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One Month Later!

It's been one month since the Malfoy incident and I've practically forgotten about him. My friends walk with me to every class and every class they're not in, Leo walks me. There was an incident where he tried to talk to me but Ron nearly punched him in the face.

Today was our OWL's and I was stressed as fuck. I know I'll do fine but there is a part of me that is stressing out more than the ordinary. Hermione and I have gone over almost everything, quite thankful to have her as a friend.

I was outside the Great Hall with my friends, we had to place our bags outside the hall along with our wands and any other magical item.

My friends have already left and gone inside, finding their seats. I was the only one left outside or so I thought. I grabbed my quill and turned around to head for the door when I saw him.

He looked up and stared at me, I shot him a glare as I scoffed and walked towards the door. I stopped outside to find my seat number and could feel his presence behind me.

Seat Number 35. I walked inside and the toad was sitting in her high-class, wooden chair, in front of a gigantic clock. I rolled my eyes before walking down the row, reading the seat numbers until I reached 35.

I was a few seats in front of Ron and Harry and directly across from Neville. I mouthed good luck to Neville before Umbridge stood up. "You may begin!" Her voice sent shivers down my spine but I ignored them as I opened my paper.

The test is 2 hours and I had 45 minutes left. I was nearly done with my charms paper but this test, despite being the first one, is hard as fuck. My ass was hurting badly which is an understatement and my hands were beginning to feel numb.

I was halfway through a 12 marker about the differences between the two water charms and their uses when I began hearing faint noises.

Umbridge had the same idea as she got up to investigate. Once she passed me, I turned around in my seat to see everyone doing the same. "What's happening?" I mouthed to Ron who shrugged his shoulders and turned to Harry.

I rose my brows at Hermione and she shrugged her shoulders. She looked like a mess as she was sleeping, I assume she finished her test early - no shock there.

Umbridge opened the doors and walked outside. I could see Malfoy staring at me and I rolled my eyes before shooting him a death glare and focusing my attention back on Umbridge. Everyone was intrigued by the sudden disruption and every single person's head was faced towards the door.

To my surprise, a spark flew in front of Umbridge's face before floating into the hall and erupting into colourful sparks above us. There was a loud cheer as Fred and George came flying in with their broomsticks, throwing more sparks into the air.

Everyone threw their papers into the air as more and more fireworks were being erupted into the air. I joined my friends as we looked at the twins in awe, they had guys and I liked that. 

I draped an arm over Hermione and Ron whilst cheering and falling into a pit of laughter at the twins' behaviour. My favourite Weasley's back at it again.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the twins doing a prank on Malfoy. He ran back in fear as a fireball erupted in his face, making me slightly snicker at his petrified state. 

The twins threw a massive firework in the air and a dragon formed, roaring as it floated after Umbridge who was screaming in fear, trying to run away from the dragon firework. It eventually "swallowed" Umbridge which made her useless wall of rules shatter onto the floor.

As the twins rode off on their brooms, we all ran after them out to the courtyard. I linked my arm through Hermione's and dragged Ron and Harry with us, I couldn't even contain my excitement at this point. 

We started clapping and cheering, even the Slytherin's were pretty excited. I could see a majority of the professors joining us out as they cheered for the Weasley twins who were throwing fireworks deep into the air.

We were all clapping for the twins. "No, Ron! It was definitely Fred's idea," I argued with Ron, pointing at the two brothers in the air as they made a W shape for Weasley.

"No. I know my own brothers and-"

"GUYS!" Hermione snapped us out of our argument. We saw her kneeled down on the floor with Harry and we both ran up to them, kneeling by Harry.

"Sirius!" He groaned in pain and I looked at my two friends in confusion. They both shrugged their shoulders, worrisome clear in their faces.

Harry got up and instantly ran out of the courtyard, Hermione, Ron and I following shortly behind him.

"Harry, are you sure?" Hermione asked as we ran after him, up the moving stairs. Harry told us how he had a sort of dream about Sirius, a real one that Voldermort has captured him and is torturing the poor soul.

"I saw it! It's just like with Mr. Weasley, it's the same door I've been dreaming about for months and I couldn't remember where I've seen it before."

I gave him a look of uncertainty, "Elaborate please." 

He nodded before continuing as we climbed the moving stairs, "Sirius said Voldermort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time and it's in the department of mysteries."

I stopped him mid-way and he turned around to look at the three of us, impatient, "Harry, please just listen. What if he meant for you to see it?"

Hermione agreed as she took a step and was now equal with me, "What if hurting Sirius is the only way to get to you?" 

Ron nodded, standing on level with Hermione and I as the three of us stared out at him. "What if he is? I'm just supposed to let him die? He's the only family I've got left," he urged.

The three of us looked at each other before Ron said, "What do we do?" Harry rubbed his temples, shaking his head and running up the stairs again.

"We'll have to use the flu network!" Harry exclaimed as we ran down the hallway.

"Harry, Umbridge has shut down the flu network," I pointed out, trying to catch up with him. He let out a small chuckle, "Not all of them."

We entered Umbridge's office and a shiver went down my spine, the memory of the last time I was here haunting me. The four of us ran up to her fireplace and kneeled down.

"You guys should warn the others tha-" Harry began, staring into the fire.

"We're coming with you, Harry!" Hermione snapped, grabbing hold of his arm.

He was about to protest before I chuckled, "We're in this together, no backing out now."

We were startled by the door squeaking open, "That you are!"

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