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Mature Content Ahead!!!!!

I walked into potions, my last lesson of the day before I have to attend Harry's defense classes. I would skip it due to how tired I am but it's the first meeting, I'll skip the next one.

"Miss Scott!" I was startled by Snape's drowsy voice. I turned around to see him holding a clipboard in his hand, "You'll be working with Mr. Malfoy today."

I nodded my head as I went to take my usual seat only to have Draco already sitting there, smirking as I walked towards the table. "Scott, nice to see you're on time," he dropped sarcastically.

"Malfoy, nice to see your face show off your ferret-like furs," I smiled back as I took my seat. I saw Leo resting his head on his hands and pouting like a child, he has to work with Lavender and let's just say they have history. Horrible history.

Once the whole class arrived, Snape began talking and writing the ingredients down on the chalkboard - this was a rare potion we would be making, not in the books. 

I was taking notes when I jumped at a cold feeling on my thigh, I look up to see Draco with his hand on my thigh as he is taking notes with his other hand. I don't pay much attention to this and carry on taking my notes.

I felt his hand ride higher up my thigh, pinching the bare skin of my inner thigh making me jump slightly. "You good?" My cousin asks me from the other side of the table and I nod my head hoping he'd turn around.

Draco's hand goes higher and higher as he massages my thigh. He reaches the hem of my underwear and twirls it with one finger, sending butterflies to my stomach.

The grip on my quill becomes tighter as I try my best to stop shaking my hands but before I know it, he uses his hand to massage my core. I felt wetness dampening the fabric of my underwear, trying my best to control my breathing - we're in the middle of class, Snape's class.

Stir four times, I began writing on my parchment when Draco stuck a finger inside me making me jolt in my seat. I spread my legs wider and could've sworn I saw a smirk grow onto his face at how eager I became.

He began pumping his finger, slowly, knowing it would frustrate me the most. I gripped onto the table, trying to suppress any sounds ejecting from my mouth as I bit my lip. Everyone was too busy, focused on Snape and his dulling voice which I was for once highly thankful for.

A low squeak came out of my mouth as he stuck another finger in, pumping in and out of me faster and more intense. I held in my breath as I was close, too close. My heart rate increased rapidly and was ready to rip out of my chest.

I closed my eyes as I was about to come until I felt the tingling sensation disappear as he removed his fingers out of me. I looked around the class to see everyone standing up, is the lesson over? 

"So, Scott. Shall I gather the ingredients or will you?" Draco smiled, tilting his head to the right as he stares at me.


I was walking with Leo, Aiden and Ara to the Room of Requirement. Thanks to Neville, we've found a place Umbridge surely won't find us here.

"You know, Ara, I never expected you, a Malfoy, to come to this," Leo said, walking in between Ara and I.

She chuckled lowly as she clutched her textbooks, "There is a lot you don't know about me Hufflepuff, don't underestimate me." He smiled to himself as we finally arrived at the RoR.

The doors appeared and we walked inside, half of the students already inside. We walk up to Harry who looks about ready to shit himself. "Mr. Potter, you seem tense," I chuckled, bringing him in for a hug.

"No, I'm brilliant. Not stressed a-at all, feeling great. Excellent even," he said in a sarcastic tone. I grabbed his hands to calm him down but quickly let go as they were sweaty, really sweaty.

"You know, I find it helpful to calm myself down when I count backward from one hundred," Ara softly interpreted. Harry gave her a soft nod as he walked away, calming himself down and rubbing his hands on his trousers.

"That was sweet of you, Ara," Aiden said, smiling at her. "Yeah, piss off," Ara snapped. Aiden raised his hands up in defense as Ara walked away and placed her belongings on the floor.

"Does bipolar behaviour run in the Malfoy family or something?" Aiden whispered, looking back to see if Ara heard.  I chuckled as I shrugged my shoulders and went to find my friends.

Sooner or later, everyone finally arrived and Harry began the lesson. As he started it, he became more relaxed than he was when I arrived.

Leo and I stood side by side as we were all lined up in a line, we stood behind Neville who was about to demonstrate the Expelliarmus spell for us.

"Expelliarmus!" He chanted and everyone ducked as his wand flew back. I saw a hopeless look on his face and clapped, "You'll get it next time, Nev."

"You're just flourishing your wand too much," Harry says as he points his wand at the wooden mannequins. 

"Expelliarmus!" He chants and the mannequin's wand flew out of its wooden hands. I looked in awe as I was ready to do some practical work, getting an idea.

As Neville walked to the back, Harry gestured for me to come forward. I took a deep breath, turned around, "Watch how it's done, dorks." 

"Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of the mannequin's hand and landed straight into my own. I smiled to myself as I high-fived Harry and walked to the back of the line.

After everyone had a go, Harry told us to partner up and practice on people. I was walking towards Leo when Ara dragged me to a corner, "You're practicing with me, Va- Scott!"

I rose my brows as she directed her eyes behind me, I turned around to see Aiden smiling like a lost puppy at her. I chuckled lowly before I stood in front of Ara, allowing her to cast the charm on me.

"Expelliarmus!" She raises her voice slightly but nothing happens. "Potter!" She waves over but he points his finger at her, signalling her to wait.

I walk towards her about to speak when I feel an arm drape over my shoulders. "I see you're having troubles, Malfoy. Let me assist." I turn my head to see Aiden with a grin. oh boy...

I could tell Ara was looking around for Harry, hoping he'd show up but nope. Aiden placed his arms over hers, placing his hand on top of hers on her wand. "When I count to three, I want you to say the incantation."

She nods her head as I prepare to hold my wand out in front of me.




"Expelliarmus!" Ara chants and as Aiden directed her hand, my wand flew into Ara's left hand, a slight smile forming onto her lips.

"Fantastic, Ara! Well done," Harry beamed, giving her a thumbs-up as he walks past.

Draco, damn- 

God, I am so terrible at writing smut because it feels so awkward. I don't know why I do this to myself but oh well...we move.

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