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One week later

It's been a week since the incident with Draco and Hary happened. I've visited Draco every day and night since he's been admitted to the infirmary, the spell that Harry had used really did a number on him.

Since then, my friends let me know what they've been up to. Harry has apparently used the liquid luck Slughorn gave him to get information out of him. Something to do with Dumbledore and Tom Riddle but I didn't pay much attention to it.

It was 12PM meaning I could finally visit Draco for the day, I brought him his favourite from the Great Hall knowing how much he hates the food Pomfrey gives him.

I opened the door to see two heads talking to Draco, two familiar heads.

"Well well well, Charlie and Pansy," I chuckled behind them as I placed the plate of food on Draco's nightstand.

"If it isn't Draco's girlfriend," Charlie winked to which I slapped his shoulder.

"I brought you some food from the Great Hall, eat it!" I sternly told Draco who nodded his head as he indulged the smell of the steaming food.

"I think we should all get put in the infirmary if this is how Lay treats everyone," Pansy giggled. I rolled my eyes as I aimed to slap her.

I sat on the edge of Draco's bed as I looked at the two, "What are you guys even doing here?" They both took out sheets of paper as they handed them to Draco.

"His homework," Pansy evilly smiled. "How charming," Draco rolled his eyes as he chucked the papers to one side.

Charlie got up and gave me a hug before he dragged Pansy out of the infirmary saying he needed her help with something. I looked to Draco who looked out of it, "You should eat. You need to gain back your strength."

He looked up at me and nodded his head before gazing back down to the floor, playing with his fingers. "Is something wrong? You look a bi-"

"I'm fine, Coraline. I'm just a bit tired that's all," he exhaled, leaning his head back a bit as he aimed to get some rest.

I nodded my head before going over to him and placing a kiss on his forehead, "I'll head out then."

I turned to leave but I felt him grab my wrists and turn me around, "Please stay in your common room tonight. Don't leave it, no matter what."

"Why? Is there-"

"Please, just listen to me. For once, Coraline, please don't argue with me." Something in his eyes told me he wouldn't stop until I agreed. I nodded my head as a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

I quickly cupped his face and merged my lips with his, "Come back to me." He nodded his head before letting go of my hips, "I promise."

I stared at him one more time before I ran out of the infirmary. I could see Leo talking to another Hufflepuff and I instantly dragged him away.

"Woah Woah, what's wrong?" He asked once he saw my distressed face.

I took in a deep breath before grabbing his shoulders, "Something is going to happen tonight and I need you to make sure the younger students are all safely inside your common room. Please."

"Coraline...what's going on?" He asked me warily. I shook my head, "I can't explain, right now. Just do as I say."

He nodded his head and I ran down the school needing to find Pansy. I let her know and she went ahead and took the younger students inside her common room.

I wasn't stupid, I knew the second Draco's face froze and the way he instructed me to stay inside that it's happening and it's happening tonight. He's daft as ever if he believes I will listen to him.

Running around the hall, I found Cho and Luna in the hallway talking. "Cho! Luna!" Their heads jolted at my sudden calling.

"No time to explain, I need you both to take the younger Ravenclaw students to your common room. Now!" They gave me a weird look, exchanging glances with one each other before they ran out.

I had to go find my friends, let them know everything that was about to happen. Once making it inside the common room, I got up on the table and whistled trying to gain their attention.

"Everyone! I need you all to go find the younger Gryffindor students and bring them back here. Please," I begged them but they all stood still, staring at me.

I let out a huff before one of the fifth year students spoke up, "Why should we do what you say?"

"Because you git, something bad is about to happen and unless you get the younger students in here they will get hurt badly. I'll make sure whatever blood is shed will be on each and every one of your hands." They all looked at me.

Seamus got up from his seat, walking towards me, "You've lied to us for five years. Why the hell should we believe anything that comes out of a Vanderwal's mouth?"

"Just do as she says!" Hermione snapped, making all of us stare at her in shock. "If you don't believe her then at least listen to us."

I gave them a thankful nod and the Gryffindor's scurried out, trying to collect the younger students. Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville ran up to me, knowing something was wrong.

"I don't have time to fill you lots in but believe me when I tell you death eaters are about to come into the school." They all looked at me in astonishment.

Hermione who looked terrified gulped, "We have to warn everyone who's out."

I agreed, "But we need to make sure the younger ones are safe first. These death eaters will not hesitate to kill them and the younger ones have less tactic."

They all nodded their heads before heading out. I took in a deep breath as I stared at my friends who had proud smiles on their faces. "Ready to kick some motherfucking ass?" I chuckled and they shook their heads before shoving me out of the common room.

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