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< February >
< Sunday >

{ Maddie }

We just got to the hotel in Malibu that's ten minutes from the place Calum and I are getting married.

We walked inside and Calum checked us in while I stood back with Landyn.

We're not doing the whole bride and groom stay separate the night before. We decided we'd stay together with Landyn. Landyn's already going to be away from us for a week and a half, there is no way we could start that early.

Calum walked back with the key cards and we headed to the elevator,

"What number?" Landyn asked, ready to push the button,

"Three" Calum laughed and took my hand. Landyn happily pushed the number and we started going up.

When the doors opened, Landyn pulled his Lightning McQueen suitcase behind him while Calum and I followed with our bags,

"The number is 313," Calum told him. Landyn nodded and looked at every door,

"Found it!" he hopped, "Three, one, three"

"Good job buddy" I smiled as we approached. Calum opened the door and we all walked in.

The room was big. There was only one bed but that's okay. It had a large bathroom and a large balcony off the back that overlooked the pool area.

"We gonna go swimming?" Landyn asked, already opening his suitcase to get his swim trunks out,

"I think Mali is going to take you to the kids' pool," I told him,

"Mali's here!" he cheered,

"Yeah dude. I just texted her" Calum laughed.

Landyn grinned and started pulling his clothes off and pulling his shark swim trunks on. He slipped his Crocs back on and grabbed a towel,

"Where's my floatie?" he asked,

"You don't need it. The kid's area is not deep" I assured. He nodded and hopped up to sit on the bed and wait.

While we waited for Mali, Joy, and David to come and get Landyn, Calum and I got ready to go down to the pool with our friends. There was a bar and stuff so that's where we'd be.

But a few minutes later, there was a knock which made Landyn run to the door,

"Can I open it?" He asked, making Calum and I nod. He pulled the door open and hugged Mali who was on the other side,

"Thanks for hanging out with him Mali" Calum spoke, handing Landyn's towel to her,

"Text me if you need me to come get him," I told her,

"He's fine Maddie"

I nodded and kissed my little boy's head and watched as he and Mali headed down the hall.

"Now we're alone" Calum hummed, pulling my hips against his,

"We are"


We got to the pool area where our friends already were. Calum chuckled at how they all hooped and hollered when we walked in. The boys all dragged Calum to the bar while the girls handed me a margarita and pulled me to a group of chairs.

"Girl, you're getting married tomorrow" Crystal spoke, nudging my knee,

"I know" I let out a shaky chuckle, "I'm nervous"

"Don't be. Everything is going to be perfect. You love Calum and Calum loves you" Sierra smiled. I nodded and took a sip.

We all continued to chat around and drink before we got in the pool. Calum was holding me with my arms and legs around him. Crystal was also being held by Michael and Sierra was on Luke's back. Ashton was just leaned up against the wall.

"Any big plans once you all are married?" Ashton questioned. Calum and I glanced at each other. We've actually talked a lot about it,

"We're gonna move into a bigger house and hope to maybe grow our family" Calum smiled,

"We've been looking at houses. We actually found one we really liked. We're hoping they come down some on price" I nodded,

"And having babies?" Sierra spoke,

"We're thinking maybe having one, two at the most" Calum answered,

"We've had a talk with Landyn about siblings. He wants a little brother bad" I chuckled,

"Well, you'll have a week and a half on your honeymoon to get started" Michael winked.


Calum and I went back to our room. Landyn still wasn't with us yet. He was with Joy and David watching a movie in their room,

"Shower?" Calum quirked an eyebrow. I nodded and we both headed into the bathroom. Calum started the water while I stripped down. Once he had stepped away, I got on while he got undressed.

When Calum got in the shower, he held me from behind. His chest was against my back and he kissed my shoulder then lightly nipped at my neck,

"No hickeys" I warned. I was not about to try and have to cover that up tomorrow,

"I know baby" he mumbled.

We stayed under the water just like that for a while. We just let the water hit us as we swayed back and forth,

"We should probably wash up. I'm sure Landyn will be back soon" I hummed. Calum nodded against me and we took turns under the water.

Once clean, we got out and got dressed, and did our nighttime routines. Then I went and got in bed while Calum went to get Landyn.

Calum came in with Landyn who was practically asleep. He laid him in the bed next to me then went and made sure our room door was locked and secure. Calum then made sure phones were plugged in before he got in bed on the opposite side of Landyn,

"Goodnight" he whispered, leaning over Landyn and kissing my lips,

"Goodnight. I love you"

"I love you too. I can't wait to marry you, my love"

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