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Why is it that you can't detach yourself from those you love?

He just stood there, having a panic attack like a normal human being. His trauma's certainly couldn't be as worse as mine, could they?

I was emotionally and physically abused by people who I thought had a shred of care for me. What did he get? Love, money, POWER.

I guess not everyone gets their happy endings, red.

I'll write soon,
Coraline Vanderwal


"So then, he WAVED at me. And y'know, it's said that the Weasley's have-"

"Will you shut up, Lavender? All I can fucking hear is you yapping on about Ron. None of us bloody care," I snapped.

I was beginning to get irritated by Lavender's constant yapping. It was tiring considering how she would not STOP.

"Sorry, I just- sorry," she sighed and closed her curtains.

"You didn't have to be rude, y'know. She's got a crush, it happens to all of us," Fay stated, shooting me a sort of glare as she sits up in her bed.

I rolled my eyes but before I could speak Hermione said, "It was annoying. I'm trying to sleep."

Ignoring Hermione and Fay, I force myself up from my bed and walk towards Lavenders. I pull her curtains back and smile, "I'm sorry Lav. Just keep it down a notch?"

She nods her head and I smile at her before walking back to my bed and sitting on the edge. I grab my book and place it on my nightstand, staring at it for a while. 

"That's a lovely book." I snapped my head to see Hermione sitting up from her bed, hugging her knees.

"Uh- thanks. My sister bought it for me," I squeaked. 

She nodded her head, bringing her blanket over herself, "Phoebe Vanderwal, I assume?"

I nod my head, smiling at that name. I wasn't allowed to see my siblings nor was I allowed to tell them what was happening back at home with father and I. It broke my heart, especially considering how much closer we grew.

"Yeah. She along with my brother are probably the best people in the world to me." I looked like an idiot, smiling to myself. 

I haven't had a decent conversation with Hermione in so long. It felt odd talking to her like this but I really needed it. 

"I would love to hear about them someday. I'm sure the boys would too." I looked up at her, a slightly shocked expression is written across my face.

"I-I would really love that."

"Maybe we could possibly arrange an afternoon brunch at the Three Broomsticks?" She asked, sitting further up in her bed.

"That would be lovely," I interpreted.

"If you two are done with your awkward ways of reconciling a friendship, I would like to fucking sleep," Fay blurted from across the room.

"Sorry!" Hermione and I said in unison, followed by laughter.

"Night Hermione."

"Good night, Coraline."

I went to bed that night thinking that in the end there might be hope for my friends and I after all.

The next morning did not go as swiftly as the previous night. I woke up in a horrible mood with a banging headache. 

I groggily got ready, missing breakfast per usual and headed to my first lesson - potions.

I wasn't in the mood to be listening to Slughorn today, talking about his experiences with muggles alongside the opportunities he received from his "slug club".

I walked into class to see majority of the students already here but Slughorn nowhere in sight and nor was Draco, someone I needed to speak with urgently.

Unfortunately, I had to sit at Harry's table for the remaining year which was not going to be awkward whatsoever...

I dumped my bags on the table and groaned loudly before leaning my head on the table and closing my eyes.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder followed by a cough. "Who the fuck is disturbing me no-"

I look up and for the first time today, a smile appears on my face as my best friend was behind me with open arms. 

I let out a loud shriek as I jump into Leo's arms, "I missed you so much oh my god. You're finally here."

"I missed you more, Lay. I didn't miss too much, have I?" He chuckled, putting me down after spinning me around.

"Eh. I'll fill you in, how is everything?" I asked, the biggest grin plastered on my face.

Leo had to arrive at school late due to family implications. He still hasn't explained what those implications were so I'm intrigued to find out what. 

"I'll explain everything soon, it's a long story. But I see you're eh-" He points to where I'm sitting and then towards the three who had their eyes glued on us.

I wave him off, knowing I'll have to explain to him that situation later.

"Take your seats, everyone," Slughorn beamed as he entered the classroom.

"We'll talk after class, wait for me." I nodded my head before taking my seat and attempting to tune our Slughorn's voice. 

AN: Thought this would be kind of a cuter chapter because we all love Hermione and Leo :(
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