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Mature Content - you've been warned!

Two weeks have gone by since my detention with Leo and we're becoming closer again, he filled me in on everything that happened during the summer and I filled him in on the Draco situation. He thinks I'm going to get hurt and betrayed but I don't think he'd hurt me.

I was walking with my cousin from our Herbology class when there were students running around the courtyard. "What's happening?" I ask one of the third year girls who was jumping to get a better view.

"Professor Trelawney," she squeaked and pointed to the courtyard. I grabbed Charlie and dragged him to the front to get a better view.

"Damn, did the professor get fired or something?" Charlie asked. I shrugged my shoulders as I tried jumping on him to get a better view.

Umbridge started walking towards her and poor Trelawney was frightened, walking back but realising she has nowhere else to go. The grounds were dead quiet, everyone's focus on the pair in front of us.

"16 years I've worked and lived here. Hogwarts is my home, you can't do this," Trelawney choked. I felt so bad for her, her lessons were utter nonsense but she was still a professor who tried her best for us.

"Actually I can," Umbridge smiled, waving the scroll in her hand.

Dumbledore soon came out, shutting down Umbridge's bitching and telling McGonagall to take Trelawney back inside. Dumbledore and Umbridge went at it for a while before the toad walked away.

"Don't you all have studying to do," he yelled, making all of us walk back inside.

"What a show, am I right?" Charlie chuckled. I hit his arm before I walked away, trying to find my friends.

I was walking down an empty corridor after giving up the task to find my friends, they probably had a class anyway. I stopped mid-track, opening my bag to get an apple out before I was yanked into a classroom.

I turned around to see Draco, "What is it with you and scaring me to death?" He chuckled before he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"You love it," he teased, making me chuckle and hit his chest. He looked into my eyes before leaning in for a kiss, pinching my waist which made me drop my bag and wrap my hands around his neck.

He pushed me against the wall, kissing my jaw as he used his right hand to lift my thigh up to his hip. He used his hand to massage my inner thigh as his main focus was moving back up to my lips.

He used both of his hands to lift me up and move me to one of the tables, not breaking our kiss even for oxygen. He placed me on the table and lifted his hand higher up my thigh, massaging my pussy.

"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath which sent butterflies in places I didn't know butterflies could go.

I travelled my lips down to his neck, sucking on a great piece of skin which made him let out a low moan.

My heart began racing as his fingers hooked on the hem of my underwear. He was about to drag it down until we heard faint chatter.

Both of our heads jolted to the door and we looked at each other in panic. "Shit, Draco-"

He grabbed my hand and moved me towards a small closet and we went inside, squished up against each other.

We were stuck to each other like glue, facing each other. I could hear his heartbeat thumping as he breathed heavier.

"Coraline, c-can you t-turn around?" He stuttered, I rose my brows and he looked down. I followed his eyes which landed on his crotch and my eyes widened at the realisation that I'm making him like this.

"Sorry," I whispered, turning so my back is to him. He muttered something under his breath which could only mean that this position did not help either.

I heard a familiar voice as I pressed my ear against the door..."But professor, I need a resit."

I turned my head to face Draco and he shot his brows up. I opened the door slightly to see Pansy and professor Binns arguing.

I open the door a little further when Draco grabs my arm, shaking his head.

I step outside slightly and that's when Pansy sees me, her brows raising up. She sees Draco behind me and her mouth hangs open before she nods in my direction. "So Professor, about that resit?"

I reach the classroom door when the professor says, "No, Pansy. Stop wasting my time!"

I grab my bag and open the door as quietly as possible when I get startled by Pansy's whining, "But PROFESSOR! This is discrimination just because I'm a fucking Slytherin-"

I didn't hear the rest of Pansy's yelling as I was already out of the door at this point, completely out of breath.

"I will- eh see you, tomorrow," I puffed. Draco nodded his head as he gulped and waved goodbye, walking away from me.

I was too shocked at what nearly just happened to even say anything. I walked the opposite direction, heading back to the common room.

When I walked into the common room I was instantly tackled by Mione and Ron who dragged me onto the couch.

"Guys, I really need to go showe-"

"No time. Saturday at 12 meet us at the three broomsticks. And bring along anyone trustworthy you know," Mione explained. I rose my brows in a lazy manner as I stared at the two.

"We're holding a meeting!" Ron exclaimed as if I should know what this 'meeting' is about. I gestured my hands for them to elaborate.

They explained how they want Harry to teach DADA lessons in a secret location since Umbridge cannot teach us properly and Harry knows more about this than any of us. I instantly agreed as I knew I was going to fail my OWL's without Harry.

"I'm in, anything to rub it in that toad's face," I scoffed. They both nodded to each other as a smile appeared on Hermione's face.

"-Wait. Can I bring along a Slytherin or two?" I asked as I stood up to head to my dorm.

They looked at me as if to tell them I'm joking. "They are fine, trust me." They shrugged in defeat and I smiled to myself as I headed to the stairs.

"Just don't bring Malfoy," Ron joked, cracking up. I froze and started laughing very loudly before I ran up to my dorm.

Just don't bring Malfoy, no shit Ronald. No shit!

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