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< Saturday >

{ Calum }

I pulled into Maddie's apartment complex's parking lot and parked near her car, then made my way up the stairs and down the hall.

I was hanging out with Landyn and Maddie today. We were going to the mall first then going back to my house to hang out by my pool. I was excited. I was not only getting to see Maddie but also Landyn.

I obviously like Maddie. She's freaking gorgeous and literally the best person I've met. It killed me when I heard what all had happened to her. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet and I haven't kissed her. I don't want to pressure her or anything.

Landyn- that kid is amazing. He's so sweet and so thankful. The other day I was at Mike's while he was there and I opened the door for him and he wouldn't stop thanking me. And he seems to like me which gives me brownie points in Maddie's category.

I got to Maddie's door and knocked, taking a step back as I waited for an answer. My hands were sweating so I wiped them on my jeans, right before the door opened.

"Calum!" Landyn grinned and jumped at me, making me catch him and carry him back in,

"Landyn did you answer-" Maddie came out of her room speaking, stopping when she saw me,

"Landyn, I know that it's Calum but you don't answer the door okay" Maddie sighed. Landyn nodded and I sat him on his feet as he ran off to his room,

"I'm sorry. I thought it was okay he let me in" I panicked as I hugged Maddie,

"No, it's okay. It's just with Josh poking around here, I don't want to take chances" she spoke and pulled back,

"I just need to get dressed. We woke up late and yeah" Maddie spoke fast, making me chuckle,

"You're fine. There's no rush" I laughed. She nodded,

"Landyn, get your shoes so I can get them on you!" Maddie hollered and disappeared into her room. I was only alone for a second before Landyn came flying into the room,

"Can you help me?" He gazed up at me, holding his shoes,

"Of course dude" I nodded and we both sat on the ground. I quickly tied his shoes for him and he hopped up to his feet as Maddie walked out,

"Oh. Thank you for doing that" she smiled as I got up.

After Maddie grabbed her purse and their bag to swim at mine, we headed down to the parking lot. I got Landyn's carseat moved to my car and helped him in as Maddie got in the passenger seat,

"I like your car," Landyn told me as I buckled him,

"Yeah? Thank you" I laughed,

"Jeeps are cool" he giggled. I smiled and closed the door and climbed in the driver's seat. I put my sunglasses on and turned the car on,

"I want sunglasses too!" Landyn called, right as I was about to put the car in drive,

Maddie was about to answer him but I grabbed an extra pair from my glove box and handed them back to him,

"Thanks, Calum"

We jammed the whole way to the mall. Even Landyn was singing. Maddie was singing too.

I kept glancing at her while I drove. She looked beautiful. Her blonde hair was blowing, due to the windows being down, and she would giggle every time Landyn would scream a lyric.

After I parked at the mall, the three of us got out and headed inside. Maddie said Landyn needed new clothes. He grew a few inches and can barely wear what he has now. She asked if I wanted to go with them to get clothes because Landyn asked if I could go.

Landyn latched onto Maddie's hand as we weaved through a few people before walking into the kid's store.

"Remember, when we look for your size, its the number '4' and the letter 'T'" Maddie explained to him,

"Yeah 'cause I'm gonna be four" Landyn grinned and held four fingers up,

"When's he turn four?" I asked,

"End of July" Maddie laughed. I nodded and followed them around.

Maddie got what Landyn needed and we headed out, grabbed lunch, then headed back to my house.

"Doggy!" Landyn exclaimed as Duke ran to us as we walked in the house,

"His name's Duke," I told him. Landyn sat on the ground and let Duke hop all over him. I looked over at Maddie who was just laughing,

"Do you wanna go swimming bub?" Maddie asked. Landyn nodded and stood, but Duke was still jumping on him,

"Alright, Duke" I picked him up and let him outside, "There's a bathroom right in there. I'm gonna change and I'll meet you here" I told Maddie. She nodded and led Landyn into the bathroom.

When I came back, Landyn was standing outside the bathroom door holding his floatie,

"Come on. We'll go out" I told him. He nodded and ran over to me as I led him outside.

As soon as I put his floatie on him, I jumped in the pool. Landyn giggled and I walked to the edge to help him jump in, but right as he went to jump, Maddie came out. I froze. She looked good,

"Close your mouth Cal. My kid is right there" she smirked and sat her two towels and bag on the chair. I snapped my mouth shut and caught Landyn as he jumped in.

Maddie got in and leaned up against the wall, watching me play with Landyn.

Anytime I'm with Landyn, I get nervous. I'm not around kids much. I don't want to mess this up. I don't want to hurt him or ruin anything with him or his mom.

Landyn did not want to swim long, so we got out, changed, and were now back outside. Landyn was playing with Duke and I was making dinner on the grill while Maddie sat next to me,

"I appreciate you hanging out with Landyn too" Maddie spoke up, taking a sip of her beer. I took a sip of mine before setting it back down,

"He's a great kid Maddie" I smiled. She laughed and looked down,

"You're a pretty great guy" she mumbled,

And right there, I fell to mush-

I needed to ask this girl out soon.

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