Yule Ball - 2

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"Why were you with the Slytherin prefect?" Harry asked as we walked towards the table with our friends. "He's my friend," I smiled and walked over to Leo.

He smiled once he saw me approaching, "There you are. I wanted to dance with you," he beamed, extending his hand out for me.

"Of course!" I grabbed his hand and followed him as he directed me to the dance floor, where a lot of people were slow dancing. 

He held my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. As we swayed, I could see Malfoy from the corner of my eye staring at me with fury raging in his eyes. He was dancing with Pansy which made me think if they were together or not, everyone knows something apart from me. 

 "What happened to your date?" I asked, trying to build conversation, shifting my focus back onto Leo. "I never had one," he blurted. I stare at him, raising my eyebrows.

"I-I wanted to go with someone else but it was a little too late," he said, looking down at the floor before bringing his head back up and smiling at me. "Oh, who?"

He looked at me before he stopped dancing, he grabbed hold of my hands, "Mind if we go out and talk? In private?" I gave him a swift nod as he walked me outside.

I saw Hermione raising her brows at me and I shrugged at her, not knowing what was going on.

We walked down the hallway and stood just outside, a little further away from people so they wouldn't bother us. "I need to tell you something," he said, lowering his voice slightly.

"What is it?" I asked, worries now consuming my thoughts. "There was someone I wanted to go with but she made a commitment to someone else." He brought my hands closer to his chest as he breathed heavily.

I stare at him a little confusingly, hoping he would elaborate. "I wanted to go with the girl standing in front of me because the truth is I've liked her for a while," he finished. It took me a while for me to understand who he was talking about.

"Leo- I- I don't really know what to say." Leo is a lovely, kind-hearted guy whom I love dearly. But I don't know if he's the one my heart truly belongs to, I don't think I see him as any more than a brother.

"Maybe this will change your mind." He immediately cups my face and smashes his lips onto mine. This was completely different than the way Malfoy kissed me, Leo was soft and angelic whereas Malfoy was hard and passionate.

He let go of our kiss, pressing his forehead onto mine. I look into his eyes, not knowing what to say, "I-I" But before I could get anything out Leo fell onto the ground as someone jumped on top of him, beating the living shit out of him.

I gasp loudly, slapping a hand across my mouth when I see the figure throwing punch after punch, Malfoy. The way that Malfoy was punching him, Leo should've been knocked out by now. I keep yelling, yelling for him to stop but he wouldn't. 

"Malfoy!" It's like there was no one else around him and he was in his own world. By this point, there was a small crowd gathering around us - people who I didn't even know.

Nothing worked until I raised my voice, "DRACO!" He finally stopped and looked up at me, meeting my eyes. I could tell how angry he was and I could feel small tears strolling down my eyes.

He scoffed and got up, shoving past people and going down the corridor. I saw a few of Leo's friends helping him up and before anyone could say anything, I chased after Malfoy.

'Never chase a boy always let them chase you' my mother told my sister and I. But here I am, chasing after the one boy who messes with my emotions without even knowing it. 

I saw him walk into the girls' bathroom, located on the second floor. I walk in to see him smashing the mirror in front of him, making me jump. 

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked him, raising my voice as I walked closer to him. He turned around and laughed. Just laughed. 

I looked at him, I thought to myself, he must be completely mad. "You let him fucking kiss you," he scoffed. I walked closer to him, lifting his chin up so that he's looking directly at me.

"Why did you punch him?" I asked, lowering my voice. He had an annoyed look in his eyes like he was ready to break something or someone. 

I could tell punching Leo wasn't enough for him, he was clearly ready to go back and kill him for all I knew. But something wasn't adding up.

When he didn't answer I asked him again, "Why did you punch him?" No answer. I shoved him back so he hit the sink. He kept his gaze on his bloody hand, not daring to meet my eyes which were glued onto him.

"Why did you punch him, Draco?" I yelled. 

"Because I like you!" He screamed, staring into my eyes with hunger in his. 

I took a step back so I could see him properly, I was completely speechless. "There. I fucking like you, Scott. I don't know why, I don't know how. I just do. Seeing you with Potter made my blood boil. Seeing that fucking Hufflepuff's hands on your waist drove me mad. Seeing him attach himself onto you, drove me insane."

He took a deep breath before he turned around, now facing the mirror, "I thought making out with you from time to time will make these feelings go away but they made it worse. I'd spend class looking at you, thinking about the next time I'll be able to kiss you. Seeing you walk down those steps in nothing but green, I should've been the one that was standing next to you."

There were butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I didn't think he'd feel this way about me. I placed a hand on his shoulder which caused him to look up and stare at me through one of the broken shards.

He turned around, dropping his head to the floor. Using my hand, I lifted his chin up to make him look at me. "Me too." The only words I managed to let out before I pulled him by his shirt and crashed my lips onto his.

This kiss was different than the rest, this was meaningful. I don't know what this means for us but at this moment, right now, I don't care about anything other than the boy I am making out with in a bathroom.


I parted ways with Malfoy as we went our separate ways, trying not to be seen. I twirled around the halls, feeling like a princess who just earned her prince. That was until I completely forgot about Leo, fuck.

I jogged back to the Great Hall only to see the majority of the people have left and a few were left dancing. I saw Malfoy, who was sitting with his friends at a table, he winked at me which made me slightly blush.

I stood there like an idiot, daydreaming until I heard yelling that sounded all too familiar. I turned around and ran to the stairs when I saw Ron and Hermione arguing on the steps, Harry now standing next to me who looked all too confused.

"Where have you two been?" Mione snapped, looking at the both of us. "I-We-" We were confused at her sudden outburst, I couldn't exactly tell them where I was.

"Nevermind, off to bed Harry. NOW!" She huffed forcing Harry towards the steps. I wrapped an arm around Mione asking her if she's okay and what happened.

"They get scary when they're older," Ron said, looking at Hermione. Hermione, who pushed me away and walked towards them, began crying, "Ron, you spoilt everything!"

I walked up to her as she fell onto the stairs, crying. I shot a look at Harry who dragged Ron upstairs as I comforted my best friend. She cried into my shoulders as I rubbed her back. 

AN: Damn... Let me know what you guys thought of these two chapters, I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts.

I think there will be around 5-6 chapters left until the fourth year ends. I'm so excited for the 5th and 6th because that's when the smut and real emotions come in.

Also, I'm freaking out because Tom is coming to London in March for a film and if Covid is still here I'm throwing hands. 

Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys!!

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