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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

Landyn had a soccer game today. I put him in a little three-year-old league and he absolutely loves it. It's so cute to watch him run around and play too.

I set my chair on the sideline and watched as the two teams 'warmed up'.  I continued to keep an eye out for Michael and Crystal. They come to all the games.

A few minutes later, I turned to check the parking lot and saw Crystal and Michael walking across the field, with Calum. My heart sped up seeing Calum.

"Hey" Crystal grinned and set up her chair right next to mine, Michael and Calum standing behind us,

"Hey" Calum smiled as I turned to face him. I smiled back.

"He begged us to bring him" Crystal whispered in my ear. I looked down, knowing my face was going red.

I haven't seen Calum since we went to the club last week. He had texted me, asking how Landyn was and asked if I wanted to get breakfast. Unfortunatly Landyn was sick all week so I couldn't go.

"I see he's feeling better" Calum smiled,

"Yeah. He felt better yesterday so I didn't care if he played today" I responded. He grinned.

The game started and Landyn was running all around. The games aren't much. It's just a bunch of three year olds all running around, not even playing soccer- but they have fun.

"Go Landyn!" Michael yelled as Landyn kicked the ball towards the goal. He was a giggling mess as he shot the ball. It went in the goal. We all cheered and Landyn was all smiles.

When the game ended, Crystal and I stood. Michael folded her chair up and slid it in the bag. I went to do mine but found that Calum had already done it for me,

"Oh! Thank you" I smiled and reached to take it,

"I'll carry it" he smiled. I looked at Crystal and she smirked, making me roll my eyes.

Landyn came running over and gave me a big hug, then immediately hugged Crystal.

"You did so good bud" Crystal kissed his head. Michael high-fived him.

"Hi Calum!" Landyn grinned,

"Hey buddy. You played so good" Calum smiled.

We all headed back to the cars. While I got Landyn in his seat, Calum put my chair in the trunk for me.  I closed Landyn's door and Calum walked around to me,

"Uh, would you want to go to dinner with me tonight?" Calum asked, scratching the back of his neck, "Crystal and Mike said they'd babysit"

I looked over at Crystal who had a stupid smile and was telling me to say 'yes'. Not gonna lie, I was kinda freaking out. I do like Calum and I do find him attractive and sweet,

"I'd love too" I smiled at Calum. I watched his whole face light up,

"A-awesome! I'll pick you up at 7" he winked walking back to Crystal and Mike.


Crystal and Michael came and got Landyn a few hours ago for his sleepover with them. Now I was waiting on Calum who'd be here in a few minutes.

I couldn't tell you the last time I went on a date. I mean I guess you can kinda count the club last week as a date since it was mainly just Calum and I. 

I was nervous I will say. The last guy I was with beat me. I know Calum isn't like that and Crystal would never put me in that position. So I have to have trust in both Calum and Crystal, but also myself.

The knock on the door made my heart speed up a little bit. I stood from my spot and grabbed my phone, keys, and purse and went to the door, pulling it open.

Calum stood opposite, looking very good. He had black jeans with no holes, dress shoes, and a white button up with black polka dots,

"Hey" he smiled,

"Hi" I smiled back, locking my apartment door. Calum held his hand out and I gladly took it as he led me to his car.

Calum opened the passenger door, making sure I was inside before he closed it and walked around getting in the drivers seat,

"Where are we going?" I asked as Calum pulled out on the road,

"Firefly" he spoke nonchalantly. My eyes widened.

"Calum, that place is expensive"

"I know" he shrugged the stole a glance, "It's fine I promise. Plus I know it's your favorite place but you never go because of Landyn"

Michael and Crystal must've told him,

"And if you haven't noticed, I kinda like you" he spoke, "And I know you like me because Crystal told me" he smirked. I grinned and looked down. I know my face was hot,

"And I know, not the details obviously, but I know that you had a really bad relationship. So, I'm patient and everything goes at your speed" he told me. I wanted to cry. How could someone be so understanding.

"The kid thing doesn't bother you?" I asked- that's usually a deal breaker,

"Not at all. He's an amazing kid with a pretty cool mom"

We got to the restaurant and Calum took my hand and led us inside. They took us to a table outside on the patio,

I felt bad trying to decide what to get. This place is expensive,

"Hey, get whatever you want. Don't worry about price" he placed his hand on mine. I nodded and took a breath.

"Good evening, what can I get to drink for you all tonight?" Our waiter approached,

"We'll take two waters and two Casamigos Blanca's" Calum responded, shocking me a bit,

"You remembered" I grinned,

"Of course" he nodded as the waiter returned, "What are we thinking for meals tonight?"

Calum nodded at me, telling me to go first,

"UH, I'll take the mushroom pappardelle" I smiled,

"I'll take the same" Calum nodded. The waiter wrote it down then walked off,

"So uh," Calum paused, taking a sip from his tequila, "How long have you known Crystal and Mike?"

"About three years. I met Crystal at a work event before I switched jobs" I nodded,

"I can't believe we've never met you until now" Calum laughed,

"Well, I was a little busy. Ya know kid and psychotic ex things" I laughed,

Calum smiled and looked down then back up.

Our meal came out fairly quick and we both ate before Calum paid and we headed out and Calum started taking me home.

As we drive, the wind started to pick up and it began to storm. It wasn't a simple storm either. We were getting severe weather alerts and everything.

We got to my apartment complex and Calum parked in an empty spot and we ran to get under the cover,

"Why don't you come up until this lets up a bit" I suggested. Calum nodded and followed behind me.

We got inside and we were both soaked,

"I think I have a pair of Michael's sweats and his shirt" I laughed, walking into my room to retrieve them.

I handed them to Calum and directed him to the hall bathroom, then I went back to my room and put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. I texted Crystal making sure Landyn was okay then walked back into the living room.

Calum and I settled on the couch. It was still storming pretty bad,

"We could watch a movie?" I suggested. Calum nodded and we put on some random one. As the movie played, Calum pulled me into his side. I smiled and let myself get comfortable.

Before I knew it, Calum and I were laying down, both falling asleep.

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