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Narrators P.O.V.

The DA mainly stayed in the Room of Requirement due to the fact that the carrows have been going ballistic on every student. Majority of them only leave unless they have a class to attend.

Leo was sitting on a couch, listening to Neville talk about his plants and how he learned they calm him down. 

Out of pure shock, the door burst open and in walked Pansy, Charlie and Malfoy. Leo took one look at the blonde and stood up, ready to defend himself if anything happened.

"What's he doing here?" Leo sneered as everyone else glared at Malfoy, no one trusted him not after what he did.

Pansy rolled her eyes as she walked towards everyone, "He's not going to bite. He's as innocent as the rest of us." Everyone scoffed as they watched Malfoy lean up against the wall.

"If he comes near me your muppet is dead," Leo growled before he sat back down and read his book.

Everyone minded their own business as they got up to doing work. Leo felt a tingling sensation in his body as he placed his book down and got up.

"You good, mate?" Charlie asked as the boy began itching back and forth. Leo shook his head, walking around as he tried to reach the itch.

Out of nowhere, a letter appeared in front of him. Everyone stood up as they watched the mysterious letter before them. "It's from Lay," Leo gasped as he grabbed the letter.

"Give it to me!" Malfoy snapped as he reached for it. "Does it say, Dear Draco or Dear Malfoy? Fuck off," Leo spat, walking away with the letter.

He opened the letter and began reading it. Rubbing his chin as he tried to put the pieces together but failed miserably. "What does it say?" Pansy asked, a hint of worry consuming her.

"We need to find the sword of Gryffindor," Leo announced. Everyone looked at each other in a weird manner.


"What if something happened?" Ginny asked, rubbing her head, "Are we sure we can even trust them?"

Leo shrugged his shoulders, "It's not like we have any other choice. Malfoy said he saw a sword last in Snape's office. If we're caught in there, he'll just kill us on the spot."

They all understood why Draco, Pansy and Charlie had to get the sword. No one trusted them but it was the only choice they had.

Suddenly, the door opened and in ran the three Slytherins. "It was hard but we got it," Pansy breathed, holding her chest as she gasped for air.

Leo took the sword in his hand as he read the rest of the letter. "We have to take it to them?" He questioned himself.

"How the hell are we going to do that?" Neville chuckled, quite uncomfortably.

"I know," Luna piped in, walking over to the lot. "The vanishing cabinet, the one Draco built. If it transported the death eaters inside then it can transport someone out."

They all looked to Draco who nodded his head, "That could work." He walked over to Leo to grab the sword but Leo pushed him back.

"I'm taking it, Malfoy." Draco scoffed as he charged for him but was held back by Pansy and Charlie. "Not a fucking chance, she's my girlfriend. I'll do it myself."

Leo fell into a fit of laughter as he replayed Draco's words in his head. "I'm taking it, she asked ME to take it for her."

"It's okay, Draco. Just- let him go," Pansy breathed, calming him down.

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