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< Tuesday >

{ Calum }

Since we were performing in Sydney, instead of hotels we were staying at our family homes. It was going to be really nice too. We'd have our own beds, homemade food, and a chance to do laundry before we got on busses and planes.

I woke up and took in my surroundings- my childhood bedroom. The band posters were still on the blue walls and the soccer trophies lined the shelves. I pulled my sheets up, smelling the detergent, telling me my mum had washed them before I got here.

I glanced at the time on the alarm clock that still sat on the desk. 9:00 am.

I yawned. I was up late with the others. I had waited to call Maddie and Landyn before Landyn started school. I had to talk to him before he went. He was so nervous. Plus I just needed to hear Maddie's voice.

I got out of bed with a stretch and headed downstairs to get some clothes. My mum had insisted she washed everything in my bag so all my stuff was in the laundry room. I came around the corner to pass through the living room, stopping when I saw my mum. She had all my clothes folded neatly on the couch, just like she used to do when I was a kid. But then sitting on the chair was a stuffed dog- Landyn's stuffed dog named Milo,

"Oh, I found that at the bottom of your suitcase. I didn't wash it because it's already pretty beaten up" Mum spoke up then kissed my cheek.

The stuffed animal was pretty beaten up. All the stuffing was pretty much gone and the fur on it was pretty raggedy. I was shocked to see it. Landyn sleeps with the stuffed animal as much as he does his giraffe,

"Didn't know you still slept with stuffed animals Cal" Mali teased as she walked in the room and handed me a cup of coffee,

"It's Landyn's" I smiled, picking it up so I could sit down. I lifted the dog to my nose. It still had Maddie and Landyn's scent on it.

"That's your girlfriend's son right?" Mum questioned as she placed everything back into my suitcases,

"Yeah" I grinned, "They're both amazing" I blushed. My mom was grinning from ear to ear. The last thing about relationships she heard from me was how love sucked. I think she was happy to see I found someone who made me rethink that statement.

My dad hollered from the kitchen to tell us breakfast was ready. I walked in first and took my seat and grabbed a plate. Mali sat across from me while my parents sat at the heads of the table. As soon as we all had food, they were hounded me with questions about Maddie and Landyn,

"Maddie's amazing. She's gorgeous too. She might be one of the strongest people I know. She is an amazing mom and would do anything in the world for anyone" I grinned, "And Landyn is the best kid I've ever met. He looks like his momma and has the curliest hair. He loves Duke and he plays soccer. He just turned four actually and started preschool"

"How'd you meet them?" Dad asked and took a bite,

"Michael and Crystal are really close to Maddie. They helped her out a lot after she got away from Landyn's dad. I went over to Mike's and Landyn was there. Then Maddie showed up later and I'm telling you, I had literal heart eyes" I laughed,

"What about Landyn's dad? Is he not in the picture? I feel like he might be upset with you being that close to him" Mali questioned,

"He's not in the picture and will never be. He abused both Maddie and Landyn physically" I sighed. Mum's mouth fell with a gasp,

"He's actually been moseying around. Scares the shit out of Maddie and Landyn. Landyn had a panic attack at a restaurant the other day because he saw his dad" I groaned,

"You better be treating them right, Calum, and protecting those two" she pointed her finger at me,

"I promise I will never hurt them"  I assured, "Mum, I love Maddie and I love Landyn"

I thought my mum was going to choke. Not once has anyone heard me say that I love someone,

"Then she must be a very special person and that must be one special little boy" my mum teared up.

After a day filled with seeing family, I went to the venue- Hordern Pavilion- and made my way to the dressing room where everyone else was already. I grabbed my stage clothes and changed.

I took a seat on the couch and my phone started ringing, Maddie's contact popping up. I slid my finger across and answered the FaceTime. Maddie and Landyn filled the screen with big smiles,

"Hey! What are you guys doing awake? It's super early" I questioned,

"We had to call our rockstar. Plus someone needed to tell you all about the first day of preschool" Maddie laughed. My bandmates were all listening in now,

"Calum! I got to play and color and we watch movie and sing a song! It was so fun" Landyn was wide awake,

"That's awesome dude. What did you color?" I asked,

"It a surprise silly" he giggled,

"Oh I see" I smiled, "Hey Landyn, I found Milo in my bag. Did you put him there?" I questioned, recalling the stuffed dog. Maddie looked confused and looked down at Landyn,

"Yeah so you don't get sad without Duke" he told me like I should've just known. Maddie awwd, along with everyone else,

"Well thank you buddy. Milo definitely makes me not sad" I assured him, "Mads, how are you, babe?"

"I'm good Cal. We miss you"

"I miss you too"

Within minutes it was showtime and I was being rushed to stage after hanging up with Maddie.

The energy was incredible. The boys and I had so many friends and family here it was an amazing show. We love coming home to play shows. These were special shows but we also knew we had some amazing and special shows coming up too.

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