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< August >
< Monday >

{ Maddie }

The battle has begun.

Today's is Landyn's first day of kindergarten, and he is not having it. I woke him up and the tantrum started immediately. He was screaming, crying, and kicking frantically. Calum's eyes were wide when he walked into Landyn's room seconds ago. He's seen Landyn have tantrums, but never to this extent.

I couldn't get Landyn up no matter how I tried to calm him. I knew I was gonna have to step in and do what I didn't want to do,

"Landyn, if you don't stop the Switch is being taken away and you won't watch tv"

That didn't work. He cried harder,

"Lanny" Calum spoke, sitting next to me on the bed, "Why don't you want to go?"

Landyn's screams started turning to sniffles and I pulled him on my lap,

"Don't want them to hurt me like the other"

I sent Calum a look. His preschool experience ruined him,

"Landyn, they aren't going to hurt you at this one. Daddy and I talked a really long time to them to make sure they wouldn't" I promised. Landyn nodded,

"Let's get dressed and get to school. When me and Mommy pick you up later, we'll go get ice cream" Calum told him. Landyn hesitated but nodded and held his arms out to Calum. Calum stood and picked him up,

"Let's get dressed in your uniform"


We got to school and Calum and I walked Landyn in. He looked so cute in his uniform- khaki pants, white polo, and Sperry shoes.

"I promise you're gonna have a super good day" I whispered to Landyn as we walked into his classroom. He nodded and clutched my hand a little tighter as Miss Kim, his teacher walked up,

"Hi Landyn! We're so glad that you're here with us! Why don't you go out your backpack on your hook then find a place to sit and start on the coloring sheet" she smiled at him. He nodded and slowly walked off.

Miss Kim turned on Calum and I once Landyn was seated and coloring,

"I just wanted to talk real quick. I read the email you sent about what all happened at preschool, and I want to assure you that he will be safe here. I promise I will not let anything happen to him"

"Thank you" I smiled, "I do want you to know he's pretty nervous and anxious. I don't know how he's gonna act"

"He will be okay" she assured. I nodded and Calum squeezed my hand, telling me it was time to go.

We both waved to Landyn, who waved back and left the room. As soon as we were out, I could hear him crying. We couldn't go back and I knew that so we went straight out to the car.

"I'm so sad" I began crying,

"He's going to be okay Mads" Calum lightly laughed and kissed my head,

"But he's in Kindergarten now"

"He's growing up babe. That's how life is"

"I know"

"How about we go get some breakfast then meet up with everyone else?" He suggested. I nodded and buckled up.


We walked into IHOP and were seated in the back corner,

"You want pancakes?" Calum asked, taking my hand on top of the table. I nodded and watched the waitress walk over.

"Hi, how can I help you all today?" she smiled. She was a young girl. She didn't even look like she was out of school yet.

"Can we get two orders of pancakes, a side order of bacon, then two coffees" Calum spoke for us. The girl wrote it all down then left us to put it in,

"You okay?" Calum asked, kissing my knuckles,

"My baby is growing up" I pouted,

"Well yeah he's going to" Calum chuckled, "He's okay Maddie"

"What if he has a panic attack? You know he panics is easy"

"Baby, calm down. They know he has panic attacks. We told them everything. He's okay love"

I sighed and nodded.

The waitress came back and sat our food down,

"Thank you" I smiled. She nodded and walked off, leaving Calum and I again,

"When Landyn was little, I'd bring him here like every Sunday. That's when Josh would be at work so we had a little freedom" I spoke,

"Really? We should start something. Like do something on Sundays or so" Calum smiled,

"Yeah we should"


At 3:00 Calum and I walked up to the entrance of the school and waited for the kids to come out. There were a lot of parents standing around. Calum and I were definitely getting looks.

We could hear the bell ring then the door opened and all the kindergartners walked out. Landyn ran to us with the biggest smile on his face,

"Mommy! I had so much fun!" he hugged me tightly,

"You did! I told you that you would!" I kissed his head,

"Daddy! We listened to music and played with guitars. I played I was you!"

"What?! That's so cool!" Calum smiled,

"Can we get ice cream now?" Landyn finally asked as we walked towards the car,

"Yes buddy we can" Calum laughed.


I got Landyn all ready for bed and walked him to
his room. Calum was finishing up his shower but would come in after.

Landyn climbed up in bed and got cozy. I took a seat with my back against the headboard,

"So you did like school?" I asked, playing with his blonde hair,

"Yeah! It was fun. Not scary like preschool" he explained,

"Did you make some friends?"

"Yeah. Her names Abby. We colored together. She's my desk buddy"

"That's awesome buddy"

"Yeah! Maybe she can come over and play"

"We can see about that" I smiled as Calum walked in with Duke. Duke jumped up on Landyn's bed and curled up next to him.

"Hey buddy" Calum grinned and laid across the bed,

"Daddy I made a friend and Mommy said she could come over one day" Landyn told him,

"That's awesome buddy! We will definitely have to invite her over" Calum nodded,

"Alright bubby, it's time for bed" I finally stood, making Calum get up too,

"Goodnight lil man" Calum kissed him first,

"Love you Daddy"

"Goodnight Landyn" I went next,

"I love you Mommy"

"I love you too. Now get some sleep"

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