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*September 6th, Great Hall*

"Ronald, do you ever stop eating like a pig?" Mione piped in as she stared at Ron in disgust. "I'm hungry!" He snapped, shoving the chicken leg back in his mouth.

"Dinner was 5 minutes ago!" Mione groaned as she was getting fed up with Ron. We all sat in the Great Hall now, awaiting the news of who the Triwizard champions will be. 

My friends and I were eager well Harry and I were. Mione thought the whole thing was barbaric and well Ron just ate hie emotions away.

"Okay guys shh...it's starting," I say, interupting Ron and Mione's bickering. They both silence as they shoot each other a glare and turn their attention to Dumbledore.

"Now...the moment has arrived," Dumbledore beamed as he stood in front of us. The whole room burst into cheers as we were eager to know who won what.

He walked up to the cup as it oozed blue light from it and a firey piece of paper emerges from it, landing in Dumbledore's hand, "Our Durmstrang champion is...Viktor Krum!" 

The whole room began cheering, Ron a little too loud as he stood up whistling with a proud smile on his face as Krum walked up to shake Dumbledore's hand and walk to the back. The Durmstrang table were very supportive. 

Another piece of paper flew out of the goblet and landed in his hand, "The Beauxbatons champion is...Fleur Delacour!" He yells and everyone cheered for her. She looked so proud efficent, walking up and shaking Dumbledore's hand before graceefully going to the back.

"And our Hogwarts champion is...Cedric Diggory!" Hogwarts burst into loud cheers as Cedric got up, smiling like a four year old who just got a present.

I scoffed, "Please. As if he'll survive this thing." My friends all gave me a look as they eased their clapping. I shrugged it off and turned my focus back onto Dumbledore as I leaned onto Harry's shoulder, who looked surprisingly tired.

Dumbledore had his back to the teachers when there was coloured smoking coming out of the Goblet. "Guys...what's happening?" Harry asked as he shifted, making me swat his leg to sit still.

Dumbledore turned around, squinting his eyes as he walked towards the Goblet. A piece of paper flew out of it, flying in the air. "Is it the chicken or can you guys see that too?" Ron asked, whispering to the three of us. "No ronald, we see it," Mione sarcastically said.

Dumbledore opened the paper and his eyes popped out, literally. "Harry Potter..." he said, in a calming tone as he looked around the room. I took my head off of Harry's shoulder to look at him, poor guy was paralysed with shock.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled, scanning the room. He didn't move, he sat there bombarded with shock as every single eyes in the hall were on him. 

"Harry get up," Mione whispered to him which snapped him out of whatever he was thinking. "Oh for goodness sake Harry, get UP!" She whisper-shouted, pulling Harry up to stand on his feet.

I pushed him forward a little bit and he started walking towards Dumbledore. The whole hall was silence, every students face filled with disgust, including Ron. And every teacher with sympathetic, shocked expressions written all over their face. There were shouts coming from most of the kids as they were cussing Harry out, clearly pissed as to how he put his name in there.

Dumbledore excusesd us and I took my two remaining friends and walked out, slowly. None of us said anything until we reached the common room entrance. "I'm going to bed!" Ron snapped as he aggressively shut the painting door behind him. 

Mione and I sighed at his behaviour. "He'll get over it, right?" I asked, leaning agains one of the stairs railing. "Yeah, it'll take time but you know he will," she sighed staring at the door.

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