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< December >
< Sunday >

{ Calum }

I woke up with a stiff arm and sun beaming in through the window. My eyes slowly opened, to find Maddie laying on my arm with her face tucked into my chest. I simply smiled and kissed her head as I moved in the tiny bed we were sleeping in.

Maddie, Landyn, and I are currently in Australia for the Christmas holiday which meant Maddie and I are sleeping in my tiny, twin-sized, childhood bed. Landyn was sleeping on an air mattress next to us.

I turned lightly to readjust, accidentally waking Maddie,

"Sorry baby" I whispered, removing my arm and pulling her up onto my chest,

"S'ok" she mumbled, nuzzling in and closing her eyes again, "Landyn still asleep?"

"He is" I laughed, "You can sleep some more"

"What time is it?" she muttered, "I'm supposed to go out with your mom and sister today"

I nodded and reached over for my phone. I grabbed ahold of it and clicked the screen,

"It's 9:00" I whispered, kissing her head and locking my phone back,

"I need to get up" she spoke then sat up and stretched out, "You're sure you're okay with Landyn?"

"Yes baby I'm sure" I laughed, "I've had Landyn by myself many times Mads"

"I know I just feel bad because we're with your family" she sighed,

"You and Landyn are my family too. Landyn's my son. Landyn's their grandchild and nephew. Baby you and Landyn are everything to me. You're in the Hood family"

Maddie smiled and leaned forward, connecting our lips,

"Eww gross" we heard, making us pull away. We looked down to Landyn who had a disgusted look and was rubbing his eyes of sleep,

"I guess I'll just have to give you kisses now" Maddie joked, picking Landyn up and kissing all over his cheeks,

"Okay. I have to get ready now" she laughed, laying Landyn on the bed with me.


While Maddie, Mali, and my mom were out doing whatever they were doing, my dad, Landyn, and I were hanging out.

We decided we'd go grab lunch then I was taking Landyn to the zoo so he could see the kangaroos and koalas.

We got to the restaurant and got out of the car. I helped Landyn out and took his hand as we walked with my dad inside. The restaurant was near the zoo so it had a lot of animal pictures and things inside,

"Daddy" Landyn gasped, tugging my hand, "kangaroos"

I smiled as he pointed to the picture on the wall,

"It is dude. We're gonna go see them in a bit" I promised. He smiled big and did a little happy dance,

"You're really good with him Calum" Dad patted my shoulder,

"I'm doing my best" I laughed.

We got seated and Landyn wanted to sit with my dad on the opposite side of the booth from me. They were both coloring in his kids' menu. It surprised me seeing my dad like this with him. I've never seen him like this except for when he came to California for Christmas last year,

"Do you know what you want to eat Lanny?" I asked, looking over the kids' menu,

"Nuggets and macaroni" he answered without even looking,

"I guess I could've figured that out"


When Landyn and I got to the zoo, I immediately took hold of his hand. When he gets excited, he runs off to what he wants to see,

"We aren't running off Lan" I warned. Landyn nodded and stuck to my side.

He was amazed by all the animals. He's seen a lot of these before but it's just as exciting.

As we came around to the end, we started approaching the kangaroos. I took Landyn up to the French and picked him up so he could see,

"They're like Roo in Winnie the Pooh" he smiled,

"I know" I laughed, "They're cool aren't they?"

"Mhm. Can you take a picture so we can show Mommy?" he asked, letting his head rests on my shoulder. I nodded and pulled my phone out, turning us around and lifting the phone, taking a selfie with us and the kangaroos in the background. I quickly sent it to Maddie before we moved on to the koalas,

"Okay, we're going inside where you can hold them. But if you don't want to hold them, you don't have to" I told him,

"I just want to look" he nodded. I accepted that and took him inside. He did touch one and fed it but that was it for him. I think it was a little much,

"Okay I'm done," he told me,

"Alright. Let's go" I nodded and we walked out and towards the exit,

"Wait!" Landyn stopped me, "Can I get a toy?"

I couldn't help but laugh and give in, taking him into the gift shop. He already knew what he wanted apparently, because he darted right to the stuffed animals, grabbing a medium-sized koala one, which made me laugh because he wasn't as big of a fan of the koalas as the kangaroos.

I paid for his toy then we headed back out to go back to my parent's house.


Maddie, my mom, and Mali were still out by the time we got back. Landyn was running around the backyard with a soccer ball while my dad and I sat on the back porch steps and watched him,

"You know, when you started dating Maddie and you told us she was a mom, I was nervous for you. I didn't know if you understood what you were getting into. But son, you are the best dad to that boy. I can tell he loves you and you love him" Dad spoke,

"I do love him. I wish he was mine biologically. And Maddie, Dad you have no idea how in love with her I am. I can't wait to marry her in February. She's everything I've been looking for, and she came with a bonus having Landyn"

"That's good to hear son. You deserve to love someone. I know you went through hell with your past relationships. Maddie's so good for you. Your mom and I can't wait for her to be in our family"

I smiled and looked out to Landyn,

"I'm so ready for them to BOTH be in the family"

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