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*September 1st, 2011 - Malfoy Residence*

Narrators P.O.V.

It was a very stressful day for the Malfoy family, along with every other wizarding family out there. 

It was the first day. 

Coraline Malfoy was busy doing last-minute checks on her kid's trunks, all except Aurora. Aurora Malfoy was one of the most obedient, organised and well-mannered children out there.

Completely opposite from her twin brother Scorpius Malfoy who was disobedient, messy and had minimal manners. 

"Scorpius Draco Malfoy, get in here right now!" Coraline screamed as she was in her twins' room. 

Scorpius feared nothing, nothing except his mother. He was more terrified of her than their father and that's saying something. 

"Yes mum," Scorpius smiled as he walked into the room, plastering a wide grin on his face. 

"Why is your trunk so empty," Coraline groaned as she gestured her hand to the half-empty trunk. 

Scorpius fiddled with his fingers as he shrugs his shoulders, "I forgot. I-I"

"You have five minutes, Scorpius. Whatever you've packed by then is all your taking to Hogwarts," Coraline sterned before walking out of their room and into the living room. 

She walked in to see her daughter sitting in the kitchen reading her book as he ate her breakfast  "Morning mother," she smiled. 

"Morning angel, good sleep?" Coraline asked as she seated herself next to her daughter, eating their breakfast together. 

Aurora nodded her head, "Yes. Although, Scorpius kept snoring which was annoying. I''m happy I don't need to deal with that."

Coraline chuckled and walked the other two men in her life, her husband Draco and her eldest son Hyperion. 

"Good morning father, brother," Aurora calmly stated as she earned a kiss on the cheek from her father and a hug from her brother. 

"Morning, did you take my cards?" Hyperion asked, sitting opposite Aurora. 

The family looked at him until he nodded his head, "Why did I even ask? Scorpius!" He said as he began to raise his voice, calling for his brother. 

Scorpius ran inside, propping his hoodie on as he slid into the remaining chair in the kitchen. "Stop yelling! What?" The short-tempered boy asked.

"Did you take my cards?" Hyperion questioned, raising his brow at his youngest sibling. 

Scorpius rolled his eyes as he shoved his mouth with cereal crumbs, "Why do you all assume if something is missing I took it? Auntie Ara said that's not fair and that you're all playing favourites with the other two."

Draco and Coraline burst into laughter as they stared at their youngest, who was raging with anger and huffing. "Darling, we love you all equally. However, you have a bad track record for taking your brothers things," Coraline said, cupping her son's chin. 

"I'll give it to you before we leave," Scorpius huffed, sitting back in his chair. 


*Kings Cross Station*

"Hyperion go in with Scorpius and dad," Coraline said as they arrived at the entrance. 

The three boys went through the portal and this left Aurora and Coraline. "Ready?" Coraline smiled and Aurora nodded her head. 

The pair grabbed onto Aurora's trolley and went through the portal where they were met with the other three. 

Coraline's mouth formed a huge smile as she stood before the Hogwarts Express, she missed the days where she would walk through that portal with her grandmother and meet up with her friends inside the rugged carriages. 

"Mum, there's Daniel!" Scorpius jumped excitedly and ran towards Daniel Vanderwal. 

"I'll go after him," Draco sighed and chased after their son. 

Coraline, Aurora and Hyperion went to put their luggage away before walking over to their friends. 

The Malfoy's went over to the Potters' Weasley's and the Vanderwal's. "Pansy! Hermione! Ginny!" Coraline squealed as she hugged her best friends.

"Late as always," Hermione sighed. "Oh shut it you!"

As the parents caught up, the children were behind them, talking about what's to come. 

Aurora Malfoy was busy talking to Sarah Vanderwal, her best friend. Albus Potter soon joined the three and all dived into a conversation.

"Move, Malfoy." Aurora's face heated up as she turned around to face her worst enemy, James Potter.

"Shove off Potter," Aurora snapped as she crossed her arms above her chest. 

James snorted as he hovered over her, "Soo scary." He stopped laughing as soon as his father, Harry Potter, told him to stop annoying the young girl. 

"Aurora, Scorpius!" Coraline called out and Aurora shoved passed James and ran to her family. 

Coraline and Draco stood before the youngest Malfoy's and gave them each a hug. "You two be good, okay? I don't want to have to get any letters," Coraline chuckled, mainly speaking to Scorpius. 

"Of course mum, I'll keep an eye on him," Aurora giggled as she sassily looked at Scorpius.

Scorpius rolled his eyes and paid attention to their parents. "We'll see you both for Christmas," Draco said.

They both nodded her head. "Can I go now? Daniel and Albus are waiting," Scorpius moaned as he pointed to the carriage. 

"Go on. But give us a hug first," Coraline chuckled as the young boy quickly hugged his parents and ran to the train. 

Aurora on the other hand stood in her place, staring down at the ground. Draco and Coraline exchanged glances as they stared at the young girl before them.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" Draco asked as he kneeled down to match his daughter's height. 

Aurora sniffled quietly as she looked at her two parents, "I don't want to leave you guys. What if no one likes me? What if I'm considered a freak?" There were tears strolling down her face as she wiped them away, not wanting her parents to see her so weak. 

Coraline and Draco pulled her into a hug, wiping her tears away. "It's okay to be scared, Aurora. I was and so was your father- ish," Coraline starts.

"You'll make tons of friends and if people consider you a freak you remind them who you are," Draco sterned, bringing his daughter into a hug. 

Aurora nodded her head before pulling away, "Will you both write to me?" 

The two chuckled as they nodded their heads. "Every day!"

Aurora smiled slightly before grabbing her purse she brought with her, "Will you both walk me to the train?"

The two smiled at her and walked over to the train where the rest of the kids have already gone. "I love you guys so much," Aurora pleaded and kissed both her parents cheeks. 

"We love you more," Coraline stated. 

"Come on Aurora, some kid has a toy frog," Sarah Vanderwal cheered as she dragged her along. 

With one final look at her parents, Aurora smiled as she entered the train. 

The pair stood side by side, next to their friends as the train began to move and their kids stood by the windows, waving goodbye to their parents. 

Coraline knew at that moment, she did an amazing job raising her kids. She raised them the way she always wanted to be treated and she finally got to give that to her kids. 

The End!

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