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Four Weeks Later

The next four weeks have been pretty interesting for me and my friends. The first two weeks I received pitiful stares along with people who I don't even know asking me if there is anything they can do for me. 

By the third week, everyone pretty much left me alone. However, my friends and the people I was close to walked around me like eggshells - acting as if McGonagall will wip out her wand and suffocate me.

It was currently two weeks before the last task and all we could do was wait. I barely saw Draco these days due to the fact that my friends would not allow me to go anywhere alone, even the bathroom...I had to step in at some point.

I was walking out of charms with Leo and we were laughing about a story he was telling me when Draco shoved past him. I tugged on Leo's arm, begging him not to say anything knowing that's exactly what Draco wanted. Unfortunately, he did not listen to me.

"Can I help you?" Leo spat, raising his voice and walking closer towards Draco. 

Draco who stopped in his tracks and turned around smirked at him, "Nah, piss off Martinez!" Leo chuckled slightly, rubbing his chin as he thought of his next move. Without another thought, Leo swung his arm and punched Malfoy in the jaw.

A gasp ejecting from my mouth as I clutched onto my books harder, "Leo! What are you doing?" I walked towards him, grabbing hold of his arm but he shrugged me off, "Just paying Malfoy back for the last time he decided to fuck with me."

There was a crowd surrounding us, well rather them. They were chanting fight fight fight and encouraging this unnecessary fight more.

I was startled and took a step back as Draco jumped on top of him, swinging a punch to his face. What surprised me the most was that this time, Leo didn't hold back. He jumped on top of him and threw in a few punches. Then, we were back to Draco on top of him.

The fight didn't last long when Aiden and another prefect came in and put a stop to it. "Stay the fuck away from me, Malfoy," Leo yelled. Draco, who was in Aiden's hold, trying to jump onto Leo but couldn't.

I examined Leo's wounds on his face as he leaned against the wall, "Why the hell would you punch him, Leo?" He scoffed, shifting his face in the other direction. 

"He started it when he decided to fuck things over for us the night of the Yule Ball." I stopped brushing off his wounds and stared at him. I talked to Leo about this, me and him wouldn't be possible at this time but I don't think it sunk in.

Just as I was about to reply, Aiden walked over to us, rubbing his temples. "Coraline, can I speak to you?" Leo sighed and walked away, leaving Aiden and I alone in the corridor.

"Look, you need to speak to your friend. It's the third time this week they've been at each other's throats," he sighed, throwing his head back against the wall.

I parted my lips to speak before I furrowed my brows and stared at him. "Wait, they've been fighting constantly?" When Aiden confirmed my theory with a nod, I chuckled before I shoved past him.

"Where are you going?" He yelled, trying to catch up to me. "The dungeons!" 

I ignored his calling out for me and useless attempt to grasp my attention because I'm going to kill Malfoy myself.

We arrived at the Slytherin common room and Aiden leaned against the wall, gasping for air, "Dude, you can't even go in there." I shot him a glare before my glare formed into an innocent smile.

"I know but you can." He raised his brows before he shook his head. That's when I began chuckling to myself and yanked him by his collar, shoving him against the wall.

"Listen to me, Robinson. You're going to go get him for me or else you'll be the second person to witness a side of me that no one else has ever seen." He gulped before he looked to the painting door.

He let out a big breath and I let him go, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him towards their entrance, "Love ya lots!" He stuck his middle finger at me and I blew him a kiss before he said the password and walked in.

Pureblood, why the hell did I not think of that.

A few minutes went past before Draco came out of the painting door and shot me a sly smile. He noticed my glare and formed a confused expression until I yanked him by his arm closer to me.

"Aiden said you needed me?" He asked warily, watching me carefully as if I was about to explode. "Was today the second time you and Leo went at it?" His face formed a straight expression, no words coming out of his mouth.

"Was it?" I repeated myself, raising my voice a little louder. There was faint chatter coming from down the hall. He placed his hand on my mouth and dragged me inside another hallway, a darker one.

I slapped his hands a couple of times, my yelling becoming muffled under his hand. He let go of me and trapped me between him and the wall, "What the fuck, Draco? Answer my god damn question!" 

"Will you just shut up for a second?" He snapped, glaring at me. I rolled my tongue on the inside of my cheek, growing impatient at his lack of honesty.

"No, it wasn't. Your Hufflepuff approached me a couple of days ago, chatting a whole bunch of nonsense," he said, holding his gaze on my face.

"What did he say?" 

He looked at me, not saying anything for a second, "It doesn't matter. But look, if you're here for a fucking apology then you're not getting one, Vanderwal." 

"Don't fucking call me that," I snapped, slapping his arm as he rolled his eyes.

I scoffed, trying to get out of his grip, not even knowing why I tried in the first place. "I'm not going to apologise to a fucking beaver for throwing a punch at me. No way," he scowled, dropping his arms from the wall and giving me space.

"I don't care that you defended yourself, Draco. What did he say to you?" I was growing more and more impatient the longer he took to tell me.

He ran a hand through his hair, "Ask him yourself." 

I swallowed the worrisome that remained in my throat and breathed in and out. I understand but I don't understand at the same time, Leo is my best friend and he wouldn't hurt someone like this without a valid reason.

"Okay." Is all I said, looking down at the floor. He started walking away, "Can I go back inside or would you like to yell some more?" I nodded and watched as he descended back to his common room.

"Wait!" I yelled lowly, running up to him. I went on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him.

"What was that for?" He raised his brows at me, followed by a smirk growing on his lips. I gave him a soft smile and chuckled, "Why not?" 

He chuckled to himself before walking back outside and heading back to his common room. I walked back out after him, thinking about how the hell my life ended up this way.

Nona dead.

Living with my family again.

Having whatever this is with Draco Malfoy.

I sighed to myself before I walked to the exit and walked back up to the grounds. Little did I know, someone had heard our entire conversation till the very end.

AN: I wonder who heard, any guesses? Fourth-year is coming to an end and I'm so excited for the fifth and sixth year, probably my favourite years.

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