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Walking up to Dumbledore's office I think about the many reasons why Dumbledore may need to speak to me. I haven't done anything to Malfoy since the beginning of the year and other than that I don't necessarily get into trouble.

I take a deep breath before I knock on his door. Once permission is granted, I opened the door and noticed a frustrated blonde sitting in one of the chairs in front of Dumbledore.

"Miss Scott, thank you for coming," he smiles as he motions for me to take the chair next to Malfoy. I slowly sit down, eyeing Malfoy carefully who is still a little pink from what happened in the courtyard.

"Pardon me, professor, why exactly am I here?" I asked as I crossed my right leg over my left, staring at Dumbledore who was rubbing his chin.

He looks between Malfoy and I before he smiles, "I need a favour from the two of you." I look at Malfoy who scoffs as he leans into his chair. "Which is?" He snapped as he stared at the ground.

"You see, coincidentally one of the Slytherin and Gryffindor prefects have gotten themselves in a situation," he began. Instantly both Malfoy and I jolted up, "We didn't do it!"

He chuckled to himself as Malfoy and I gave each other confused looks, "I know, I know. I need you both to be stand-in prefects. Not everyone knows this but the prefects are helping to plan a special ball in honour of the Triwizard tournament and well we are two people short." 

"And, what exactly makes you think we- I'll do this?" Malfoy scoffs as he runs a hand through those silky locks. "House points will be awarded, Mr Malfoy," Dumbledore sterned. At the mention of house points, Draco sat up slowly, listening.

I sat up straight, looking at Dumbledore, "What exactly will we have to do, professor? I mean, a ball sounds lovely but I don't get why you need us."

"The prefects that were meant to be helping cannot. Hence why the duties they had together someone needs to do them. I would like you both to do them," he smiled at me, completely ignoring Malfoy's ignorance right now.

"Of course, professor. I'd be happy to," I smiled at the old man who looked hopeful at the fact that I had agreed. "Yeah, okay," Malfoy mumbled. 

He stood up from his chair as we followed his actions, "Excellent! I'll see you both at the Great Hall at 11 AM the day after the first game, so Saturday." We nodded our heads as I said thank you and began to walk away.

"Oh and Mr Malfoy, I will have a word with Alastor about your incident," he mentioned and I giggled, not turning back to face a grumpy Malfoy.

I had a feeling what Dumbledore was asking of us was not optional but indeed something we had to do whether we agreed or not. 

We walked down the stairs as we were leaving in complete silence before Malfoy said, "Can't believe I have to work with you for Merlin knows how long," he scoffed as we walked outside.

"What are you complaining about? I have to sit around and listen to your grumpy attitude, ferret boy," I smirked. His face grew with anger once I mentioned the word ferret. 

He grabbed my wrists, "Don't ever call me that, blood traitor," he whisper-shouted as he looked around making sure no one heard. I pulled my wrist from his grip and chuckled, "As if no one is calling you that already."

He parted his lips to speak before someone caught our attention, "Malfoy! There you are." We turned around to see Pansy Parkinson coming.

"And you're with the blood traitor," she glares from behind me. "Nice to see you too, Parkinson," I glared back. I brought my wrist up to my face and squinted my eyes as if I was reading an imaginary watch, "Is it time for your dick appointment? Or are you just here for-"

She let out a fake laugh before she stopped, "Shut up!" I looked at her with my brows furrowed before she turned to Draco, "I need your help with something."

Draco let out a frustrated groan, "I have things to do, Parkinson." She pouted a little before he groaned and walked past her, Pansy following shortly.

"Nice talking to you, ferret boy. See you soon," I yelled. He turned around clenching his fists and walking towards me before Pansy dragged him back.

"Idiot!" I chuckled to myself as I skipped along back to my common room.

I walked into the common room to see Mione reading a book. I need to find Harry and make sure he is ready for tomorrow and not running away, just in case.

"Hey, Mione. Have you seen Harry?" I asked. She looked up from her book and sat up, smiling once she saw it was me. "Yes, he went to his dorm," she replied.

I gave her a thanks before I jogged up the stairs and to the boy's dormitories. I knocked on the door to have it open by Dean, who had a goofy smile on his lips.

"Oh, hello Coraline. Can I help you?" He chuckled as he leaned against the door. I crossed my arms over my chest, "Yes, is Harry in here?"

His face turned into a frown before he opened the door and pointed to the bed that had their curtains shut. I walked in to see Ron, Seamus and Neville gathered around Dean's bed. I felt bad for Harry, his best and close friends were shutting him out all because they think he lied.

I shot Ron a glare before I opened Harry's curtains. I found a tired Harry, reading a book whilst stuffing his face with chocolate. He jumped at my reaction, "Bloody hell, Coraline. What the hell?" I rolled my eyes before jumping onto his bed and shutting the curtains behind me. 

"Muffliato!" I cast and he went back to reading his book whilst eating his chocolate frogs. "What are you doing?" I asked with a sigh as I watched him yawn.

He looked up at me and shrugged, "Reading. You know, might as well get something into my head before my unfortunate fate tomorrow." I closed the book shut and threw it to one side.

"You're not going to survive reading a book about unusual creatures when you're battling a fucking dragon, you idiot," I snapped as I snatched the chocolate out of his hand and threw it along with the book.

"I was eating that!" He yelled. 

I thought about what Harry would do to get my mind off things and so I thought back to what Leo showed me today. I opened his curtains and clapped my hands, "Get up!"

I ignored the stares I was getting from the group of boys on the other side who were clearly putting things into their heads about what I was doing in Harry's bed.

I opened Harry's trunk and picked out a black hoodie and threw it at him. "I'll be outside. Wear that and come out, you have 5 minutes," I snapped as I looked at him.

I turned to the group of boys on the other side, "And you boys, if I hear any sort of rumors spreading around, I know where you all sleep," I smiled innocently before storming out of their room and going downstairs.

AN: I've stopped adding dates because I'm lazy and really can't be bothered to keep up with the dates. It just makes it easier for me tbh. Pansy is really important in this story in some ways so don't forget about her, that's all I'm saying :) 

Just to clarify something, Harry and Coraline do not like each other. They will never ever and I mean EVER have feelings for each other in any way.

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