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I woke up late this morning due to barely getting any sleep from Lavender talking about Rom, all fucking night.

I quickly get dressed before I ran out of the door. I don't need this new professor thinking less of me already.

I reached the dungeons but accidentally bumped into someone once I got to the bottom of the stairs, "Watch where you're going, jackass!"

I looked up to see Harry and Ron, staring at me with wide eyes. I roll my eyes before shoving past them and walking down the long hallway to the potions classroom.

"Coraline!" I heard Harry's voice call out to me for the first time in a long time. I took a deep breath before turning around and facing the two boys, "What?"

They looked hurt at my sudden tone but I didn't care. "W-What happened to you?" Harry asked, standing beside Ron.

"You saw the bruises, Potter. Put the pieces together," I scoffed. He looked hurt at the fact that I called him 'Potter' but I had no choice.

With one final look, I turned my heels and began walking, I could hear them walking behind me. "Is someone hurting you?" I heard Harry ask but I didn't stop walking.

"That's none of your concern, anymore." They weren't my friends anymore, I don't know why they care if I am getting hurt or not. Yes, I've been abused almost every day for 46 days but I fucking firmed it without them.

We finally reached the classroom and I let out a breath of relief, "Just please drop it. We're not friends anymore, whatever happens to me shouldn't be of your concern." With those final words, I pushed the classroom door open and walked in.

"Sorry, I overslept!" I told the professor as I walked past him and headed to an empty seat. Just my luck, the only empty seats was Hermione's table.

I dropped my things onto the table before joining Pansy in a corner, who was smiling at me once I stood next to her.

"Any ideas what these might be?" Slughorn asked, referring to the three cauldrons in front of him.

Hermione's hand jolted up and she walked towards them, explaining each one of them. The only one which caught my eye was the Amortentia. When I walked in, I could smell mint mixed with a dash of cinnamon but couldn't grasp what it was. The question remains, who did I smell?

"And this, is known as Felix Felicis," the professor said. "It is more commonly referred to as-"

"Liquid Luck!" I cut him off, intrigued by the potion. "Very good, Miss- eh- Vanderwal," he praised.

I couldn't help but glance over at Draco, he seemed out of it. For once in his life, he didn't seem happy or ready to throw an insult at someone. My heart sank a little - only a little.

"This is what I offer each one of you today. One liquid luck to the student who in the remaining hour that remains, managed to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death," he explained.

I groaned slightly at the fact that I'm going to have to make something, I was never necessarily into potion-making. Never the less, I walked over to the ingredients stash and gathered the ingredients I needed.

My table was awfully quiet, I kept my head down in hopes of not making eye contact with any of them. Harry, who was next to me, was perfectly cutting his sopophorus bean.

"Crush it, don't cut it," I heard a whisper. I looked to my left to see he was looking at me, I nodded at him thanks for the help.

An hour goes by and everyone is practically fed up, even Hermione. We all look like a mess, all but Harry, who managed to brew the perfect batch. He was never good at potions so I wonder how he got so great at it.

Class ended and I walked out of the door to catch my cousin. I draped an arm over his shoulder and chuckled, "Potions is going to be fun, don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah. Unless Potter decides to fuck up our chances of passing," he huffed. I rolled my eyes at his comment but continued walking with him to our next lesson.

"You guys arrived together, are you friends again?" He asked as we waited outside the DADA classroom.

I shook my head in disappointment, "No. They were asking about the bruises they saw on me back in Diagon Alley."

Before he could say anything, Snape opened his door gesturing for us to enter.


That evening I was walking around the school building as I tried to smoke. Ever since what happened to me, I felt like smoking took the pressure off of my chest - literally.

I was puffing out smoke as I turned around a corner only to see Malfoy sat in a familiar place. Me being me, I decided to walk over to him, "An odd place to be. Don't you think?"

"I do a lot of my thinking here, what's it to you?" He sounds like he hasn't slept in a while, I don't know why I should care but I do.

I kept the joint in my mouth and sat opposite him, "I'm intrigued, Malfoy."

"What happened to the bruises on your neck?" He asked. I was hoping he wouldn't only because I don't want to explain to him or any of them why I was like that.

I puffed out smoke as I choked a little, "None of your concern." I could tell he was irritated by this and wouldn't let it go until I told him.

"If someone is hurting you, tell me. I can-"

"You can what? Emotionally abuse them?" I choked out, staring into his eyes. He moved his gaze down towards his laps and I leaned back, not knowing what to do or say.

I took one final puff of the smoke and threw the joint out. I stood up, walking up to him and sat on his lap, my arms wrapped around his neck.

I cupped his face, not removing my eyes from his and smashed my lips onto his. His arms snaked around my waist and pinched them slightly.

I breathed out the smoke that remained in my mouth and into his and pulled back slightly, "That's something for you to think about."

I repeated the words he told me on the last day of the fourth year, I left him shook and stunned. I chuckled to myself slightly before getting up and walking back to the common room.

This year was about to get interesting...

AN: Thank you guys so much for 5K reads holy hell. It means so much to me, truly.

Also, this is where I imagined Draco and Coraline to be having their conversation

Also, this is where I imagined Draco and Coraline to be having their conversation

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