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< Friday >

{ Calum }

"You haven't kissed her yet!" Michael yelled at me while in the studio,

"No dude" I cowered back, trying to not get smacked,

"Calum! You hang out all the time!" he yelled again,

"Yeah with Landyn" I defended. Michael groaned and Luke and Ashton laughed,

"That's it. Today's Friday so she's off work. After we leave here, I'm getting Landyn. You're going home to change then going to get her and taking her out tonight" he decided,

"I'm not opposed" I agreed,

"Thank fucking God" Michael dramatically tossed his arms up then grabbed his guitar.

All-day, we worked on melodies and lyrics. I wanted to bang my head into the wall by the end. We stopped for lunch where the guys yelled at me to grow a pair and ask Maddie out. They hounded me with questions- the main one being if I was ready to take on a relationship with not just a girl but a kid too. To answer, I think I am.

I put my bass back on the rack and grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys, and headed out with Mike,

"I'll go get Landyn now. I'm not telling her that you're coming. So get your ass home and get ready" Michael shoved me towards my car. I nodded and hopped in and headed home.

It's not that I don't want a relationship, because I would love one, I'm just scared. I haven't had a great past with relationships, but I guess Maddie hasn't either. But, this one is going to work. I have a good feeling about it. Right as I was ready to give up on 'love' Michael introduces us to Maddie and my heart skipped a beat. Maybe I've found a little hope.

I had gotten home and let Duke out, then went into my room to change. Then just as I was about to leave, I got a text from Michael,


Michael: [ Just picked Landyn up.
But, might want to change going
out to staying in. Mads didn't
have a great day.
maybe kiss her wink ]

[ Got it Mike. Thanks ]


{ Maddie }

Today's not been good. First I got called into work for a meeting and since I had nobody to watch Landyn today, he had to come with me. Then I got and have been dealing with lawyers and the bank since then.  Josh decided he would attempt to get in my bank account and attempt to get his name on all my stuff. Of course, the accounts are protected so he couldn't. But all day I've been having to change accounts and banks to protect what I have. Then Josh showed up at my door. After I didn't answer he left.

Just past five, my apartment door opened and Michael walked in,

"Uncle Mike!" Landyn beamed and ran to him,

"Hey dude. Go get you some clothes. You are having a sleepover with me and Aunt Crys" Michael smiled at him. Landyn grinned and ran off,

"Why is he spending the night?" I questioned,

"Crys told me you had a rough day so I figured you could use some time by yourself. Plus I miss him" he shrugged. I nodded and Landyn ran back out and I quickly checked his backpack, even though he's basically got a closet at Michael and Crystal's.

"Have fun and be good" I hugged my toddler,

"I will Mommy" he giggled. I kissed his head and he and Michael headed out.

30 minutes later there was a knock at my door. I groaned but got up and went and opened it, a bit harshly. My entire demeanor changed when I saw Calum standing there, holding a pizza box and wine,

"Heard you had a rough day" he spoke. I smiled and stepped to the side to let him in. I followed him to my kitchen where he sat the pizza and wine down. He turned to me and opened his arms. I smiled and walked into them.

I almost froze when I felt Calum kiss the top of my head. I pulled back and looked up at him

"What happened?" he asked, still holding me in his arms

"I got called in and didn't have anyone for Landyn so he had to come with me and that pissed my boss off even though Landyn sat there quietly and didn't bother me or anyone. Then I got home and apparently, Josh is trying to get into all my shit", I groaned, my head leaning on Calum's chest,

"I'm sorry" Calum whispered, "If there's anything I can do to help, let me know please" he kissed my head as he did earlier,

"And I can always watch Landyn if you need it. And the guys won't care if he comes to the studio, especially Michael. Hell, I'm surprised Mike hasn't brought him yet" Calum chuckled at the end.

Speaking of Michael,

"Did you know Michael was coming to get Landyn?" I asked. It was odd Calum just showed up.

"Uh, yeah Michael may have said something" he nervously laughed. I just smiled.

We went to the living room with pizza and wine and just talked about everything. We were both a little wine drunk.

We were on movie number 5 by the time we started falling asleep,

"You can stay the night if you want," I told Calum,

"Are you sure?" He asked, sleepily,

"Yeah I'm sure" I laughed and pulled him up from the couch, taking him into my room.

We both got in my bed, Calum just in his boxers and shirt since he wore jeans over. I wasn't going to make him sleep uncomfortably in skinny jeans. Calum pulled me into his arms and I looked up to his face. Suddenly, Calum pressed his lips to mine- and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

As my hand went to his hair, he flipped us to where he was hovering me. He pulled back and smiled, then pressed his lips back to mine. His tongue nudged my lips and I gladly let him in. Our tongues battled until a moan came from Calum. He pulled away and settled back next to me,

"S-sorry" he spoke,

"I didn't mind," I told him. He laughed then pulled me back to him,

"I really like you, like a lot. I'd love to hang out more, with both you and Landyn. And I'm cool with taking this slow, because like I said- I like you a lot" Calum spoke. I slowly leaned up, using my arm to hold me,

"I like you a lot too," I told him. He smiled and pecked my lips before I laid down again, going to sleep with a smile for the first time in a long time.

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now