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Look at my little Ronnie, aghh love him so much 🥺

"Don't you think that the missing ingredient i-" Hermione and I were in the common room, doing Snape's essay when a frowning Harry came and lay on top of the both of us.

"Um Harry, do you mind?" I asked as I waved my hands in his face. He shot me a glare before letting out the biggest sigh.

I looked to Hermione who shrugged. "What's wrong?" I groaned, placing my homework on the floor as I gave my best friend my full attention.

"Since you asked, I need help. I don't have a date to the Yule Ball yet and I'm a bloody champion for Christ's sake." Hermione rolled her eyes before carrying on with her homework, thanks.

"I'll be your date, if you want," I blurted out. Harry sat up, now in the middle of Mione and I, they both looked at me with a weird expression. "Not like that, ew. As friends I mean."

Harry's eyes popped out before letting out a big breath I didn't even realise he was holding in, "Thank heavens. Why didn't I think of this sooner, I mean it's not like you even had a date, to begin with." 

I gave Harry a look, a deathly one at that. "I meant, y-you know. You never talked about h-having a d-date so I t-thought-" 

"Shut up, Potter. I got you. We'll go as friends, don't worry. I was planning on going alone anyway," I stated as I grabbed my homework off the floor. "Brilliant!" He walked off towards Seamus and Dean, letting them know he's going with me.

It's true, I didn't really have a date or anyone I wanted to go with. I wouldn't mind going with Draco, as friends of course, because believe it or not besides our snogging moments he's not bad company. He's rude and spiteful but he's a decent lad...Did I just call him Draco?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the painting door opened and in came Ron and a few other girls. 

Hermione and I got up and walked towards them. "What happened to you?" Harry asked. They sat Ron down before Ginny said, "He asked Fleur Delacour out." 

Harry, Hermione and I exchanged shocked glances. "What?" I asked, completely bamboozled by the news. I knew Ron fancied Fleur but he wasn't that daft to ask her out, was he?

"What did she say?" Harry asked, examining Ron's face to see if he's permanently shocked, "No, of course," Hermione stated. When Ron shook his head, the three of us let out a gasp. 

"She said yes?" I asked in utter disbelief.  

"Don't be silly. There she was walking by, you know I like it when they walk. Couldn't help it, it just sort of slipped out." I looked out to everyone, hoping for some further explanation.

Ginny shook her head behind him, "Actually, he sort of screamed at her." I looked at everyone who had pitiful looks in their eyes.

"What did you do then?" Harry asked, clearly intrigued by where this story is going.  "I ran for it. I'm not cut out for this, Harry." I felt bad for Ron, I would've gone with him although knowing Harry he definitely needed this more.

"I would go with you if I wasn't going with Harry already," I sighed. Everyone looked at me and Harry as they tried to figure out what I just said. "When did this happen?" Ron asked suddenly, jumping up from his seat.

I explained to him the reason why I'm going with Harry and despite his annoyance that I won't go with him he dropped it. I would've taken Ron but I mean I can't let Harry go alone, I'm positive Ron will find someone anyway.

Hermione and I waved goodbye to the boys as we headed up to our room for some time to finish our homework. Unfortunately, it wasn't so quiet since Lavender Brown and Fay Dunbar were already here.

I tuned out the girls once I saw my family owl by the window, my stomach had knots in it as I slowly approached the window. I opened the window to see the owl standing on a huge box followed by a letter in its beak. I grab the box and letter and place them onto my bed.

"Ooo, what's that?" Lavender sang as she stood behind me. "I don't know Lav, what could possibly be in a box I have not yet opened?" I sarcastically replied.

She frowned and skipped away to talk to Fay. Hermione, who was sitting on my bed, raised her brow at me. I shrugged my shoulders before grabbing the envelope and opening it.


My darling, how have you been? I heard about the Yule Ball event at your school and I couldn't hold my excitement in anymore.

I want to give you my dress, the one I wore on my 17th birthday. I remember how devastated you were when you couldn't attend. I found this last week as I was cleaning out my old room back at the manor and I instantly thought of you.

I hope you wear it. It would make me so happy.

I miss you terribly and cannot wait to see you soon.

With lots of love,

Phoebe Vanderwal

I reread the letter about five more times before I placed it on the nightstand and grabbed the box as quickly as I could.

I opened the box and my eyes teared up at the dress that laid before me. I can't believe she, of all people, would send me this.

Hermione snapped me out of my thoughts, "Who sent you this?" I looked up at her, trying to hold back my tears, "My n-neighbor. I asked her to send me something from my house but she uh sent me my grandmother's wedding dress." 

"It's very Slytherin-like..." She examined the dress as she gave me a nod of approval. "Yeah, my grandmother loved green. It's very sentimental," I replied. 

I didn't want to have to lie to her but I can't tell her where this dress came from or who's it is, I just don't even know what to say or do anymore.

"It's very pretty, Coraline," Fay piped in as she and Lavender peeked at my dress. 

"Thank you." I hummed.

I took in a deep breath before I clapped my hands, gathering everyone's attention, "Well, ladies, I think we deserve our beauty sleep, big day tomorrow." Everyone agreed and we all went to bed. 

AN: Okay Okay, if I'm being completely honest I forgot about how they need to come back on the morning of the ball so I'm going to do that and them getting ready in one chapter really quickly.

I want to move onto the fifth year so badly...

Also, follow my tiktok for updates and stuff. I'll also post their outfits on there :)

@ dracoomalfoy_

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