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AN: In honour of what's about to come, I had to place a hot gif of my baby up there. Ughh look at his hair flopping down on his forehead. 

"Calm down, Ron! He's going to be fine," I groaned. It was the day of the final task and I swear Ron and Mione are more stressed-out than Harry at this point. If he was going to die he would've died by now.

"I-Okay, I just need something in my mouth to calm me down," he breathed. I raised my brows before he took out a sandwich and began nibbling on it. 

I look to my right and see Hermione reading a book, "You know, the final task is about to begin, right?" She looked up and began nodding her head vigorously, "I know, I know. Maybe I can find some spell-" I snatched the book out of my hand and sat on it.

"Shut. UP!" I grabbed Ron's sandwich and shoved it in my mouth. "Harry will be fine. Both of you shush." They gave me dirty looks but I shrugged them off as I swallowed Ronald's sandwich.

I saw Leo, looking around as he tried to find a seat so I waved him over. Once he saw me, he looked away and walked over to his friends. That was odd, I thought we planned to sit closer to each other for the final game.

The music began and everyone got up cheering as the competitors ran in, I glanced over at Draco who was clapping and cheering with his friends. He had a smile on his face and I couldn't help but turn slightly pink, he was so cute.

Harry came out with Dumbledore and we got up and started cheering for him. He looked so lost and confused but yet again when isn't he.

Dumbledore caught our attention with a spell, "Earlier today, professor Moody placed the Tri-Wizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position." The professor stood behind Harry, not a single hint of emotion on his face.

"Now as Mr. Diggory," the Hufflepuff section roared for Cedric. "And Mr. Potter," the whole of Gryffindor house got up and matched the Hufflepuff's. "Are tied for the first position. They will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum-"

The Durmstrang and Slytherins chanted for Viktor as they got up from their seats. "And Miss Delacour." Unlike us, the Beauxabtons cheered with elegance, boring.

"First to touch the cup, will be the winner."

As Dumbledore gathered the champions to talk to them, we all waited eagerly for them to enter the maze. I had high hopes Harry would win, I mean he's Harry freaking Potter. The champions soon went into the maze and everyone quieted down, all we had to do now was wait.

Half-an-hour goes by before Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum forfeited the match, they looked horrible and Fleur looked bloody traumatised. Another thirty minutes go by and still no sign of Harry or Cedric.

Another twenty minutes and the music started playing. I looked up to see Harry and Cedric on the floor and started cheering along with the whole class. There was something off, I stopped my friends and I from clapping when I saw Harry didn't move along with Cedric.

The music stopped and Harry began screaming, "He's back! Voldermort, he's back!" I grabbed my friends and rushed downstairs but were stopped by teachers. We were standing next to Draco and his group who had equally terrified faces as us.

"Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there." My heart froze as a tiny sob ejected from my mouth. Seeing my best friend like this broke my heart and not only that but a classmate was killed by you-know-who.

Cedric's father was breaking down over his dead body and as I looked up I could see the twins and Seamus comforting Cho as she was crying, badly.

I looked down at Draco who had no emotions on his face but he somehow felt my presence and looked up at me. He gave me the look, are you okay, and I shook my head, feeling the tears come down.

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