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< January >

{ Maddie }

We had a busy day today. Landyn has a doctors appointment for his leg today, then we are going to see our lawyer from the accident, then we were going to the insurance office and getting my name put on Calum's house for bills (Landyn and I moved it at the beginning of the year), and lastly, we're going to pick up my new car since mine got totaled.

We got to the doctor's office and Calum carried Landyn for me. We're hoping he gets out of the cast today and can start walking.

We got taken back to a room and put Landyn up on the table while Calum and I sat in the two chairs.

The door opened and the doctor walked in, Landyn immediately sitting straight up,

"Can I walk now?" he asked, making all of us laugh,

"I sure hope so" the doctor smiled then looked at Calum and me, "We're going to get the cast off, take the stitches out, and maybe do an X-ray"

The doctor pulled out this saw thing and I saw Landyn's eyes widened,

"Mommy, Daddy" he whined,

"I'm actually going to have you guys helps me out" the doctor looked at us, "Mom I'm going to have him sit sideways in your lap with his legs out to the side. I need you to hold his upper body. Dad, I'm going to have you hold his other leg and keep him from wiggling"

Calum and I both moved, doing what the doctor said. The doctor started sawing the cast off and Landyn started crying. I know he was just scared,

"You're doing good dude" Calum grinned.

Once the cast was off, the stitches came out and Landyn was put in a walking boot. We got him up and put him on his feet. Calum held under his arms as Landyn walked around, stumbling a little,

"Awesome Landyn" the doctor smiled, "It may hurt sometimes or get tired but I'm sure Mommy and Daddy will help you"

Once we thanked the doctor, we got back in the car, we met with the insurance people, then headed towards the lawyer's office,

"Why do you always hold Mommy's hand in the car?" Landyn spoke up from the back, seeing mine and Calum's intertwined hands on the console,

"To show her I love her" Calum smiled, glancing in the mirror,

"Oh" Landyn nodded, "I wanna hold Mommy's hand too!"

I laughed and switched the hand Calum was holding and held one hand back to Landyn who grabbed it.


We were running a little late to meet the lawyer, I carried Landyn up to the office. I got him situated on my phone then Calum and I took seats in front of the lawyer's desk,

"So, first they found who hit you" he looked at me. I glanced at Calum who grabbed my hand,

"Who was it?" I questioned,

"Josh Elliot"

I froze as Calum's hand clenched,

"Where is he now?" Calum asked,

"He's at the city jail" our lawyer answered, "He will go to jail. The accident was no accident. He targeted you. Officers took his phone and found that he had connected it to yours. He was following your movement"

I felt like my heart stopped beating. He was trying to kill us.

Calum was livid next to me. I could practically see steam coming from his ears. He was getting worked up to the point I could see the veins in his neck,

"Cal" I whispered, grabbing his arm then glancing at Landyn who was staring right at him, nervous. Calum's whole behavior changed,

"I'm sorry buddy. I didn't mean to scare you" he sighed,

"It's okay" Landyn nodded,

"Now I know he keeps bothering you. Is that correct?" The lawyer asked me,

"Yeah. He kept showing up at my apartment. Landyn and I just moved in with Calum so we don't have to worry about that anymore but still. He robbed me at one point. Then his fiancé was my son's teacher and she assaulted him"

"We will definitely take all that with us. As of right now, Josh will be in jail until he goes to court. I will warn you, the most they'll give in at the sentence is a year" he told me,

"There's no way to get a longer one?" Calum asked. Our lawyer shook his head and Calum sighed,

"Thank you" we shook his hand and grabbed Landyn.

Landyn and I got back in the car, but Calum stood outside of it for a minute. I saw him run his hands down his face then he took a breath, opening the door and getting behind the wheel.

Once we were on the road, I reached over and let my hand rest on his thigh,

"It's okay Cal. We're okay" I assured,

"I know Mads" he sighed, dropping his hand down to mine and holding it, "Just frustrating and scary. I was scared shitless when it happened and now knowing you were targeted scares me more"

I sighed and brought our hands up to my mouth, kissing the back of his, then letting them rest in my lap,

"Let's go get your new car" Calum smiled at me.


We got to the dealership and headed over to the bay where my car was. I technically bought it last week but Calum wanted me to get the windows tinted since Landyn and I are in the public eye with him now. He said it was better because they can't take pictures through the window.

"Which one is yours?" Landyn asked, looking excitedly at all the cars,

"Over here buddy" I laughed, taking the hand Calum wasn't holding and guiding him to my new white Toyota Rav4,

"Can I ride in it?" Landyn asked as I opened the door and we looked in while Calum walked around it and made sure it had no dents,

"Yes but you're going to ride home with Dad because I don't have your carseat. It's at home" I told him. He nodded and I lifted him to sit in the driver's seat,

"I want a monster truck when I drive," Landyn told me, earning a laugh from Calum who walked up next to me,

"I will buy you a monster truck when you start driving" Calum fake promised, but Landyn cheered because he believed it.

Calum pressed a kiss to my head then rested a hand on my back,

"Let's go finish up paperwork and head home"

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