twenty-three (pt1)

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< Tuesday >

{ Maddie }

The boys leave in a few days to back on tour. So when Landyn gets out of school, Mike and Crystal are watching Landyn so Calum and I can go out on a date. But first, I had to have a conversation Landyn's school when we take him. Calum was going with me because he saw what was happening.

I walked into Landyn's room while Calum made breakfast. Landyn was already awake and already crying,

"Landyn, I'm sorry but you have to go" I sighed, "But when you get out of school, you're going to Uncle Mike's and Aunt Crystal's to play"

A smile came on his face, then it went back to mad, and he nodded,

"Let's get you dressed because I think Calum's almost done with your pancake" I kissed his head.

I got Landyn dressed in sweatpants and his Spiderman shirt and we headed into the kitchen,

"Morning dude" Calum put a plate on the table and Landyn climbed up to eat. Landyn completely ignored Calum.

Calum gave me a look and I sighed,

"Landyn, eat up. Calum and I are going to get ready to go" I told my son. Landyn nodded and picked at his pancake as I dragged Calum to my room,

"He's mad I'm making him go to school" I sighed once my door was closed,

"Oh" Calum dropped his shoulders and pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry"

"Do you think I'm going about this right? What if there's something more and that's why he doesn't want to go? What if I'm putting him in danger?"

Calum shushed me with a kiss,

"He hasn't said anything about being hurt except for that time he got suspended. And as far as you know it's just him sitting alone because he's not allowed around the others"

I nodded and let my head hit his shoulder,

"We need to get dressed"


Calum and I walked Landyn to his classroom then went to the office where we were to meet with the director.

"Hello! Come on in Ms. Walker" the director, Mrs. Kane, smiled,

"And you are?" she politely asked Calum,

"Calum Hood" Calum shook her hand. Then she motioned us to sit.

"So Ms. Walker, you said you had some concerns regarding Landyn in the classroom?" Mrs. Kane questioned,

"Yes. I recently came to find out that Landyn is sitting alone, in a corner, in his classroom. He told me he wasn't allowed to be near the other kids. I just want to know if he's acting out or what. I just think it's odd that he's the only one not allowed to sit with others" I explained.

Mrs. Kane furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her computer,

"That is odd" she spoke slow, "I don't see anything in his notes about him acting out. The only thing I have was the incident a month ago on the playground, but we've figured that situation out"

"When did you notice this?" She asked and I looked to Calum,

"Uh, I came for the pumpkin painting with Dad's thing. I was in the hall with the others and I glanced in the window to see if I could see Landyn. That's when I saw him" he answered,

"Did you see anything else that was odd, or concerning, with the class as a whole or just Landyn?"

Calum looked at me. He looked nervous,

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