twenty-seven (pt 1)

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< Friday >

{ Maddie }

"You excited bubba?" I asked Landyn coming to a stop at a red light. We were currently on our way to the mall to see Santa,

"Yeah! I'm gonna ask for some dinos and the Toy Story people!" Landyn cheered,

"Yeah? After we see Santa we're going to go to Calum's house. Calum's mommy, daddy, and sister are coming" I told him,

"Do I call them grandma and grandpa?" Landyn questioned, looking out his window,

"Why don't we talk to Calum about that" I nodded. Landyn accepted that answer. I'm sure Calum isn't going to care, hell he will probably encourage it, but it is a conversation we need to have. I was excited to meet Calum's family. I just hope they like me and accept Landyn and me.

The light turned green and I waited a moment to make sure all the other cars stopped. Once they did, I went. Then a car decided to go and we were slammed into.

Then it all went black.

{ Calum }

"Landyn Walker. Where's Landyn Walker?" I ran up to the receptionist desk, startling the woman. 15 minutes ago I got a phone call from a hospital telling me that Maddie was at one place and Landyn at another, telling me they were involved in a very bad wreck. As soon as I answered, my entire heart dropped. I called Michael and we split and conquered. I was sent to Landyn because we knew that's where Maddie would want me to go. I called my parents and they're going to rent a car and go to my house.

"Are you Calum Hood?" The receptionist questioned,

"Yes yes. Where is he?" I was frantic.

"Calm down. He's in room 323, but I have to put this bracelet on you. It lets us know you are with him. We have you down as his guardian if his mother is not able to be around"

I nodded and held out my wrist. She fastened the medical bracelet and I ran down the hall to the elevator.

The doors opened and I jumped out and went straight to room 323 where a doctor stopped me before I could walk in,

"What's wrong? Is he okay?" I questioned,

"It's not great but he'll be okay. We had to sedate him because of his pain" he told me,

"So what's all wrong? How bad is he hurt?" I was getting frustrated. I just needed to see him,

"I'll start with the easy stuff. He's got a lot of bruising. His head is split open, so he's going to need staples. When he's awake and more alert, we will check for a concussion" he explained, making me nod.

"Now the bad thing. Landyn's left leg is broken. The way the car was hit, smashed the entire backside. Landyn had his leg over the side of his carseat into the middle seat. His leg got smashed. Now this is gory- the bone came through his leg"

I wanted to fall,

"We need to do surgery. We will do the staples in his head at the same time. A nurse will come to prep him in about 20 minutes. He'll still be asleep" the doctor told me. I nodded and he let me go in.

My heart dropped seeing Landyn. He was attached to an IV and heart monitor. They had a monitor around his head. His blonde curls had blood coating them. Then his leg- his leg was propped on a pillow but covered with a towel,

"God" a tear fell from my eye as I stepped to him. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his head, holding them there for a minute,

"I'm so sorry buddy" I whispered.

A little later, the door opened and a nurse walked in,

"I'm taking him to get prepped. I'm not sure how long his surgery will be, but we're going to have you wait here. Someone will come and update you periodically" she told me as she gathered wires and unlocked the bed.

I stood and pressed my lips back to Landyn's head,

"I love you bud" I whispered, then he was off to surgery.

I took a seat in the chair and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees. I've been texting Michael and Crystal for an update on Maddie, but they won't reply, but finally, a text came through:


Michael: [ Sorry Cal. Maddie just woke up and was freaking out about Landyn.
She's okay. She had some glass in her but they got it out. She's just pretty bruised up.
Give me a Landyn update?]

[ He's in surgery.
His heads split open and he broke his leg.
Mike- the bone came through the skin ]

Michael: [ dear god.
Maddie said please stay with him.
Don't leave ]

[ I won't leave.
Tell her I love her ]

Michael: [ she loves you too ]


"Mr. Hood" a voice grabbed my attention, making me put my phone in my pocket, "There's a man that would like to speak to you. Is it okay if he comes back?"

I nodded and the lady walked away and came back with a man who I'm guessing was in his mid-30's,

"Hi. Uh, I'm Calum" I shook his hand,

"Matt" he nodded, "I uh, I was at the scene. I'm sure you were never told what happened"

"I wasn't. I'd like to know. My girlfriend and her son were involved. I need to know" I told him,

"She was sitting at the light and it turned green. She waited for everyone to stop before she went. When she went, some guy in a big black truck went and hit her. It was obvious it was intentional. I jumped out with a bunch of others and we went to her car. The entire backseat was smashed towards the passenger side and the driver seat was shoved forward. Your girlfriend was pinned to the wheel. The boy was trapped in the back. We could hear him screaming, then it stopped. We got to work fast. I used to be a firefighter so I knew what to do. We got the door off and that's when I saw his leg got smashed by it"

My eyes were watering with both fear and anger. I was so pissed someone deliberately did this to them,

"I'm really sorry. Are they going to be okay?"

"Uh, my girlfriends awake. Some friends are with her. Our boy is in surgery" I sighed,

"I'm sorry dude"

"Thanks for helping them"


After what felt like hours, Landyn was brought back in. He was awake but barely. They had a white bandage wrapped around his head and his leg was wrapped up and had ice packs on it. His little arms and hands flopped to the side of his body as he looked around into space,

"Hey bubba" I smiled. His small eyes widened,


I gasped. My heart pounded. Was I hearing what I think I was hearing?

"D-d-d-daddy" he held his arm up to me and that's when I fell, hugging him and kissing his head,

"I'm right here buddy. I'm right here" I cried.

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