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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

I woke up as Calum's arms tightened around my waist, his face burying into my neck,

"Morning babe" his lips tickled my neck as he spoke,

"Good morning" I smiled, rolling over in his arms so I could face him,

"What time are you and Landyn going out?" he questioned, his voice still raspy and filled with sleep,

"I'm taking him to a movie at 2:00 but I was going to take him to lunch and go shopping before" I mumbled.

I was taking Landyn out today for a mommy-son date day. We need a little time like this. He's been going so downhill lately and struggling. He needs a little bit of positivity and fun- a day of spoiling sounds good to me.

Just as I went to kiss Calum, I heard Landyn yell for me. He still can't walk without the boot,

"I'll go start breakfast while you get him" Calum chuckled, slowly rolling out of bed, pulling on a pair of shorts and a shirt. I climbed out of bed after him and followed him out of the room, him going to the kitchen and I going to Landyn's room.

I carefully opened his door, Duke shooting out and barking all the way to the kitchen, probably desperate to go outside.

"Mommy" Landyn grinned,

"Good morning baby boy" I kissed his head and picked him up. I wasn't going to put the boot on yet. I figured I'd let his leg breathe for a little bit before he was in it all day,

"Calum's making breakfast. You wanna watch tv for a little bit?"


I carried Landyn out into the main area, spotting Calum and Duke outside when I passed by the kitchen and back door. I put Landyn on the couch and grabbed him a sippy cup- yes, I know he's four but he spills everything so he's still using one.

I went back to the kitchen just as Calum and Duke came on, Duke going to find Landyn immediately.


I held Landyn's hand as we walked into the mall. The kid keeps growing like a weed- although he's a little lopsided with the boot on. I let Landyn pull me into the stores, it was his day after all and we were doing what he wanted,

"Mommy?" he lightly tugged my hand, "Can I get pjs with no feet?"

My head looked down at him. The kid lives in footie pajamas,

"Sure buddy" I nodded, "Why do you want no footies now?"

"Cuz I'm a big kid"

I nodded and led him over to the pajamas,

"Pick out a bunch. You need them if you don't want to wear your footies anymore"

"I sometimes wanna wear my footies" Landyn corrected then let go of my hand.

Once we got him pajamas and some clothes, we got him some new Vans and left the mall.

Landyn requested we get Chipotle for lunch, so that's where we went. Landyn was all smiles as we walked through the parking lot. He's been all smiles all day. This was rare nowadays. I discreetly got my phone out and took a picture and posted it before we walked in,


liked by calumhood and 129,943 others@maddiewalker: mommy-son day 👶🏼💙^@calumhood: my favorite people ❤️^@calhoodfans: he's so cute🥺

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liked by calumhood and 129,943 others
@maddiewalker: mommy-son day 👶🏼💙
^@calumhood: my favorite people ❤️
^@calhoodfans: he's so cute🥺


I picked Landyn up when we got to the front so he could tell them what he wanted,

"What can I get for you cutie?" The lady grinned at Landyn, making him tuck into me,

"He wants the kids chicken quesadilla with white rice, chips, and sour cream on the side" I answered now that Landyn wouldn't. She got his together then got mine. I paid then we went and sat on the patio to eat.

"Are you having fun?" I asked, glancing across the table,

"Yeah! I like Mommy- Landyn day" he grinned, "But I miss Daddy too. And Duke!"

I smiled. He's finally calling Calum 'dad' again, but it is only sometimes. Sometimes he says 'dad' and sometimes he says 'Calum',

"Maybe later we can all take a walk with Duke" I suggested,

"Go to the park?" Landyn's eyes perked,


We both finished eating then headed to the movie theater,

Even though we had just eaten lunch, I got Landyn a small popcorn and a blue slushie. He knows that anytime he goes to the movie he will get one. We went to the theater and got seated. I helped Landyn recline his chair back as he immediately dove into his popcorn as the Lego Movie 2 started.


"Daddy!" Landyn beamed as we walked in the house, Duke running over and jumping on his legs,

"Hey dude!" Calum picked Landyn up, "Did you and Mommy have fun today?"

"Mhm. I gots new pjs and we got Chipotle and saw Lego Movie" Landyn smiled, "Can we go to the park?"

Just as Calum went to respond, thunder rumbled and an instant pout came on Landyn's face,

"We can go tomorrow"

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