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< Sunday >

{ Maddie }

I finished tossing clothes into a bag to stay the night at Calum's. Landyn and I have a long day. We're picking up Calum then going to preschool orientation. Calum begged to come with and Landyn begged with him. After, we're going to see all the guys and girls then spend the night at Calum's since they all leave tomorrow.

I got ready first then went into Landyn's room to get him ready, but he was already waiting for in,

"Look Mommy, I dressed myself!" He proudly smiled. I grinned and examined his outfit choice - blue jeans, white Dodgers jersey, and Vans. He did pretty well for the most part,

"You did good buddy, but your pants are on backward" I knelt down,

"Aww man," he slumped,

"Don't worry about it buddy. You did a good job" I praised him.

I got his shoes off and took his jeans off, finding he still had the pull up he slept in on,

"Go grab underwear" I nudged him. He ran off to his drawers and came back with his little boxers. I got them on him, then his jeans and shoes,

"You see the button on your jeans," I told him, "it goes in front"

"Oh!" He giggled, "I'm so silly"


We got to Calum's and walked in, announcing we were here. Duke came running and jumped on Landyn as I ventured to Calum's room.

Calum had his back to the door so I sat my bag down and hugged him from behind. He laughed and turned in my arms, pecking my lips. I pulled away and my smile faded seeing the packed suitcases,

"Hey, it's only until November" Calum grabbed my arm, "Plus you guys are coming to visit"

"I know" I nodded, "We need to go" I sighed checking the time. Calum nodded and kissed me again and the three of us got in his Jeep to go to the preschool.

We got to Landyn's preschool and headed inside. Landyn was clutching to mine and Calum's hands as we walked down the hall to his teacher's room.

I guided Landyn in where we were greeted right away,

"Hello, I'm Miss Julia" the lady grinned,

"I'm Maddie and this is Calum and Landyn" I introduced, shaking her hand as Calum did too,

"Well it is so nice to meet you Landyn" Miss Julia told him then looked back at me, "In his cubby, there is a yellow envelope. Just put all the papers in there and seal it and leave it. I'm letting the kids play while I talk to you parents"

I thanked her and guided Landyn to his cubby. I put all the papers in the envelope and closed it up as his teacher said,

"Okay dude, go play with the other kids" I nudged his back. He looked up at me and shook his head 'no',

"Just go say hi and ask to play" I encouraged. He finally nodded and walked over to a little boy who was playing with trucks. Once he was playing, Calum and I found a seat at a table with another child's parents.

I looked around seeing all these kids had two parents. I don't know what Landyn will do when the kids start talking about their moms AND dads. Then I looked at the calendar and saw all these activities, some were mom and kid and some were dad and kid, others were both parents.

"You okay?" Calum asked, taking my hand under the table,

"What's he going to do when the kids start talking about their dads? What's he going to do when the dad activities come around?"

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