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It's been an hour or two and the four of us - Draco, me, Hermione and Ron - are sitting by the steps waiting for Harry, hoping he hasn't gone to the forest.

We were sitting in awkward silence as the two kept staring at Draco, I didn't know how to feel because Draco didn't want to be here any more than my friends wanted him to be. He just refused to leave me.

"Maybe he's gone-"

"Shut up!" Ron cut Draco off with a harsh glare and he backed away. I squeezed his hand as I shook my head, hoping he wouldn't say anything else.

Finally, we heard steps and we all stood up once Harry came down. "We thought you were going to the forest, mate," Ron said, bringing him in for a hug.

"I'm about to head there now," Harry mumbled. "Funny Harry, really," I chuckled.

When he didn't say anything and stared at us, I gulped as I tried to hold back the tears but they weren't working. 

"You can't give yourself up to him," Ron snapped, staring at Harry as he shoved past us.

"There's a reason I can hear them. The Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while and I think you have too," Harry said, turning around to face us.

"I'll go with u," Hermione cried. But Harry shook his head, "No, kill the snake. Kill the snake and then it's just him."

I let go of Draco as I ran into Harry's arms, hugging the life out of him. Hermione joined seconds later. 

"Please-" I choked as the tears invaded my face. Harry cupped my face as he wiped the tears, "Thank you for all the times you were there for me, Lay Lay."

I began sobbing as he let go of me to move to Mione, "Thanks for sticking by me through it all." 

Ron soon came over and embraced his best friend in a deep hug. "The day you sat on that train, I knew it was the beginning of a powerful friendship.

The three of us held each other as we cried, watching Harry go.


We turned around to see Draco who ran over to my side and held my hand. "Uh- if you can try not to die. I don't want to have to name my kids after you," he stuttered slightly.

Harry chuckled as he nodded his head and turned around, walking to his death.


The four of us sat in the Great Hall, everyone was dead silent. I laid my head on Draco's shoulder as I was surrounded by my siblings, Charlie, Pansy, Aiden and Ara. 

"G-Guys." Fay was the first to speak, she's been distraught over Lavender but she spoke as she pointed outside.

I walked over alongside everyone else to see the group of Death Eaters coming out way. 

We all walk outside as everyone spread across the courtyard, my hands were trembling as I saw Hagrid carrying a body. I refused to believe it.

Voldermort stood before us, "Harry Potter...is Dead!"

Ginny was the first to react, screaming and trying to run towards him before Mr. Weasley held her back. 

"Stupid girl, Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me," he stated as he exaggerated his hands.

I could see my parents who were sided alongside Draco's. My mother was trembling as she saw the state my siblings and I were all in.

"This is the time to declare yourself," Voldermort proudly smiled as he waited for us to join his side.



I turned my head to see Lucius gesturing for Draco to come. I was standing next to Hermione and my siblings, when I turned my head I saw Draco stood where he was.

A proud smile appeared on my face but it soon disappeared as he began walking towards Voldermort. I felt my sister and Hermione hold me, afraid I was going to run over to him.

He couldn't be doing this.

Not after everything we've been through.

"Well done, Draco!" Voldermort praised him as he wrapped his arms around him. The thought made me sick.

My mother shook her head at us, which meant that we were to stay where we were. Tears were strolling down my face as I avoided eye contact with Draco, I couldn't look at him.

Something I didn't expect to see was Neville slowly limping towards Voldermort. My hand flew to my mouth, he couldn't - 

"Well, I must say I hoped for better. What is your name young man?" Voldermort asked as he examined Neville. 

"Neville Longbottom," Neville shyly stated. I don't know what he was doing but I had a strange feeling in my stomach. 

"Well, Neville I'm sure we can find a place for u in our ranks."

"I'd like to say something," Neville interjected, limping forwards a little. He was holding the sorting hat which made me feel a little weirded out. 

"Well, Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what u have to say," Voldermort gestured for him to continue. 

"It doesn't matter than Harry's gone." I looked to Hermione who was confused by all of this for once. "Stand down Neville," Seamus said. 

"People die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here. So is Fred, Remus, Tonks. They didn't die in vain. But you will. Because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. It's not over."

Out of nowhere, Neville pulled out the sword of Gryffindor and along with that Harry jumped out of Neville's arm. "YES HARRY!" I screamed, jumping up and down as I held onto my sister and Hermione.

What surprised me along with everyone else was when Draco ran towards us but before he could, "Potter!" He threw Harry his wand and ran over to me before Voldermort could do anything. 

"That's my boyfriend! Whoohoo!" I cheered as I jumped into his arms for a slight second. 

I grabbed him and ran inside with Hermione and Ron who were waiting for Harry. "We'll have to kill the snake," Harry instructs us.

Hermione handed him the basilisk fang and he disappeared. "Neville, watch out!" I screamed but Voldermort shoved him back.

I ran over to make sure he's okay and he was still breathing, "Don't worry, he's alive. Let's go!"

AN: It's nearly coming to an end omg :(((

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