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TW: Abuse :(

I cried silently as I walked back to my common room, I kissed Draco before - yes. But this kiss, it wasn't like the one we had in the astronomy tower, it was meaningful and soft. It reminded me of our first times.

Smoking an old joint I found in my bag, I walked down the corridors which were only lit by a torch flaming on the sides, this castle creeped me out.

I heard faint crying and whispers as I neared the common room, I debated whether or not I should leave that person I mean anyone would leave me if they heard me earlier.

I walked past when I heard Hermione's voice. I walked back, clearing the puff of smoke I just let out, and stared at her as she sat crying in Harry's arms.

"Uh- Are you okay?" Their heads snapped in my direction and Hermione began wiping her tears away, "Yes, sorry. I-I'm fine."

If there was one thing I knew from being friends with her for so long is that when she says she's fine, she is not. I exhaled before I walked up to them and sat in front of them on the floor.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning my lit joint off.

"N-Nothing, you don't need to worry," she stutters slightly, gripping onto her jumpers.

I looked at Harry with squinted eyes before gazing back at Hermione, "I know we're not friends anymore but I still care about you. Seriously, what's wrong?"

She was about to speak when she stopped herself, "Coraline! What happened to your cheek?" At this, Harry's attention turned to me, examining my face.

"Did someone hurt you?" He asked, worrisome clear in his voice. "Look, I'll tell you who did this if you tell me why you're crying, deal?"

Hermione looked at me for a second before nodding her head. She explained how she saw Lavender kiss Ron, how he was into it. I wanted to punch that git in the face, how fucking daft can he be to not notice.

"If I were talking to him, I'd kill him. I saw the way you looked at Lavender in the Great Hall, this morning. He's just daft," I sighed.

"Your turn," she exclaimed, pointing to my cheek.

I didn't want to tell them what happened to me over the summer but I guess I had no choice, really. "It started when I arrived home..."

*Flashback to beginning of Summer*

"You wanted to see me, father?" I gulped, walking inside the living room where he sat by the fireplace with a glass in his hand.

"Sit down!" He spat, my heart rate was increasing rapidly but I sat down, not wanting to upset him.

"You worthless child! We allowed you to attend Hogwarts to make a name for yourself as a Vanderwal. Not lying to people who you are and making a fool out of ME," he snapped.

My hands were shaking as I tried to calm myself down. "Then I hear my daughter is at the ministry with her disgusting friends - Potter, a traitor Weasley and a filthy mudblood. Not to mention, defying one of my greatest friends," he raised his voice.

I flinched at the words he called my friends, they hurt. I didn't dare look at him, he was angry and drunk, a state I didn't want to be around right now.

"Look at me!" He yelled, smashing the glass in his hand on the ground. My eyes were glossy but I looked up at him, the fury visible in his eyes made my heartbeat increase.

"You're never going back to that school again! You will never talk to your dirty friends again! And you will never disrespect this family again!" He screamed and before I knew it his hand wrapped around my neck, choking me with an intense grip.

I grabbed onto his hands, trying to pull him away. I heard my mother rushing in, gasping, "Joseph! Put her down!"

I whimper as his hold grows stronger against my neck before he finally throws me onto the floor. "You're to go to your room! I don't want to see you in here when I come back!" He spat before he kicked me in the stomach and walked out of the living room, slamming the doors behind him.

*End of flasback*

"Coraline..." Hermione gasped, her eyes teared up.

"You guys don't need to say anything. Not being friends with you guys was easy, you guys cut me off after I lied. It's the coming back and being rude was hard," I choked, staring down at the ground.

I felt a figure come by me, "How are you at Hogwarts then?" I looked up to see Hermione kneeling besides me, an arm on my shoulder.

"He agreed to send me back if I followed his rules. I have to be rude to everyone, make myself stand out. Report to him of my successes."

At this point, Hermione wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I immediately hugged her back, not crying, but just enjoying the comfort that I have longed for so long.

"I'm so sorry, Coraline. When we saw you in Diagon Alley we thought you were abducted or something. We seriously wanted to talk to you but then when you came back, you were just normal," Harry rambled.

I stopped him half way and pulled him into a hug, missing his comfort. "I'm fine guys, seriously. i just missed my friends, my best friends," I cried, hugging the both of them.

I pulled away slightly, "I promise to never lie to the either of you again. Ron too. I just, I was scared."

They looked at each other before they bombarded me with hugs. "It's okay," Hermione breathed.

"Believe it or not we forgave you during summer. We knew you had a reason, it just took us a while to come to this conclusion," Harry confirmed.

I nodded my head, understanding where they were all coming from. The rest of the night consisted of me filling them in on my life in the psat and them the same with their summer.

I missed my friends and I just hope Ron will feel the same way.

If I knew someone was listening to my entire conversation, I would never have told them the truth about what happened to me.

AN: First of all, thankyou guys so much for 7K bloody hell!!

Also, give your ideas and thoughts. What do YOU guys want to see happening? I read all of your comments and I really want to know what you guys want to happen for now. 

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