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< July >
< Monday >

{ Maddie }

I got in the passenger seat as Calum buckled a very sleepy Landyn into his carseat. For the week of the Fourth of July, we decided that we'd all go to the beach. We rented a house in Malibu and it had a room for each couple- Landyn, of course, will be sleeping with Calum and me.

The others left yesterday but we couldn't leave until this morning because we had an open house for the school Landyn will be going to.

"He didn't even wake up as I picked him up" Calum chuckled as he got in the driver's seat,

"He had too much fun yesterday and it wore him out" I laughed,

"Hey, at least he had fun and was making friends" Calum reached across the center console and let his hand rest on the inside of my thigh once we were on the road,

"True. I didn't know how it'd go considering what happened in preschool" I sighed, "The first day of school might be different though. He knew we weren't leaving yesterday"


We got stuck in traffic as soon as we got on the highway. For about an hour, while Landyn was still asleep, Calum was singing to me completely off tune. But he had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

He turned the radio down when Landyn woke up crying,

"Baby what's wrong?" I turned in my seat. He pouted, almost looking ashamed,

"I had a accident" he cried, "It's on my carseat"

"Does he not have a pull-up on?" I asked Calum. We've had Landyn sleeping in pull-ups because, even though he's four, almost five, we're still having problems at night. It's not that he's not potty trained, because he is, it's all the trauma he went through and there were setbacks. Accidents are one of them,

"No. I thought he'd be fine so I changed him before we left" Calum sent me a sympathetic look. I nodded and looked at the map on Calum's phone. We were only 20 minutes away,

"Okay buddy. It's okay. We're almost there. As soon as we get there we'll get you cleaned up" I promised. Landyn sniffed and nodded, tossing his blankie into the open seat next to him.


We finally got to the house and pulled up behind Ashton's car. I got out and opened Landyn's door. He was still sniffling when he hopped out and was walking with his legs apart,

"Let's go get you changed," I told him as Calum grabbed our bags.

We walked inside and our friends all cheered that we were here. Landyn kept pushing on my legs so we followed Calum to where our room was,

"How about we go ahead and put your swimsuit on" I suggested to my four-year-old. He nodded and Calum unzipped Landyn's bag and tossed me a pair of his underwear and his Nemo swim trunks,

"I'm going to get his carseat out and try and get it cleaned up," Calum told me. I nodded and he left the room. I helped Landyn clean up then got him dressed so we could go return to the others.

Landyn scrambled up into Michael's lap as soon as he saw him. Crystal walked up next to me and smiled,

"He's having accidents again?" she questioned,

"Yeah" I sighed, "Hopefully we can get past this"

"He's gonna be okay" she promised as Calum walked back inside,

"Can we go to the beach now" Landyn dramatically sighed,

"Let's go buddy" Luke laughed and picked him up, taking him outside. Luke was the only one ready to go to the beach.


The guys were playing with Landyn in the sand while we girls laid out,

"This was a great idea" Sierra grinned,

"I know. It's crazy that we live so close to the beach and we hardly ever go" Crystal laughed,

"Landyn was excited. When we told him we were going to the beach, he went and grabbed all his dump trucks and put them in the car" I smiled,

"Speaking of the little guy, what's happening for his birthday?" KayKay asked,

"We're going to do a little party at home. He had some soccer friends he wants to invite" I shrugged, "We told him we could go on a trip but he said he wanted a party instead"

"I better be getting an invitation" Crystal gasped,

"Don't worry you all will" I laughed, "And so are the dogs. He wants all the dogs there so Duke has friends"

Calum and Landyn went out in the water, calling me to join. I quickly got up and went and joined my boys. Calum held Landyn under his arms and would lift him every time a wave came.

"We should come here more" Landyn squealed as a wave hit him,

"We'll try buddy" Calum promised, "You know, me and Mommy are getting married at the beach"

"Really!" Landyn's little eyes widened as we headed back up to our friends.


After dinner and once it got dark, we all sat out on the back deck of the house. Landyn was sat between Calum and me playing a game on the Switch with a blanket over him,

"You getting sleepy Lanny?" Michael chuckled, making me look down at my son who was nodding off. Calum laughed and gently pulled the electronic device from his hands. As soon as the Switch was gone, Landyn laid across my lap.

"He's always so tired" I sighed,

"He hasn't been sleeping much. We'll check the monitor and he's awake and sitting up in bed" Calum added,

"Sounds like he needs to go back to therapy" Crystal suggested, "I mean, he's having accidents and not sleeping. That's what happened the first time"

I nodded,

"I know. I texted his therapist already"

Calum reached over and grabbed my hand,

"I'm going to take him to bed" I stood, and picked up Landyn.

I carried him through the house and to the room we were in. As I got in bed with him, he woke up. He curled up against my side and let out a huff,

"Not sleepy now" he whined, hugging his blanket to him,

"Why not?" I questioned,


My eyes furrowed,

"What's scary baby?"


He was scared of going back to school,

"I don't want to be touched again," he told me, wrapping his arms around mine,

"Baby, Daddy and I have done everything to make sure that doesn't happen again. That's why you're going to a new school"

I felt him nod,

"Can you tell Daddy to come to bed too so we can have a family cuddle?"

I grinned and grabbed my phone right away,


[ family cuddle now! ]

Cal🥰: [ be right there ]


Seconds later, Calum came in the room and jumped in bed with us,

"Yay!" Landyn cheered, tugging Calum's arm,

"Goodnight. I love you both" Calum whispered,

"Love you Mommy! Love you Daddy!"

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now