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< Thursday >
< Fourth of July >

{ Maddie }

The girls and I got up early and started prepping food for today. We had more friends coming today for a Fourth of July party. The guys took Landyn and went and got fireworks.

I sat at the counter cutting strawberries, Sierra was making a pasta salad, Crystal was putting together a salad, and KayKay was making little sandwiches,

"So Maddie, how has wedding planning been going?" KayKay asked,

"It's been going great. We picked colors and the venue. Crystal went with me and I found my dress" I grinned,

"What colors are you all doing?" Sierra questioned,

"Mint and gray" I nodded, "I actually found some bridesmaid's ones I like and they aren't ugly. I need to send you all the stuff"

"Ahh, I can't believe my best friend is getting married!" Crystal squealed,

"I have you to thank. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have met Calum"

"How's Landyn been doing with the marriage thing?" Sierra asked,

"He's so excited" I laughed, "He can't wait for us all to be Hood's"

"Calum and he have a really special bond" KayKay added,

"They do. I'm so grateful Calum took him in. I'm grateful for Calum. He's the best dad ever. He didn't have to accept Landyn, but he did"


Everyone showed up and Landyn latched on to my side. He definitely did not like all the people here. A lot of people were drinking and I think it made him nervous. He's okay if it's just the small group of us, but there were a lot of people. Calum and I weren't drinking because we knew he was nervous.

"Buddy, if we need to go sit in the room for a bit we can" I assured. He nodded and just kept holding my hand,

"I'm thirsty" he mumbled. I nodded and took him to the kitchen where Mitchy happened to be. I groaned. I know how Mitchy is,

"Ayy lady" he smirked as I opened the fridge and grabbed a juice box for Landyn, "Hey kid"

Landyn tucked into my legs,

"Hi Mitchy" I spoke then turned and went to walk outside, but he grabbed my arm,

"I just want to talk" he let go of my wrist,

"No!" Landyn yelled and pushed Mitchy, "Don't touch my Mommy"

"Landyn it's okay baby" I gently grabbed him but he pushed Mitchy again. I thanked God when Calum walked in,

"Mitchy, go outside please" he sighed then knelt down in front of Landyn. He glanced up at me,

"Mitchy grabbed my wrist because he wanted to talk to me and it freaked Landyn out" I explained,

"Mitchy wasn't trying to hurt Mommy," Calum told him. Landyn just stared making Calum stand. Landyn then lifted his arms and Calum picked him up. The three of us went back outside and Calum took Landyn over to where Michael was,

"Hey Maddie, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare him or hurt you" Mitchy walked up and apologized,

"It's fine. He's just gone through a lot and seen a lot and it scared him" I waved it off,

"Well I'm sorry. I'm going to go tell him too"

I nodded and appreciated that gesture Mitchy made. I really wasn't expecting that.


I was sitting with the girls when Landyn crawled up in my lap, laying his head on my chest,

"You tired?" I hummed and rubbed his back,

"Yeah" he sighed and closed his eyes. I let him stay there and rocked side to side, slowly watching him fall asleep,

"Does he still take naps?" Ali, who the guys work with, asked,

"Yeah. I don't make him take them he just usually does. It's not scheduled. He just falls asleep when he's tired" I shrugged, "But we're trying to get a little schedule since at school he will have a scheduled nap time"


It got chilly as the sun went down. We all slipped on hoodies and headed down to the beach. I sat between Calum's legs and Landyn sat between mine. Landyn's not a big fan of fireworks so I don't know how this will go,

"Landyn, if you want to go inside just tell me" I whispered. He nodded and settled back into me. I felt Calum kiss the side of my neck before I tilted my head and kissed his lips.

Ashton started setting off fireworks and everyone watched. Landyn jumped every time, then eventually had enough. I went to take him inside but Calum stopped me and took Landyn in instead.

I finished up the show then went inside myself, finding my boys cuddled up in bed and playing a game on the Switch.

I changed clothes then got in bed with them. Landyn was practically falling asleep as he played his Paw Patrol game,

"Let's put this up and go to sleep" I laughed, gently taking it from him and turning it off. Landyn didn't even fight me on it. He just cuddled his blanket and closed his eyes. Calum chuckled and leaned up,

"Goodnight buddy" he kissed Landyn's head then leaned over and kissed my lips,

"Goodnight baby. I love you"

"I love you too"

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