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"So how did it go yesterday?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed all three eyes on me, "Excuse me?"  They looked between each other before Ron whispered, "Your thing with Malfoy."

I let out a breath of relief before I frowned at them, "Oh! It went terribly, he wouldn't stop insulting me throughout and well you know, he's Malfoy."

They all nodded in agreement, believing the lie I told them. I don't like lying to my friends but I guess I'm used to it by now. I can't exactly tell them what happened when I, myself, don't even know.

We walked into potions and images of last night replayed in my head. I could already feel the blush forming on my cheeks as I walk with my friends to our usual table. I'm not proud of what I did but I can't deny the fact that whatever happened, I liked it, a lot.

"Are you okay, Lay? You seem a little off. A little too quiet," Hermione piped in as she sits next to me, the boys agreeing from behind us.

I nervously chuckled, "Oh, yeah. I just, Snape's lessons give me the creep." 

They looked at each other before they shrugged. It wasn't a complete lie, Snape's lessons did indeed give me the creeps. 

Once the lesson started and Snape began talking and talking, I slowly drifted off into deep sleep. That was until I heard a loud bang which made me jolt up in my seat with a frightened expression written all over my face.

I rubbed my eyes before I saw Snape standing in front of me, arms crossed over his chest with a bored expression on his face. "Professor! Hello," I smiled innocently as I straightened myself.

"Am I boring you, Scott?" Merlin, his voice sent shivers down my spine. I never liked the way he spoke, ever. "No, professor. Of course not, a restless night is all," I quickly stammered.

"15 Points from Gryffindor!" The people in my house groaned as he kept his stare on me.

He glared at me before he walked away, "Grab a batch of Foxglove from the top shelf, Scott!" I stared at him with wide eyes. "Excuse me?" I blurted out.

"Do I need to repeat myself to you insufferable Gryffindor's?" He raised his voice which made me shake my head and stand up, walking towards the shelf. 

I could feel cold eyes burning a hole in the back of my head and I didn't need to turn around to even begin to think who it is. I could only imagine how he's laughing with his friends and thinking what an embarrassment I am, bloody hell.

I grabbed a stool since I couldn't reach the foxglove before and slowly stood on it. "Scott!" I turned to my right to see Leo whispering at me. Everyone was paying attention to Snape, thankfully, so I shifted my focus onto Leo. He looked around before grabbing his wand and bringing the vial into my hand. 

I jumped off the stool and gave him a big smile before mouthing a quick thank you. After handing the vial to professor Snape, who ducked another 5 points for being too slow, I went back to my seat. 

I glanced over at the Slytherin table to see Malfoy staring at me, no emotions, no expressions. Just plain staring at me. I shot him a glare before keeping my head down and taking notes on what Snape was mumbling about.

That Evening

 We were in the common room for the rest of the evening, "Harry, have you figured out the egg yet?" I asked him, my head laying on Mione's lap as I shift to be able to face him.

"No. We have over a month, Lay. I'll figure it out." I shared a look with Mione and Ron who shrugged at his sudden behaviour.

"Okay but you need to figure it out soon I mea-" Before I could finish my sentence, I got cut off by Harry standing up and raising his voice, "I said I'll figure it out, Coraline!" 

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