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"Reducto!" We all looked to Ginny who demolished the moving wood in pieces. The Weasley boys looked a little intimidated, embarrassed even, I thought it was badass.

I was practicing with Neville, getting a little tired of pointing my arm in front of him.

"Expelliarmus!" My wand flew out of my hand and landed in his. I ran up to him hugging him, congratulating him, "Neville! That was amazing!"

Harry clapped his hands, gathering our attention, "Well that'll be it. You guys are doing brilliant so just keep practicing and we'll meet after the holidays. Great work everyone!"

I gave him a hug, "I'll see you at the commons. Don't get carried away there," I winked at him, knowing he was going to stay back for Cho Chang. 

I ran up to Aiden, Ara and Leo, "Shall we sit outside before we part ways?" They all nod their heads and we head to the courtyards, ready to take a breather.

We sat in the courtyards, in a broken square as we talked about the recent meeting. Aiden and Ara looked pretty cozy, too cozy. "You two seem to be getting along," I interjected as I stared at them.

"We are working together, are we not?" Ara giggles. I don't think I've ever heard a giggle come out of her mouth and I am quite terrified. I didn't think Malfoy's were even capable of giggling.

"I think they look cute, it was about time.," Leo interpreted. I nodded my head in agreement as the two pairs' cheeks glowed pink.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" Ara asked, leaning her head onto Aiden's shoulder.

I haven't even thought if I want to head back home for Christmas. The weird encounter with mum at Kings Cross was weird enough, I don't exactly know what to expect if I decide to return home.

"What about you, Coraline?" I turned to see all of their eyes on me. "I don't know, the summer was amazing being with my sister and all but it won't be like that during Christmas. Mum's been acting weird and dad is never around."

They all look between Leo and I before I reassure them that he knows about everything. "Don't worry, I mean my family is hosting the New Year's Eve gala this year. I'm sure you're coming and I can invite you too Aiden," Ara smiles softly at Aiden who cups her cheek.

"Yeah, can't make it but thanks for the invite," Leo sarcastically dropped. Ara's eyes grow wide at her rudeness, "Oh Leo! I'd invite you to come along but I don't know if you heard but I'm a Malfoy."

He chuckled lowly before assuring her it was fine, he understood.

"Ara?" We turned around to see a moody Malfoy walking towards our group, glaring at Leo. 

"What do you want, Draco? I'm busy," she snapped. He eyed Leo and I who are sat closely within each other, it's no secret about Draco and I with these three but I never told Draco that Leo knows.

"Curfew is 5 from now, in case you've forgotten. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff seem to be radiating their horridness all over you," he spat as I snorted at his reasoning.

"I suggest you two head back to your common rooms, house points will already be deducted." I glared at Draco, who was seemingly enjoying this.

"How could we forget?" I rolled my eyes, playing with my fingertips. 

There was an awkward silence before Aiden got up, pulling Ara up with her, "Shall we?" She smiled softly before taking his hand. 

"Let's go, Leo, I should probably find those three." I helped him up but was pushed back by Draco who had his hand on either one of our chests.

"Boys and girls to be within 5 feet," he growled. I yanked his arm off my chest and pushed him back, making him stumble, "Follow the rules then, ferret."

He glared at me before storming off to his sister, "Why are you two holding hands? Let's go!" 

I kept in my giggles until he was out of sight and then burst out laughing with Leo. "I still don't understand how you find that charming," he chuckled, scrunching his face up.

"Shut up! Let's go before princess toadelina finds us." We went our separate ways as we headed for our commons.

AN: This was kind of a filler chapter because I wanted to write those three's dynamic a little. Don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter right now so It'll be out in a bit :)

Thank you guys for reading, love you all <3

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