuckled as I thanked her. I went outside to see the boys have already set up the tent and it's time for the wedding. 


The energy in the room is crazed as everyone would not stop dancing. Harry was talking here and there with people, Mione danced with Viktor Krum which was a shock to us all and Ron just gawped at Mione the whole time.

I sat on a table myself as I gazed at Leo who was dancing with a beautiful girl, it made me happy although I couldn't stop the tiny hint of jealousy that came with this.

"Mind if I sit?" I turned around to see a young brunette gesturing at the empty chair next to me. I gave him a faint nod as I smiled at him.

He sat on the chair watching my gaze, "Boyfriend of yours?" I shook my head as I turned around to face him, "No uh- No."

*I recommend listening to 'Line Without A Hook' for this part*

He nodded his head, rubbing his chin. I awkwardly placed my hands on my lap as I looked at the amazing people gathering on the dance floor.

"Care to dance?" The brunette boy asks as he extends his hand out for me, his blue orbs glistening brightly as he stared at me with pleading eyes.

I smile politely at him, "I don't even know your name." He chuckles before bowing down before me, "The name's Greene, Oscar Greene. Would you like to have this dance with me?" 

I nodded my head grabbing his hand, "Nice to meet you, Oscar Greene. I would love to."

He walked me up to the centre of the hall, placing his right hand on my hip as his left hand held my hand. We waltzed around the room to the beat of the slow song, smiling at each other.

"You still haven't told me your name," he gushed, interlocking his fingers deeper with mine. 

I nodded my head as he twirled me around the room, "Coraline Scott." His lips formed a slight smile, "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I felt a blush growing on my cheeks as he kept his eyes on me. He was foreign to me yet felt so familiar almost as if I could trust him with anything.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Oscar?" I asked I had to make sure.

He shook his head as his face went dark for a second, "I lost her a while ago." I parted my lips to say something but my heart was pounding as he looked at my lips.

He was leaning in before we were disturbed by a blue light shining in the centre of the room - a Patronus. 

"The ministry has fallen. Minister of magic is dead. They're coming."

The crowd began to panic, I looked left and right for Oscar but he disappeared. I could see Hermione and Ron signalling me over. A death eater torched the place as people started apparating away.

Finally bumping into Ron, we found Hermione and tried looking for Harry.

Spotting him running around I screamed for him, "HARRY!" He ran towards Ginny, calling for her before Lupin pushed him back.

"HARRY, Hurry!" I yelled and I dragged Hermione and Ron towards Harry. He grabbed onto my hand as I held Hermione's and we apparated away.


Narrators P.O.V.

The cold breeze that ran through Malfoy Manor made Draco shiver, he was used to the icy temperature of his house but it felt different now. Everything became darker, his childhood memories darkened the second he'd remember one and nothing brought a smile to his face anymore.

Nodding his head to the death eaters that were sat in the living room he ran upstairs, wiping his eyes before anyone saw a shed of emotion stroll down his face.

He entered his bedroom before slamming it shut and falling onto the floor, letting the sobs come out of him. He couldn't breathe, he felt his world coming to an end without her. Her angelic voice stuck in his head, it replayed in his mind as if punishment to taunt him.

His bedroom door opened and in ran Narcissa and Klarissa, their eyes swollen from their nightly tears. Narcissa fell onto the floor beside her son, holding him in her arms as he let it all out. 

Klarissa had mixed emotions about everything going on, she wanted to find her but she couldn't. She knew this was the safest option for her, she knew she had to keep her - all of them - away from him.

"My darling," Narcissa shed a tear as she stroked her breaking son in her arms. She remembered the times he'd cry when Lucius would punish him. This was worse, his heart was breaking all over again.

Draco couldn't breathe, he gasped for air but he couldn't. It wasn't worth breathing if it was without her, he didn't want to live in a world where she wouldn't remember him.

"Draco...breathe, son." Draco began to calm down at his mother's soothing voice, bringing him a sense of peace and comfort.

He let go of his mother as he moved to lean against the bed, tucking his legs into his chest as he stared at the two women before him.

Narcissa grabbed hold of his hand, "Did you see her?" Klarissa walked over to them, kneeling on the opposite side of Draco.

Draco nodded his head, trying his hardest to stop the emotions for taking over him. "S-She. W-We danced," he choked.

Klarissa let out a sigh of relief at the news that her daughter was well, that she was alive. 

"It hurts mum. She looked happy, she looked happy without me in her life," he cried, remembering the events that just took place before he had to depart.

Narcissa held her son as she listened to him let his emotions out. Draco wasn't one to show people any emotion but his mother was the only exception - the only person left in his life that loves him.

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