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< Monday >

{ Maddie }

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! I'm five now!" Landyn jumped on us. Calum and I both woke up and tackled the little boy in hugs and kisses,

"Happy birthday baby boy" I cooed, kissing his head,

"Happy birthday Lanny" Calum spoke with a smile,

"So I get birthday pancakes?" Landyn sat up on Calum's stomach,

"If that's what you want then of course" I smiled,

"I do but I want cuddles first" he spoke then plopped between us. Duke quickly found his way up on the bed and curled up with us all too.

Calum turned on the tv and put on Cars. A little movie in bed the first thing in the morning never hurt anyone.


liked by lukehemmings and 232,421 others@maddiewalker: Happy 5th Birthday baby boy

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liked by lukehemmings and 232,421 others
@maddiewalker: Happy 5th Birthday baby boy. You are becoming the most amazing person. I love seeing a smile on your face. I love when you come to cuddle me and Dad in the morning. I love when we go on our walks with Duke. I will always love you baby boy. Today's all about you. Happy birthday Landyn! Let's get your party on💙🎉
^@calumhood: Happy Birthday Landyn! Thank you for letting me be your dad and loving you just like your mommy! I love you buddy💙🎉



Michael and Crystal were the first to show up for Landyn's party. They brought South and Moose who immediately went to Duke,

"Uncle Mikey! Aunt Crissy!" Landyn squealed, running over and hugging them, "Is that for me?" he pointed to the gift in Michael's hand,

"It is? Do you wanna open it?" Michael handed him the bag. Landyn nodded and dug in, gasping as he saw his gift. They had gotten him the superhero little action figure toys,

"This is awesome. Mommy and Daddy got me a Spider-Man costume and a Captain America so I can play with my action figures while wearing my costume!"

Landyn was definitely all into the superhero's right now, especially Spider-Man. He loves Spider-Man. Not only did Calum and I get him the costumes, but we also got him one of those small battery-powered 4-wheelers that was Spider-Man,

"Come on Uncle Mikey, let's go play!" Landyn grabbed his hand and dragged him off.


Soon everyone was there and Landyn was happily splashing around in the pool with the kids from his soccer team. The dads and guys were on lifeguard duty while the rest of us talked,

"He's having fun" Crystal smiled as we watched Landyn with his friends,

"I know. I like seeing that smile. I'd do anything to keep it" I grinned,

"Trent's missed Landyn. He's sad soccer's over now" Trent's mom spoke,

"I know. Landyn was sad when it ended too" I nodded.

It was like the kids were listening to us talk about soccer, because seconds later they all had their floaties off and were in the yard playing with the soccer goal.

Calum came up next to me and let his hand rest on my lower back,

"He wants to do his cake babe" he chuckled. I nodded and he and I went inside to grab the cake and some plates, forks, and napkins.

I rounded the counter and Calum gently pushed me against it. I looked up as he leaned his head down and kissed my lips. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue past my lips, which made me giggle and pull back,

"Babe, there are kids in the backyard and I'm pretty sure their parents don't want to see us making out" I patted his chest. Calum pouted,

"Wait until Landyn goes to bed" I winked. A loud laugh left Calum's mouth as he gave me one short kiss then grabbed the Spider-Man cake while I grabbed plates, napkins, and forks.

All the kids gathered around the table, Landyn sitting at the head of it. He was all smiles as his friends sang to him,

"Make a wish lil man" Calum smiled. Landyn closed his little eyes tight, thinking of his wish before opening his eyes and blowing out his candles.

I cut the cake and made sure everyone had a piece. Landyn devoured his slice then demanded he got to open presents. He opened his friends' gifts first, getting gift cards, superhero toys, trucks, cars, and trains. Then after his friends left and it was just us and his aunts and uncles, he dug into those- well Ashton and KayKays, and Sierra and Luke's since he already opened Michael and Crystal's.

He opened Luke and Sierra's first and got a Thomas the Train track and train set. I thought Landyn was gonna lose his mind from excitement. It took an act of good to get him to leave everything in the box and not get it out at that exact moment.

Ashton pulled his gift over and Calum and I looked at each other. It was a large box.

"Oh my goodness!" Landyn jumped. Calum and I glared at Ashton when we saw the kid's drum set,

"I'm gonna murder you" Calum muttered,

"Now I can be like Uncle Ash" Landyn grinned,

"Hang on kid, you're supposed to play guitar" Michael raised an eyebrow,

"Nuh Uh, bass" Calum imputed,

"I can do all" Landyn tilted his head, confused as to why the guys were play fighting,

"Daddy can I put it with your music stuff. My guitars already in there!" Landyn asked, recalling the little guitar he had gotten for Christmas,

"Sure dude. Then maybe you can help me write some songs?"


"5SOS featuring Landyn!" Michael yelled, Landyn cracking up laughing.


"Do you feel any older now that you're five?" I asked as Calum and I put Landyn to bed,

"Yup! And taller" he nodded,

"Yeah? We will measure you in the morning and find out" Calum smiled,

"Alright, but now it's bedtime. You had a long day" I stood and kissed his head,

"I love you Mommy"

"I love you to Landyn"

Calum moved in and kissed his head too,

"Love you Daddy"

"Love you too bub"

"Now get some sleep my big five year old"

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