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< Cruise day 3 >

{ Calum }

Landyn stayed in Michael and Crystal's room last night, letting Maddie and I have a night alone.

Maddie got emotional last night. We ended up laying in bed, me holding her as she cried. But I didn't mind. She needed to get out what she was feeling.

We talked about how Landyn was having nightmares. She told me about when they started the first time after Josh went to jail. She told me Landyn cried for days on end. Now he's having the nightmares again and he's more anxious than ever. He's scared when people walk up or when people talk to him. He's scared and now Josh keeps popping back up.

I woke up before Maddie this morning. She was still curled up to my chest, dried tears on her cheeks. I kissed her head then grabbed my phone to check the time. It was already 8:00. We wanted to be off the boat and on Disney's island- Castaway Cay- by 9:00. We're supposed to meet Michael, Crystal, and Landyn at breakfast at 8:15.

I turned slightly and gently rubbing Maddie's arm to wake her up. She shuffled and tried nuzzling closer to my body,

"We gotta get up. It's already 8" I whispered. She sighed but nodded.

Her eyes opened and she looked up at me,

"Good morning" she kissed my lips,

"Good morning" I responded. We laid there for a second then we both got up.

We got dressed fast and walked down to breakfast. Landyn was attached to Maddie as soon as he saw her. He had already finished his Mickey waffles but wanted fruit so Maddie took him back to the buffet,

"He had a bad night" Michael sighed as soon as they were out of earshot,

"He slept for maybe an hour" Crystal added,

"Maddie was a mess last night. She's so worried about him" I told them,

"I haven't seen them like this since it all first happened. And now we're all about to leave for tour and she's on her own" Michael shook his head.

After breakfast, we stepped onto Disney's island. Landyn was still attached to Maddie's hip. Mike and I asked if he wanted to go to the water slide, but he told us no and that he wanted to stay with Maddie.

Maddie did everything he asked her to do. I think they've built about five sandcastles now and have jumped waves for hours.

Finally, I coaxed Landyn to come with me to get ice cream. The line was pretty long but Landyn was patient and holding my hand.

"Calum!" He tugged my hand to get my attention. I looked down at him and he motioned that he wanted me to pick him up. So I picked him up and settled him on my hip,

"Calum? Do you have to leave when we get home?" He asked, letting his head hit my shoulder,

"I do buddy. I'm really sorry. But maybe you and Mommy can come visit" I told him,

"I don't want you to go" he mumbled,

"Why not?" I questioned,

"Because who's gonna help me and Mommy when you aren't there? What if my daddy wants to get us?"

My heart was now pumping and aching,

"Your daddy won't hurt you guys. But if something happens, I promise- I pinky promise- I will be right back with you and your mom" I promised. He nodded and I felt him take a deep breath,

"I wish you were my daddy"

I wanted to cry. Normally I'd be freaking out but I'm not. This kid just wants a better life- and he's only four!

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