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The next month has been somewhat decent. My friends are talking to me again, including Ron and it's definitely shone some light on me. Despite having my friends back, there is still conflict going on between Ron and Hermione; Ron and Lavender dating has been the highlight of my week.

I haven't seen Pansy this past month, she's been giving me the cold shoulder and I don't really know why. I tried approaching her several times in class but she just walks away or turns her back on me.

I was in the library with Hermione and Harry, I was zoned out reading my novel when I heard Harry groan in pain. "But I am the chosen one," Harry laughed.

I looked up to see Harry being smacked on the head by a rolled-up newspaper, "Okay-Okay. Sorry."

 "What's going on?" I chuckled, looking at the two of them arguing.

"Harry doesn't have a date for the Christmas party," Hermione snapped, putting her books back.

I gave Harry an odd look, "You have girls lining up who want you, how do you not have a date?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I'll find someone cool, don't worry."

"Do you have someone, Mione?" I asked, rubbing my temples. Harry gave her a look before he put his head down after Mione shot him a glare.

"Yes, I do. Did I think Ronald and I would attend together? Yes. But no matter, I found someone else and NO I'm not telling you who," she huffed, placing more books back on the shelf.

"Do you have a date, Lay?" Harry asked, backing away from the frustrated Hermione. I chuckled before nodding my head, "I asked Leo to come with me."

Hermione let out a sigh of defeat before sitting down and grabbing a book. "Since when did you read Shakespeare?" Hermione asked me, peeking her head through the book.

"I used to read his work when I lived with nona, I guess it comforts me in a way," I shrugged. 

I dismissed myself from the library as I was beginning to feel sleepy and genuinely wanted to get some rest in.

I was walking down the corridor when I saw Draco looking around before walking down a hallway.

Follow him

No, none of your business

Follow him

I groaned in defeat as I quietly followed him, leaving space between us so he doesn't see or hear me. I was beginning to get tired, he was walking around all the way up to the seventh floor but he finally stopped in front of a wall.

The wall.

The door to the Room of Requirement. Why the hell does Draco need to go to the Room of Requirement?

I walked in after him, making sure to remain as quiet as possible. He brought up the storage room which confused me, this room was full of junk dating back to centuries ago.

I walked around, trying my best not to cough up the dust that was flying around the air. He was nowhere to be found until I started hearing faint whispers.

He stood in front of a wooden cupboard, touching it and feeling it for some sort of connection. I hid behind a pile of old papers, tilting my head to the side to try and figure out what he was doing.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus."

"Harmonia Nectere Passus."

"Harmonia Nectere Passus."

"Harmonia Necte-"

Getting lost in his faint whispers, the stack of papers all fell to the ground and I fell on the floor. I looked up to see he had his wand out until he realised who it was and brought his hand down.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He raised his voice as I stood up from the ground.

"I wanted to see where you were going," I shrugged, patting down my clothes.

His face softened slightly as he let out a breath, "Leave." I rose my brows slightly at his intention, "I'm not going to leave, Draco. What are you-"

"Do you ever listen to what you're told? Of course not otherwise you wouldn't get beaten by your own father," he yelled.

"Draco, I didn- What did you just say?" My eyes widened at the words that I just heard come out of his mouth.

He muttered a curse under his breath as he looked around the room, "Just leave, Vanderwal. Plea-"

"You have no fucking right to use that against me, I told you what happened to me out of confidence," I yelled back, matching his tone.

He threw his head back in defeat, "Get out. Now!"

"Why are you shutting everyone out, Draco? I'm just-"

"STOP!" He screamed. I jumped back slightly at his sudden outburst, I've never heard him lose his temper like this before.

"Just stop! I fucking broke you, Coraline, and you still come back to me as if what happened never did. You didn't deserve what I did to you, just save yourself while you can," he breathed.

I stared at him in shock, he's right. He broke me in so many ways and yet I'm still here chasing after him because I can't stop.

"You're right," I whispered, feeling the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd stay away for good." He turned around, his back now facing me.

I stared at him for a second longer before I turned my heels around and walked out of the room of requirement, leaving a questionable Malfoy behind.

I shut the heavy doors of the room and fell down onto the floor, the tears beginning to fall down my face silently.

"Who's there? It is past curfew, show- Oh my god, Coraline." I looked up to see Ara who quickly jogged towards me and fell down next to me.

I was pulled into Ara's comforting arms where I laid in them, letting the tears come down. 

"Does it always hurt? Knowing you love someone so much but you won't be able to have them?" I asked as I wiped my tears away.

I felt her nodding her head, "Sometimes it's for the better but if it's meant to be then fate will pull you guys together."

She knew I was talking about Draco, it didn't take a genius to figure it out. He broke me badly but I always find my way back to him whether I want to or not - we're like a magnet. 

Nothing else was said, there was nothing needed to be said. That night, I knew what I wanted and I knew how to get it now. 

AN: Quick reminder: Leo did not come to school at the start with the others because when the death eaters attacked the bridge in London at the start, his mother got injured and was put in hospital :)

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