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"Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl!" Malfoy spat, shoving Neville instead which gained a glare from me.

I was held back by Charlie as the rest of my friends were held by the other members of her incompetent squad. Harry was forced to sit on the chair, in front of Umbridge as she was ready to interrogate him.

She knelt down in front of Harry, "You were going to go to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Harry muttered a no before she raised her hand and slapped him across the face, causing me to flinch slightly.

"Great Merlin, woman! What the fuck is your deal with Dumbledore? Did he break your heart? Leave you? You're so bloody obsessed with the man, it's unhealthy," I interjected, making everyone snicker slightly.

Her head snapped to me before the door opened, she jolted her head towards the door to see Snape enter. "You sent for me, headmistress?"

"Snape, yes. The time has come for answers whether he wants to give them to me or not. have you brought the veritaserum?" She quickly snapped, fixing her posture.

That sneaky, conniving bitch...

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it used on Ms Chang," he explained.

Harry's head jolted in our direction and I could immediately see the guilt wash over him, how he didn't hear Cho out. You're not alone there, Harry.

Snape was about to leave before Harry blurted out, "He's got Padfoot!" Oh, Harry...Snape stopped in his tracks, turning around slightly. "He's got Padfoot at the place it is hidden!"

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? What is he talking about Snape?" Umbridge questioned, arms crossed as she didn't know what Harry was talking about.

Snape's eyes grew wide, plastering a smear of hope along Harry's face. "No idea!" With that last crush of hope, he exited the classroom, leaving us alone with the toad herself.

"Very well! You've given me no choice Potter as this is an issue of ministry security you leave me with no alternative. The cruciatous curse ought to loosen your tongue," she threatened. All of our eyes went wide, one of the big three.

I looked to Hermione quickly, knowing this bitch wouldn't hesitate to curse Harry. "That's illegal," Hermione breathed. 

"What Cornelius won't know, won't hurt him," she smiled to herself. 

My heart was racing, Harry was about to be hit with one of the most painful forms of torture. I tried loosening from my cousin's grip but he held me tighter, "Stop moving, she'll do something," he whispered in my ear.

She had her wand pointed at him and my hands began shaking as I did something utterly stupid, "Hit me with the curse!" I yelled.

Her head snapped in my direction and an evil smirk plastered across her face. She walked towards her desk, eyes piercing through my soul, "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this."

I gulped before she instructed Charlie to let me go, "But headmistress-" 

"Do as I say, Bartholomew!" She snapped at him, he squeezed my arm before letting me go. She yanked my arm and threw me onto the floor, my elbows scraping.

I looked up at Harry who gave me a fearful look as he was probably cursing in his head. "Don't touch her," he yelled. 

She giggled before pointing her wand at me, I closed my eyes as I bit onto my lip. Any second now I was going to feel unimaginable pain soar through my body.


"Tell her, Harry!" Hermione screamed, making Umbridge lower her wand and stare at Hermione and Harry.

"Tell me what?" She asked, walking towards the two. 

I looked at Harry who shrugged his shoulders then to everyone else who shook their heads, confused at what Hermione is doing.

"Well if you won't tell her where it is, then I will." I squinted my eyes, staring at the girl hoping Crabbe hasn't done something to her to make her all delusional.

"Where what is?" Umbridge was growing impatient, her eyes were popping out of her sockets and the veins in her neck were close to erupting.

"Dumbledore's secret weapon!" Hermione blurted. 

I instantly smiled to myself, clever fucking witch. Umbridge looked satisfied, more than satisfies, as she finally got something out of us,

She yanked Hermione away from Crabbe along with dragging Harry by his collar and aiming for the door. "Keep them here!" She snapped at her squad before slamming the door shut.

I let out a breath of relief before standing up and patting down the dust on my clothes. I looked up to see everyone staring, "Are you going to let us go, or are we going to have to do this the hard way?"

I heard a familiar scoff come from the corner and I shot my head in the direction to see Malfoy, "Someone get her, or am I going to have to do everything?" 

"Back off, Malfoy!" I spat, walking closer towards him. He shook his head, laughing to himself slightly, throwing Neville to a corner and walking up to me. 

"Or what?" I couldn't tell if he was acting this way or if he was mad at me for what I did. Whatever the reason, I grabbed his collar and punched him right in the jaw.

I grabbed someone's wand out of his robe before casting a few spells at the Slytherin's, sending Pansy and Charlie a look to fall onto the ground - I love them too much to hurt them.

"Bloody hell, Coraline!" Ron gasped, bringing me into a hug.

"I'm convinced you're a Slytherin," Ginny chuckled making me fake-gag.

"Slytherin? Please...Gryffindor at it's finest." They all chuckled, I grabbed my wand out of Charlie's robe and whispered, "Thank you, asshole's." 

Both him and Pansy smiled at me. I followed my friends towards the door before I heard a groan come from behind me, I turned around to see Malfoy holding onto the desk for support.

"Go," he choked. I looked at him with a sort of pitiful look, I didn't have to punch him but he fucking deserved it after what he did for me.

I scratched the look off my face before running out after my friends. We looked for Harry and Hermione everywhere until we finally bumped into them outside.

AN: Next chapters going to be pretty long because I'm going to fit the whole ministry scene in one chapter. But TEA is about to begin, everything will unravel in the next chapter ;)

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