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< February >

{ Maddie }

"He doesn't have any preschool stuff to do. His therapy is at 11. He might fight you to go in. Let him take a toy and-" I rambled until Calum cut me off,

"Maddie, I got this" he held my arms gently as we stood in the bathroom. I had to work and I couldn't get off so Calum had to help me with Landyn today,

"I know Cal" I sighed, "I trust you. I really do. It's just-"

"It's okay Maddie" he smiled, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine, "Now go to work missy. It's your first day with your new promotion"

I smiled and kissed him again. I had finished up a couple of courses which moved me from just monitoring things in the office to being full time in the lab with the marine animals,

"Okay. I'll see you later" I grabbed my bag and went out to my car.

{ Calum }

I parked at Landyn's therapy office and helped him out. He clutched my hand and held his stuffed raccoon in the other. He had stopped coming a while ago but since the accident and him overhearing me and Maddie talk about his dad, things have been coming back and he's not doing so good. What his teacher did to him still lingers too because he never saw anyone after it. Maddie was so upset she couldn't be here, but I promised her he'd be okay and that I could handle it.

"Landyn!" a woman came out of the office and smiled, "And who is this that brought you?" She asked even though Maddie had called and told them I was bringing him,

"My dad, but not my real one 'cause he's mean, but Calum's not mean" Landyn explained quietly. The lady looked at me and smiled,

"Dr. Kate" she introduced,

"Calum" I nodded,

"Okay. Well, let's go in here Landyn. Calum will be waiting for you" Dr. Kate extended her hand to Landyn. Landyn took it and glanced at me before walking into the office with her. I took a seat right outside and scrolled through my phone.


Landyn's session ended and Dr. Kate had him sit outside and pulled me in,

"His brain is going crazy. He's thinking about everything. I asked him one question and he spiraled into saying everything. He talked about his dad which led us to a full meltdown. He's scared to death. Is he sleeping in his own room? Is he having nightmares?" She spoke,

"I know he's having nightmares. And he will occasionally get in bed with me and Maddie" I answered,

"Okay. Try and do something super calming before he goes to bed. Use essential oils. It may calm his nerves. Also, try and have him do something during the day that requires his attention so his brain isn't running rampant. Legos is a good one. Make him use his brain to figure out how to put it together" she explained.

I nodded,

"I'll send this all to Maddie too. I can see you're overwhelmed" Dr. Kate softly smiled and stood, leading me out,

"Thank you" I shook her hand then took Landyn's.

"Can we go see Mommy?" He asked me as I helped him in the car,

"Probably. Should we bring lunch?"

"Yeah!" Landyn smiled.

I closed his door and texted Maddie that we were bringing her lunch.

{ Maddie }

I finished up in the lab and made my way back to my office. It was my lunch break and Calum had texted me telling me he and Landyn were bringing food.

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now